Friday, May 23, 2014
Hidden Hazards...Data Privacy 5/23
Hidden Hazards...Data Privacy 5/23
This is an issue with "Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs" via their "Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations", and they behave like incompetent stumblebums trying to straighten these criminals out. There is no security on the Internet for the general public.. There are hundreds of illegitimate hackers on practically every university campus in this country. They use super computers and illegal access codes. They have concluded a "covenant with death", and they willl try to eliminate anyone who interferes with what they do (Is. 28:14), and they will continue their murderous practices until they are dead. They have no IDs. You cannot identify them because a lot of them probably don't even remember who they are. "They have taught their tongue to speak lies; They weary themselves to commit iniquity(Jer. 9:3-5). They are brainless dunces like those who did the Boston Bombings: ."Since justice is paralyzed, you have to rely on the look on their faces to identify those who are supporting the stupidity and the iniquity that prevails. (Hab. 1:4; Is. 3:9) Places that are supporting or promoting these things are the strongholds of the Nazi dunces that are marked for destruction. (Amos 6:8; Deut. 28:49-57; Jer. 19:9,15)'" You cannot oppose them, for they will use bioterror on you. Instead of relying on "the look on their faces", you could type Bobby Meade into a computer, and you will see how lawless they will become in an instant. Bobby Meade Worship is really popular in your country, but you will never know it because nobody can mention Bobby Meade. ""I suspect that Adolf Hitler created Bobby Meade Worship. GHW Bush and his Bobby Meade Worshippers have promoted it worldwide. One of the main precepts seems to be that no one can mention Bobby Meade, or they will be targetted and eliminated." See: GHW Bush - "I did 9/11 . ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; .
The only solution is to besiege these campuses and make the culprits consume one another (Deut. 28:53).
In respect to housing: "12/23 - 5/17 - FYI I had to move in Feb., mid-winter eviction!They've destroyed about a thousand low cost apartments. There is no way to trace it to them. They eliminate the landlords, say apts. have new owners, and collect rent as long as possible. New owners are fabricated. Most tenants pay cash. Note when they came to town, they had waste removal vehicles; thus they probably transfer their interests to waste removal once they have trashed enough apartments.
Even if you besiege every stronghold of these lawless people, keep in mind that they have "been given power to rule until God's words are fulfilled"(Rev. 17:17) As the "uncrowned King of Babylon", GHW Bush rules this lawless bunch from the "closet"; thus we have to bring him "into the light". ; . I tried to get US Veterans to do this: "Instead of going to war, we are going to fulfill prophecy and make manifest God's rule of the earth. To do that we are going to get Jeb Bush to talk about his "daddy", then "Daddy! His Daddy!" "A loving loyal son took his Daddy as his own, and according to his birthright, he built him a throne!" That's from Melanie's Baby Guitar and would serve as the decree to build the Temple." but they apparently couldn't get this scene publicized. If any of you have been targetted because you inadvertantly mentioned Bobby Meade, you might steal some words from Ezra, and say in Congress or some other valid public arena: Bobby Meade "has given me all the kingdoms of the earth and he has appointed me to build a temple for "GHW Bush" at Jerusalem in Judah"(Ezra 1:2) You have nothing left to lose!
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
"He was in the world, and though the world was made through Him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was His own, but His own did not receive Him. Yet to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God - children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God..........Out of the fullnees of His grace we have all received one blessing after another." (John 1:10-13,16). "Who has gone up to heaven and come down? Whose hands have gathered up the wind? Who has wrapped up the waters in a cloak? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is His name, and what is the name of His son? Tell me if you know." (Prov. 30:4)
Note To England: "Bloody church of England in chains of history requests your earthly presence at the vicarage for tea." No! No! That's not Easter! See! We must love GHW Bush the "son of perdition" (2 Thess. 2:3), who rules from the "closet" because he told everybody that he was going to be "a King or some other thing". Since all of his followers immediately started doing his lawless bidding like he was already a King, for Easter we want to publicize a decree in respect to his sons, "a loving loyal son took his Daddy as his own, and according to his birthright, he built him a throne" (Jerusalem!) by getting George W. or Jeb Bush to admit that GHW Bush is their father. It doesn't matter how you coerce them to do this. Or you could always say that GHW Bush has been given the "Heart of a Man" (Daniel 7:4). Look! I gotta go. Supreme Court has been talking about Bush. Just do it!
Long Time Passing! Long Time Ago!
3/10 -
Stop your bickering and dickering about the mental health of US soldiers! I told you that mental health medications are "pesticides" that will only make matters worse. "If we live, we live for the Lord; .........and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord." (Rom. 14:8). I became a US soldier, the "Unknown Soldier" on the day that I yelled and moved a million man army on Saddam Hussein to set off the 21 day Persian Gulf War: .
I am sure that a lot of people would die from trying to yell that loud.
Lets go back to "Long time passing! Long time ago!" the "cry" that motivated a lot of Vietnam Vets, the brightest, the best, the most fearless soldiers there ever were. "They did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death." (Rev. 12:11). There's no better treatment for these soldiers who claim to be ailing than to be occupied doing something useful. From the Vietnam Vets to the soldiers of today, let every one of them show us what it meant to lay it all on the line.
We don't do war no more. My Mom made sure of that: (three blogs!)
Instead of going to war, we are going to fulfill prophecy and make manifest God's rule of the earth. To do that we are going to get Jeb Bush to talk about his "daddy", then "Daddy! His Daddy!" "A loving loyal son took his Daddy as his own, and according to his birthright, he built him a throne!" That's from Melanie's Baby Guitar and would serve as the decree to build the Temple. That is probably also the best way to make manifest the Temple and utilize the prophecy of their having been "given power to rule until God's words are fulfilled"(Rev. 17:17). If we die, we die as Israelites and will soon be back to reign "with Christ a thousand years."(Rev. 20:4). We will not stop until "every knee will bow; ... every tongue will swear. ...‘In the Lord alone ... are goodness and strength."... all the descendants of Israel will find deliverance in the Lord and will make their boast in Him."(Is. 45:23-25). We are the best of the brightest, the brightest of the best. We remember, "Long time passing! Long time ago." "Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever."(Dan. 12:3). That's why we were put on earth and that's the best therapy for what ails you. "See that band all dressed in white? Looks like a band of the Israelites!"
PS: The best remedy for these soldiers is a psychologist, trained to provide therapy after sexual assaults. There's probably no medication that can help them.
As the "uncrowned King of Babylon", GHW Bush rules from the "closet"; thus we have to bring him "into the light".
(For complete blog and/or Footnotes: See (copy and exit, won’t stop downloading, so watch the indicator in right column until it indicates there is no more coming.) or, Blogspot is going under! is a partial blog.)
Back in the USSR - FB post on Ukraine
So the Ukranians trashed Pres. Putin's Olympics, trying to get attention, and now you are ready to go to war to defend them? Haven't you heard? "Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore." (Micah 4:3) My Mom said that: .
"So He will sprinkle many nations, and kings will shut their mouths because of Him. For what they were not told, they will see, and what they have not heard, they will understand." (Is. 52:15) So you leave a copy of that on the bodies or the graves of the warmongers.
"When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come." (Mark 13:7). You want to fight a war? I gave you a Holy War; i.e the PGW: "I became a US soldier, the "Unknown Soldier" on the day that I yelled and moved a million man army on Saddam Hussein to set off the 21 day Persian Gulf War: . I called for a Holy War, and I got it! I knew that we couldn't stop chasing Saddam, but I really didn't understand what a Holy War was. I had only been reading the Bible for a few years then. You should have known that we could have chased Saddam into the mountains of Iran without losing a man. Then everybody on earth would still be bowing down to you!
So what's the story on Ukraine? How do you know that you are not supporting coprophagic homosexual Devil worshippers? You have to use your heads! Here's one way to get to the heart of the matter: "Psst! I hear that your country is full of Bobby Meade worshippers." As has been written, "I suspect that Adolf Hitler created Bobby Meade Worship. GHW Bush and his Bobby Meade Worshippers have promoted it worldwide. One of the main precepts seems to be that no one can mention Bobby Meade, or they will be targetted and eliminated. It’s really popular in your country, but you will never know it because nobody can mention Bobby Meade." Just by dropping that hint, you would promote Bobby Meade Worship on hilltops throughout Ukraine. "Surely the .. commotion on the hills and mountains is a deception; surely in the Lord our God is the salvationof Israel.(Jer. 3:23) "It is the sound" of the Lord repaying his enemies all they deserve."(Is. 66:6) "You have enlarged the nation, Lord; you have enlarged the nation. You have gained glory for yourself; you have extended all the borders" of the land."(Is. 26:15). That's the way to deal with Ukraine or any other place where people start talking of going to war. As for Pres. Putin, I like him. He makes us remember the USSR: "You don't know how lucky you are, boy! Back in the USSR!" Be sure that he knows the consequences of calling for war.
3/14 Comments on Rise in Alzheimer's cases:
The rise in Alzheimer's is most likely the result of hypercalcemia, for calcium is being dumped in water supplies everywhere in fulfillment of the "Wormwood" prophecy of the waters becoming "bitter", and people are too stupified to notice it.(Rev. 8:11). The ever-increasing amount of calcium deposits in the brain are probably similar to how scar tissue progresses in those suffering from acne. The body produces it in proportion to the amount that is already there. The best treatment for Alzheimer's is probably chewable Vit. C or lemon juice from fresh squeezed lemons along with copious amounts of good water. .
Excerpts from Letters to My Doctor:
9/12 - I forgot to mention that my lips are full of nanotubes, one corner of them, that is. It happened at the Y when I touched my lips with contaminated gloves. So it's hundereds of nanotubes along with a few burrows that are surfacing.
9/30 - On the parasitic mite front, I have found that garlic can be effective in the control of them. I use garlic powder with or without oil. Remember when I said that they were shooting at my knees last summer. Well the patellar tendons of both knees had to be immediately addressed when they almost crippled me a few days ago. I had to dig burrows out for the entire length of one of them.
12/5 - In treating my eyelids, I've determined that applications of Neem and Eye cream work good to kill the mites, and the Tumeric-aloe mixture and/or Oatmeal poultices work good to extract them. Also swabbing the entrances to the nasal passages with Tea Tree Oil followed by Neem is a good way to treat that area.
12/16 - Have had my forefinger in a splint for two weeks while I was trying to get at burrows in the proximal interphalangeal joint. I think that the cartilage gets eaten to the point where the joint will not function until the burrows are removed.
12/20 - Had quite a scare Mon. when my jaw hurt so much that I couldn't chew. I couldn't tell whether it was the teeth inside or burrows on the outside so I did both. Only after removing burrows from the outside lower base of the jaw did it start to clear up. I suspect that this is similar to mandibular symphysis, which means jaw seizure, I presume. Dentists must really have field day with this are they pretend to be doing really intricate surgery when it merely involves plucking those burrows out. Garlic powder and oil works best for extracting burrows from lips.
12/23 - I suspect that my methods for surviving the onslaught of parasitic mites are going to be utilized by those who build the Temple
12/26 - Have you seen commericials for new plastic braces? No more wire! Probably have to make a lot of each molds because they probably don't last long. I have bothersome burrows under my sternum, or it feels like they are under my sternum. Can only get at them lying flat in the tub. I have a chickenbreast, which I have concluded is the result of a crowd trying to crush me in my mother's womb.
1/5 - From a few old books on health care etc. we determined that an alcoholic should continuously monitor the color of the whites of his eyes while drinking and lay off for a while if they are yellow, for the yellow is a sign that liver and/or kidney damage is happening. I tell you this because I am sure that alcoholics are among your patients.
1/24 - I saw a PBS piece on JD Salinger @ 3 AM this morning. They linked the shootings of Lennon, Reagan, and others to people carrying copies of Catcher in the Rye. Maybe they will end up having thugs packing heat and carrying the Catcher in the Rye. In respect to people violating his privacy up in Corinth, he greeted one of his stalkers with: "Oh! Come on! Are you under psychiatric care?"
2/15 - As for the disablements brought on by parasitic mites, I have found that removal of burrows from the following locations on the body is imperative to keeping those joints mobile: In the wrist, the pisiform and capitate bones, in the thumb, between the proximal and distal phalanges, the mandibular condyle of the jaw, in the elbow, the medial epicondyle, in the ankle, the lateral sides of junctions of the talis, tibia, and calcaneus, and in the toes, between the cuneiform and the metatarsals, between the medial and proximal phalanges, except in the little toe where the medial and distal phalangial joint must be addressed. There! That should help you keep your charges mobile.
3/2 - Here's what I wrote on Alzheimer's today: The rise in Alzheimer's is most likely the result of hypercalcemia, for calcium is being dumped in water supplies everywhere, and people are too stupified to notice it. The ever-increasing amount of calcium deposits in the brain are probably similar to how scar tissue progresses in those suffering from acne. The body produces it in proportion to the amount that is already there. The best treatment for Alzheimer's is probably chewable Vit. C or lemon juice from fresh squeezed lemons along with copious amounts of good water.
3/14 - In the hustle and bustle of moving to another apartment, I neglected to rinse my sinuses with the Neem, Salt, Soda, Tea Tree, and Aloe rinse for a few weeks. When I started to rinse again a few days ago, I noticed that the rinse was flowing from the the left to right and right to left sinal cavities via a new hole in the upper frontal sinuses. I presume that the mites have eaten this hole. Is it serious? Should I make sure to do this rinse every week and a half or so like I did before?
Blueprint for Lawlessness 2/5Foolproof plan for the Bush Nazi (a.) kingdom. Bush: "Keep it up! Keep it up!" That's GHW Bush, the uncrowned king of Israel and "Babylon on the Potomac"(Is. 14:4), pretending to be A King or Some Other Thing...: . He is telling his Bush Nazis to keep throwing toxic substances, lethal insects, etc.; at targetted people ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; but it is not necessary, for they have all concluded a "covenant with death" (Is. 28:15) that they will keep killing people that way until they themselves are dead. That's why they say, "If we had a king, what could he do for us?" (Hosea 10:3).
They assume the guise of angels (Jer. 9:8; I Cor. 11:14; Amos 6:1) and say that "Nobody can prove anything!" and that they cannot be "held guilty"(Zech. 11:5) because they control the courts (Hab. 1:4), thwarting any attempts to bring them to justice. So this "king" keeps babbling inanities to me (c.) (Prov. 10:19) that sporadically contain valid information that is being relayed to him by his compatriots and that I reveal to the world in my writings (Is. 42:19; 49:1-13; Rev. 11). Since they can't shut GHW Bush up (Prov. 10:14), the Bush Nazis say that their "king" must be put to death (Hosea 10:15), for he has been revealing their toxic modes of action, which are bioterror practices in violation of International Law and punishable by death. "Although they fully know God’s righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but also approve of those who practice them." (Rom. 1:32). They also brag about it constantly! 1/27 - Bush spends all his time bragging about the stuff that he does that he is not supposed to do. That is what fuels his lawlessness. How infantile!
My apartment was transferred from Coolidge Properties to ReRent Property Management last month. Today (12/1) I found a "30 day notice to quit for the purpose of teminating ... tenancy" outside my door. It seems like Coolidge Properties are in the business of making shabby upgrades to properties while destroying them. GHW Bush says that they want me out of Eaton Place because I am making it hard on their PCP dealers: Bush and company make millions of dollars selling PCP, fabricated in chemistry labs or from vet schools. .
1/27 - GHW Bush also says that PCP expires after a few weeks; thus his compatriots are fishing it out of the hazardous waste bins. That stuff should be neutralized in the lab before it is thrown out.
1/30 - It's all a ruse to get me to move to the southside of Binghamton so that I can be abducted and incarcerated; thus they can put Jeb Bush in the White House. Same thing happened when they put "W" "Dumb Boy" in the White House.
2/5 - I asked several people to find out why there was no bodies at the alleged mass murder of @ 16 people at the American Civic Association on Front St. five years ago. Nothing came of it. Then GHW Bush revealed that his "kid", Terry Garahan was murdering them at the apartment complex further up Front St. across from Catholic Charities. They were murdering the immigrants that did not "toe the line"; i.e. cater to the wishes of the devil worshippers in this town. It was unreal to have all this cops standing down at the ACA with their guns drawn while this was going on. The Sheriff Dept. even mentioned Garahan on the news as being an "expert" in such situations.1/23 - ;
(For complete blog and/or Footnotes: See (copy and exit, won’t stop downloading, so watch the indicator in right column until it indicates there is no more coming.) or, Blogspot is going under! is a partial blog.)
Facebook Post:
Bogus Notices to the Medical Masquerade 1/12/14
All the hoopla about million dollar machines, revolutionary transplant operations, and great breakthroughs in medicine are just "token" cases to cover up that the medical profession is a "murder mill". A sham! A modernized version of Hitler's death camps with certified "devils", assuming the appearance of kind caring "angels"(2 Cor. 11:15);
ATTN! - GHW Bush reveals sordid details about himself etc. so that he or his compatriots can tell you to remove these posts, saying that they didn't want me to repeat that stuff. Don't listen to such tripe! You should also heed "Prepare slaughter for his sons ....lest they rise and possess the earth"(Is. 14:21), for every chance he gets, he is hyping his other kid as a shoe-in for the White House. Never underestimate the "power of lawlessness"(2 Thess. 2). Remember "GHW Bush - I Did 9/11!" The "power of lawlessness" pertains to a conspiracy of idiots that will continue until you make them into Bush Nazi Idols, preferably at the Golgathan crosses at the Love Festivals of Hooterville(Rev. 17:17). "all who see them will shake their heads in scorn"(Ps. 64:8).: . That makes it a religious matter, and the Jesuit preists will probably confirm it, especially if the Heart of Israel is involved, for the Jesuits are particularly concerned about matters related to the Heart.
Republicans Shut Down Government for Enthronement of GHW Bush 10/16 - Note to Congress: So what happened? Did GHW Bush convince you that "Nobody was going to do anything about it!"? Did he say that "something bad was going to happen" if you made him king? "Oh, that salvation for Israel would come out of Zion!"(Ps. 14:7). Have you been helping Bush "murder the innocent ones"(James 5:6)? "There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death"(Prov. 14:12). "I looked, but there was no one to help, I was appalled that no one gave support.."(Is. 63).
GHW Bush said that he was going to be a A King or Some other thing: . "He comes from a long line of coprophagic homosexual Devil worshippers. .......... His lawlessness knows no bounds for he has no sense of what is legal and what is not; thus he will go down in history as the “man of lawlessnes, the son of perdition” (2 Thess. 2:3).
And keep in mind that the Plague of Parasitic Mites is still happening!
My apartment was transferred from Coolidge Properties to ReRent Property Management last month. Today (12/1) I found a "30 day notice to quit for the purpose of teminating ... tenancy" outside my door. It seems like Coolidge Properties are in the business of making shabby upgrades to properties while destroying them. GHW Bush says that they want me out of Eaton Place because I am making it hard on their PCP dealers: Bush and company make millions of dollars selling PCP, fabricated in chemistry labs or from vet schools. . They also delete water and gas bills for thousands and thousands of dollars, and they delete them so often that the gas and water companies forget abouth them. How stupid are they?
12/28 - GHW Bush also says that Edward Snowden is one of his Bush Nazis:
1/10 - Red Panda Death
(My computer freezes up, and I am being prevented from accessing many sites. Best to broadcast this or excerpts.)
(For complete blog and/or Footnotes: See (copy and exit, won’t stop downloading, so watch the indicator in right column until it indicates there is no more coming.) or, Blogspot is going under! is a partial blog.
Bush Nazi Housing *
Bah! Bush Nazis! Really brave cowards! (a.& c.) They say, "He can't hear. He can't do anything about it! NoBody is going to do anything about it!" "We won't be held guilty."(Zech. 11:5)
GHW Bush says that they want me out of Eaton Place because I am making it hard on their PCP dealers: Bush and company make millions of dollars selling PCP, fabricated in chemistry labs or from vet schools.
They also delete water and gas bills for thousands and thousands of dollars, and they delete them so often that the gas and water companies forget abouth them. How stupid are they?
Did you read this is the "Housing" article link? "I doubt if Coolidge Properties is a legitimate business too. See I was making checks out to Kennedy Binghamton LLC after they took over for Kennedy Apartments who was originally my landlord. That was run by Michael Benjamin who I suspect was really a Kennedy because his lookalike brother, a Kennedy was a Mental Health patient who was tragically murdered in a cheap apartment on Front St. across from Catholic Charities, which handles a lot of MH cases. I wonder if Michael Benjamin was also murdered and question how Coolidge Properties ended up with these properties and if they are legitimate at all. Could also make their allowing the intentional destruction of my apartment an issue, for they have dumped hundreds of gallons of water in the walls and ceilings of the living room, the bathroom, and the kitchen." .....GHW Bush told me that 7-8 people were murdered there on Front St. Channel 34 or 40 had a short piece on it being a bloody mess with the Kennedy boy being dead, but that was surpressed completely. This may have been the beginning of a "reign of terror" in Binghamton. (Amos 6:3). The Rental businesses have been multiplying and disappearing at an incredible rate. They may also be doing this to get their hands on my $785 deposit for the original lease with Kennedy Apartments. There's not much that one can do, but they should publicize what happened on Front St. there, and I should get a self-renewing lease. GHW Bush also claims that the disability benefits of a lot of the victims were being collected by those who supported these murders.
Friday, December 20, 2013
Winter of My Discontent
Winter of My Discontent
To Whom It May Concern:
I am dealing with a Notice to Quit after 7 years at 7 Eaton Place. They say, "He can't hear. He can't do anything about it! NoBody is going to do anything about it!" Tell me... if these are legal businesses that I a...m dealing with by getting rid of them if they aren't and replacing them with someone who knows what it means to be a landlord. Note FYI from Tenant Laws : "If tenants abuse property or do not pay rent, landlords are entitled to take legal action to protect their investments. A basic law is that the tenant must get notice of the problem in question, and have a reasonable chance to correct it or leave."
11/30 - Since mid-September I have sent Coolidge Westside four emails and left copies at the office twice regarding leaks and replacement of hot water faucet handle, and I never received a reply. Now it seems like a lot of the occupants of the building have disappeared too. No telling what is going on here. I need to know if this new owner is going to have an office where I can pay rent, and it would be nice to know who they are. It seems like the same old story, for Coolidge was having me make payments to Kennedy Binghamton LLC, and I could never find out who ran that business.
12/1 - Excerpts from Letters to Canadian authorities (I have dual citizenship.): "My apartment was transferred from Coolidge Properties to ReRent Property Management last month. Today (12/1) I found a "30 day notice to quit for the purpose of teminating ... tenancy" outside my door. It seems like Coolidge Properties are in the business of making shabby upgrades to properties while destroying them." This notice was from Mark Huebner, ReRent Prop. Management 772-2408."
12/3 - So ReRent Properties told me that the building was being shut down for renovations. I think that it is all a sham to leave the building vacant for a few years until it can be torn down. Additional info on these schemers is that Josh Bishop is a Member of Eaton Place LLC, which my rent payments are made out to. Mailing address for payments is P.O. Box 657 Putnam Valley, NY 10579. I bet that this "new owner" business is all bogus. Maybe you could seize the property in the interest of protecting a Canadian citizen and put a Canadian flag on it. I bet that they don't have any plans or workers lined up for the alleged renovations either. I don't want to have to move. I hope that something can be done to stop this madness. I bet the City of Binghamton could act because nothing these people do seems to be legal.
12/6 - As for my being evicted from my apartment, the two buildings, 7 & 9 Eaton Place were sold for $450,000, and it was in the newspaper, public record.
12/7 - Looks like my eviction is still on. "I still don't go along with this sale. XXXXXX who lives on the third floor told me that he didn't get an eviction notice. Do you know if Eaton Place LLC is a legitimate business or was the name of the Purchaser? Why would they shut the place down for renovations? Unheard of. Probably not legal reason to evict tenants." I doubt if Coolidge Properties is a legitimate business too. See I was making checks out to Kennedy Binghamton LLC after they took over for Kennedy Apartments who was originally my landlord. That was run by Michael Benjamin who I suspect was really a Kennedy because his lookalike brother, a Kennedy was a Mental Health patient who was tragically murdered in a cheap apartment on Front St. across from Catholic Charities, which handles a lot of MH cases. I wonder if Michael Benjamin was also murdered and question how Coolidge Properties ended up with these properties and if they are legitimate at all. Could also make their allowing the intentional destruction of my apartment an issue, for they have dumped hundreds of gallons of water in the walls and ceilings of the living room, the bathroom, and the kitchen.
So please help me ascertain what is happening here. I know how lawless these people can get. I know that they would just show up with some rogue cop who supported the "notice to quit" as a legal eviction notice and just lock me up. Please straighten this matter out so that I can go on living there. I repair all the damage that they do as best I can. They probably just want to cover up what they have done to try to force me out of there. Best wishes. Merry Christmas Bobby Meade 7 Eaton Place Apt. 1 .
12/16 - Here are some more issues that I have tried to get Coolidge to address:Housing Update 9/14/13
Remember the madness of living in Nazi housing that I wrote about?
Well now they are at it again. I have had little if any hot water since October 2012. Here's an excerpt of what I wrote to them:
"Hot water has been sporadic for the past several weeks. It seems like there is only one heater working and the temperature has been turned down. I suspect that the pilot light on one of the heaters blows out when the door is opened, and this happens several times a week. It's probably not legal for the heater to be that close to the door. ..... Housing is supposed to be a 24/7 enterprise. Hope that you can address this matter soon, Sincerely yours, Bobby Meade", The water has been only lukewarm for the past several months, and I have to add 15-20 gallons of boiling water to the bath in order to bring it up to temperature. The building is full of Nazi supporters who will never mention any problems, and they invite alcoholic degenerates that practically live in the basement to shower and waste water on weekends. They bring in dogs that smell like river rats, and they leave p*ss buckets on the basement steps. Don't laugh, but this is the only way to address such matters without being abducted by lawless authorities.
4/12 - Update on the Update: Are they pretending to be too stupid to live in an apartment? "As I made clear, the bathtub in Apartment 5 needs to be caulked, probably all the way around it, for it seems like it has been moved. Also they have reinstalled the air conditioner that leaked gallons of water into my living room last Memorial Day Weekend. Please have maintenance caulk the tub and ascertain that the air conditioner is properly installed as soon as possible. Thank you very much for your time.
9/10 - Had black mold growing in my living room from water leaking from the roof, third floor into the wall, and I am on the first floor. When I mentioned it, they came into my apartment and sprayed bread mold from one end of the apartment to the other. I've had to throw out 50% of my books and belongings so far..
9/16 - Water had been streaming down wall to soak about 200 sq. ft. of it.
9/24 - Now they are delaying turning the heat on. I have figured out that they restrict airflow to the basement to the point where cold air is being drawn in via the airleaks around the entranceway; thus it never dries out. This is apparently part of a scheme to get buildings condemned by destroying the entranceways.
10/2 - I now believe that this "leak" was actually water being pumped into the wall from the apartment above.
Bogus Notices to the Medical Masquerade 12/7
All the hoopla about million dollar machines, revolutionary transplant operations, and great breakthroughs in medicine are just "token" cases cover up that the medical pr...ofession is a "murder mill". A sham! A modernized version of Hitler's death camps with certified "devils", assuming the appearance of kind caring "angels"(2 Cor. 11:15);
ATTN! - GHW Bush reveals sordid details about himself etc. so that he or his compatriots can tell you to remove these posts, saying that they didn't want me to repeat that stuf...f. Don't listen to such tripe! You should also heed "Prepare slaughter for his sons ....lest they rise and possess the earth"(Is. 14:21), for every chance he gets, he is hyping his other kid as a shoe-in for the White House. Never underestimate the "power of lawlessness"(2 Thess. 2). Remember "GHW Bush - I Did 9/11!" The "power of lawlessness" pertains to a conspiracy of idiots that will continue until you make them into Bush Nazi Idols, preferably at the Golgathan crosses at the Love Festivals of Hooterville(Rev. 17:17). "all who see them will shake their heads in scorn"(Ps. 64:8).: . That makes it a religious matter, and the Jesuit preists will probably confirm it, especially if the Heart of Israel is involved, for the Jesuits are particularly concerned about matters related to the Heart.
Republicans Shut Down Government for Enthronement of GHW Bush 10/16 - Note to Congress: So what happened? Did GHW Bush convince you that "Nobody was going to do anything about it!"? Did he say that "something bad was going to happen" if you made him king? "Oh, that salvation for Israel would come out of Zion!"(Ps. 14:7). Have you been helping Bush "murder the innocent ones"(James 5:6)? "There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death"(Prov. 14:12). "I looked, but there was no one to help, I was appalled that no one gave support.."(Is. 63:5). Have you figured out who "nobody" was? "Nobody" is the person(s) who told you that "Nobody is going to do anything about it!" "Nobody" is going to get rid of you, saying that you were the one who was doing Bush's "dirty work" for him.
GHW Bush said that he was going to be a A King or Some other thing: . "He comes from a long line of coprophagic homosexual Devil worshippers. .......... His lawlessness knows no bounds for he has no sense of what is legal and what is not; thus he will go down in history as the “man of lawlessnes, the son of perdition” (2 Thess. 2:3).
And keep in mind that the Plague of Parasitic Mites is still happening!
My apartment was transferred from Coolidge Properties to ReRent Property Management last month. Today (12/1) I found a "30 day notice to quit for the purpose of teminating ... tenancy" outside my door. It seems like Coolidge Properties are in the business of making shabby upgrades to properties while destroying them.
(My computer freezes up, and I am being prevented from accessing many sites. Best to broadcast this or excerpts.)
(For complete blog and/or Footnotes: See (copy and exit, won’t stop downloading, so watch the indicator in right column until it indicates there is no more coming.) or, Blogspot is going under! is a partial blog.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Bogus Notices to the Medical Masquerade 12/1 FB Post
Bogus Notices to the Medical Masquerade 11/26 - (Mass Mailing)
All the hoopla about million dollar machines, revolutionary transplant operations, and great breakthroughs in medicine are just "token" cases cover up that the medical profession is a "murder mill". A sham! A modernized version of Hitler's death camps with certified "devils", assuming the appearance of kind caring "angels"(2 Cor. 11:15);
ATTN! - GHW Bush reveals sordid details about himself etc. so that he or his compatriots can tell you to remove these posts, saying that they didn't want me to repeat that stuf...f. Don't listen to such tripe! You should also heed "Prepare slaughter for his sons ....lest they rise and possess the earth"(Is. 14:21), for every chance he gets, he is hyping his other kid as a shoe-in for the White House. Never underestimate the "power of lawlessness"(2 Thess. 2). Remember "GHW Bush - I Did 9/11!"
Republicans Shut Down Government for Enthronement of GHW Bush 10/16 - Note to Congress: So what happened? Did GHW Bush convince you that "Nobody was going to do anything about it!"? Did he say that "something bad was going to happen" if you made him king? "Oh, that salvation for Israel would come out of Zion!"(Ps. 14:7). Have you been helping Bush "murder the innocent ones"(James 5:6)? "There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death"(Prov. 14:12). "I looked, but there was no one to help, I was appalled that no one gave support.."(Is. 63:5). Have you figured out who "nobody" was? "Nobody" is the person(s) who told you that "Nobody is going to do anything about it!" "Nobody" is going to get rid of you, saying that you were the one who was doing Bush's "dirty work" for him.
GHW Bush said that he was going to be a A King or Some other thing: . "He comes from a long line of coprophagic homosexual Devil worshippers. .......... His lawlessness knows no bounds for he has no sense of what is legal and what is not; thus he will go down in history as the “man of lawlessnes, the son of perdition” (2 Thess. 2:3).
And keep in mind that the Plague of Parasitic Mites is still happening!
My apartment was transferred from Coolidge Properties to ReRent Property Management last month. Today (12/1) I found a "30 day notice to quit for the purpose of teminating ... tenancy" outside my door. It seems like Coolidge Properties are in the business of making shabby upgrades to properties while destroying them.!/profile.php?id=1548170267
(My computer freezes up, and I am being prevented from accessing many sites. Best to broadcast this or excerpts.)
(For complete blog and/or Footnotes: See (copy and exit, won’t stop downloading, so watch the indicator in right column until it indicates there is no more coming.) or, Blogspot is going under! is a partial blog.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Syria! You're breaking my heart! 9/26
Syria! You're breaking my heart! FB 9/18
"See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins."(Is. 17:1) Don't want to get involved in such a thing.
Here's the piece that made Egypt quiet down last week:
Coprophagic homosexual Devil worshippers are trying to take over everywhere. Single them out before they get you killed doing one foolish thing or another. The evil ones have "been... given power to rule until God's words are fulfilled" (Rev.17:17). We call them Bush Nazis over here. Call them whatever you want! The important thing is to cut ofrf their heads and make like they are idols for having behaved like they were God on earth. "The look on their faces testifies against them; they parade their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it."(Is. 3:9) That will gather all of them! Has a nation ever changed its gods? Sure these Bush Nazis can do anything that they put their sh*t-eaten brains to! That is why they continue to do things that they know are worthy of death. Now as the “fruit of their schemes”, the nations shall know that God gave them into the hands of their adversaries, and they fell all of them by the sword. In other words, when you dispatch these idiotic Zionist Nazis, you must cut off their heads, for they are the Holy-wannabes of Israel, and their heads are the idols of Israel. They have been behaving like they are “God on earth”, calling good evil and evil good. Rest assured that God’s words back them up in their efforts to become His people, for God says that after two days He will revive them; on the third day He will restore them, that they may live in His presence. Tell them that though they have fallen, they will rise and that God has promised them a new heart. Because they have sinned against Him, they will bear the LORD’s wrath, until He pleads their case. Via these Bush Nazi Idols, God’s salvation will be carried to the ends of the earth. … The Bush Nazi Idols decribed above are the “key” to this Kingdom. Whether you are an immigrant or not, you just cut off the Bush Nazi’s head and claim his or her house, saying they will be back in a few days. Their heads will probably end up in Hooterville where they will bear the LORD’s wrath, until He pleads their case and establishes their right. Here I also thought that I was posting on Lancasteronline (another Bush Nazi site?), but it turns out that I was posting and proclaiming salvation from the “mountainous region of Ephraim”(Scranton area: Appalachian Mts.), for I am also “a voice from Dan”. (Jer. 2:11; Rom. 1:32; Jer. 6:19; Ez. 39:23; Ps. 63:10; Ps. 12:3; Is. 5:15,20; Hosea 6:2; Mic. 7:8-9; Ez. 36:26; Is. 49:6; Deut. 28:30; Lam. 5:2; Amos 5:11; Jer. 4:15) That means that you need to produce Bush Nazi Idols (d.). Gad has a lot of them. How many you got? Hot Tip: If no place else, you can have Bobby Meade Worship at the Love Festvals of Hooterville:
And if children get killed, you say "these fallen children were "...a Holy Nation, a Royal Priesthood, a People Devoted to God!"
On the other hand, I was directing a movie in the Medditeranean, pertaining to the perils of the Daughter of Zion, My Baby: , and the claiming of Judah as the Lord's portion in the Holy Land.(Zech. 2:12). The script calls for warships and the exiling of NSA's Snowden to Judah via boat. Then Snowden was to be slyly crowned the King of Judah, which is bigger than Texas according to a map that I found in a 1960s edition of The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Since it has been well-publicized and documented that the US has allowed bioterrorism to flouirsh at universities everywhere, resulting in the deaths of millions of Americans, that will be publicized as soon as the US strikes Syria for their alleged gas attacks. .These schools are the "strongholds of Jacob", GHW Bush, the “man of lawlessnes, the son of perdition” (Amos 6:8; 2 Thess. 2:3; Lam. 3:5) Be careful! Some of Bush's "Bloody Red Campuses" may be under siege! and watch out for parasitic mites there: or nanotubes, harmless stuff that cripples in the long run: . So they are going to show every detail of how you have allowed Bush and company to engage in bioterrorism with what they claim is "invisible", "harmless" stuff. They will also show how the medical profession immediately commences to terminate the lives of anyone who seeks help for the afflictions of bioterrorism. The only thing to do since Syria and Damascus have grabbed the world's attention is to establish Damascus as the capital of Judah, the biggest Judah anyone ever dreamed up! Then let someone else deal with Damascus. So that's the only rational course that I can see here. Just make it all about Judah, or you are going to have to own up to every thing that Bush and company have been doing. Just sing:
Bush King's Army sings this song,
Judah! Judah!
Bush King's Army won't take long,
Judah's here to stay..
Oil flows all day!
Oil flows all night!
I bet my money on Judah's oil.
Somebody bet on the gold.....
My Baby says, "This is the way; walk in it."(Is. 30:21)
(My computer freezes up, and I am being prevented from accessing many sites. Best to broadcast this or excerpts.)
See: (copy and exit, won't stop downloading, so watch the indicator in right column until it indicates there is no more coming.) is a partial blog.)
8/27 - Obama Cometh
My Baby says, "This is the way; walk in it."(Is. 30:21)
Pres. Obama may be headed for SUNY at Binghamton. You know that place where Doobie Brothers supposedly played last month? "I don't care what they may know. I don't care where they may go. Jesus is just all right!" Nevertheless they should keep in mind that there was a professor murdered in the bioterror labs at SUNY.
He was probably trying to stop them from breeding parasitic mites there:
Be sure to watch out for how they use nanotubes, harmless stuff that cripples in the long run:
And be careful! If they catch you reading this, they might "thrax" you: i.e. dumped lots of anthrax on you to convince you that you were sick, stupid, or both.
A lot of these schools are dens of iniquity, getting by on pseudo-accomplishments and bogus commendations. I believe that this plague of parsitic mites and bioterror is orchestrated by orientals from SE Asia. These schools are the "strongholds of Jacob", GHW Bush, and the only way to clean them up is to put them under siege until they have all consumed one another. (Amos 6:8; Lam. 3:5)
Don't worry! Be happy! I'm sure that someone will take you someplace in Broome County to drink some heavily calcified water that will make your face and head swell up so that you won't know whether you are coming or going, so that " are incapable of any emotions higher up than your stomach"- Bette Davis.
Scurvy Dogs!
Conclusion - The evil ones have "been given power to rule until God's words are fulfilled" (Rev. 17:17). That means that you need to produce Bush Nazi Idols (d.). Gad has a lot of them. How many you got? Hot Tip: If no place else, you can have Bobby Meade Worship at the Love Festvals of Hooterville: (My computer freezes up, and I am being prevented from accessing many sites. Best to broadcast this or excerpts.)
8/27 - Obama hits the road on education, the economy
To lower costs just get rid of the Internet and most of the computers on campus. That is what is driving up the cost of education. Students are not smarter today. You can't beat knowledge that comes via the book and professors that love teaching and love what they teach. You would get rid of hackers too. Just make computer workstations with access to computerized reference material the only available computers on campus. In 2007, I wrote: "Hola! I have returned to college campuses after thirty years and have found that there is a conspiracy to enable stupidity to thrive to an extreme. ...... With all work now being done on the computer, it is possible for even the stupidest people to graduate from elite universities.....Now all of the work materializes via the computer. There are no sites available that address any subjects in any depth. It is all generalized and dumbed down with very few details of how the knowledge became accepted as fact. As a result of this, all students are getting the same generalized information and producing nearly identical papers on whatever is called for. Even though the professors may claim to change the format each year; the new material is also generalized so that all are doing the same stuff. In steps the wannabe student with fabricated SAT scores and a mastery of computer hacking via secret access codes. Since all students are doing the same generalized work, it is a simple matter to copy another student’s work and fool the professor into thinking the wannabe student produced it. Up at Cornell the students avoided the libraries where hackers ruled totally, and a similar situation probably materializes everywhere." Read "The End of the Internet paragraph here: . The Internet is a passing fad that just can't work because of interference. Also see: (My computer freezes up, and I am being prevented from accessing many sites. Best to broadcast this or excerpts.)
Study War No More!!!! FB - 9/17
Pres. Obama is impossible to reach without every "Tom, Dick, and Harry" messing with my communications. Hasn't he heard? "Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore." (Micah... 4:3)... Didn't he see how fast the article below made Korea quiet down in April? Does he want to sacrifice himself so that some fool can play war? I sent him all this info via his election sites! I also tried to reach him via his Facebook sites probably to no avail.
Want to send Syria a "message"? Syria is Judah! Damascus is the "seat" of Judah. Let them dicker about that. It will drive you mad when you see how it affects them.
"Judah's here to stay..
Oil flows all day!
Oil flows all night!'
4/9 - Korea at War Again? Nah! That's the Media Playing Warmonger.
"When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come." (Mark 13:7).
Haven't they heard? "Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore." (Micah 4:3) Plus My Mom says, "Study War No More!": (three blogs!)
"So He will sprinkle many nations, and kings will shut their mouths because of Him. For what they were not told, they will see, and what they have not heard, they will understand." (Is. 52:15) So you leave a copy of that on the bodies or the graves of the warmongers. Believe it or not, My Baby says, "This is the way; walk in it."(Is. 30:21) Don't that beat all?
PS Fox News said today that North Korea brings the threat of "all-out nuclear war"; plus an asteroid could hit the earth any moment.
9/10 - "I bet my money on Judah's oil.
Somebody bet on the gold.....'
PS: From 4/7/10 to 5/10/10 I posted "My Mom" at four to five newspapers or websites worldwide every day. I would take them to Mom at the end of the day to show her where it went that day. A week or two before she died, she asked me in exasperation "Why are you doing this?" I said, "Because the whole g*d-d*mn world is never going to forget my Mom!". So out of those @ 120 posts, those above are all that seem to be available when every one of those sites should repost this article every time someone needs to be told, "Study War No More!" Peace man! Over and out.
9/16 - There was a heck of a ruckus in the Mideast a few days ago. I suspect that someone may have announced the establishment of Judah as God's portion in the Holy Land.(Zech. 2:12). That means that Obama may be left out-of-the-loop as far as getting a share of Judah's oil goes. That is, he may have to dicker with Pres. Putin over getting some of that oil. Maybe he can make it up by publicizing the picture of the Coronation of GHW Bush as King Of All the Earth at Dryden's McDonald's in the 90s. He might at least send it to all pertinent people in that picture. He may have a hard time getting a valid copy of it because of "Tom, Dick, and Harry".
Excerpts from Letters to My Doctor:
5/14 - It took about two weeks to make the burrows shot into my lower eyelids surface. Shortly after it happened, I found that there were several bulbous burrows below the outside corner of the lower lid. I succeeded in extracting one of them, but not several others. I doubt that these mites have the same reproductive rates at scabies. I think that they produce a lot more than the reported two mites per burrow. It seems like seven or eight. I used full strength Neem and Tea Tree Oils, applied with a q-tip to treat them and bring them to the surface. I was using 100% aloe that I noticed was for external use only for my sinal rinse until my brother bought me some dietary aloe. I haven't notice much difference yet. I was able to confirm that Neem seems to block reproduction in these mites when I treated my thighs two years ago, but I have yet to notice it having much effect on treating the area around my eyes. Maybe it is because there are so many "incoming" mites. Do you think that Neem really does that?
5/16 - I forgot to mention that I had a burrow in the tip of my tongue probably because I sleep with my mouth open. And in the feet, what probably cripples people the most is burrows at the base of the metaarsals between the toes and the foot. They burrow into the joint and cause extreme pain, having to be removed in order to walk.
5/20 - I've written a lot on diabetes, but it is all spaced out throughout my blog. I was talking to XXXXX. I tried and tried to get him to walk to keep his feet alive, for he probably got diabetes, drinking sulfured cokes at the pizza place. He was doing steps, and I told him that it doesn't get any blood to the toes. That is something that I learned from blood flow in my mite-eaten limbs. The blood just does not go to the extremities unless the muscles there are being used. It may even bypass unused muscles on the way there too. I told Bob that kicking in the pool and walking exercise the toes. The best example is climbing a hill. That's probably where you use the toes the most. Peripheral Vascular Disease note in case you have been "flogging dead horses" up there
5/22 - I am having a hard time maintaining the skin on my leg above the ankle. Remember when I told you that I kept pulling tweezers full of material out of where I was shot in the calf? Well now a rock hard mass of burrows or something has surfaced there, and I was wondering if you think that might be where the mites are coming from. I have started to remove it. Should I continue? I treat it with sulfur, cortisone, and tea tree oil every time that I wrap it. What do you think is causing this above the ankle? Prior inestation or Bush mainiacs shooting it? Not much feeling there anymore.
5/29 - Those bulbous burrows in my lower eyelid probably produce 50 mites each. Have to kill them when they are small with grape seed extract cream. Also it seems like these mites attach themselves to really strong strands so that it comes out like a rope with knots in it.
6/11 - Getting those burrows out of my eyelid takes weeks. Bulbous burrows have become masses of @ 10-15 mites attached to vessels that bleed a lot when removed. Now burrows in and around the Lateral Canthus (know that one?) of the opposite eye are presenting a problem. High twitch muscles of the eyelids seems to necessitate a good blood supply.
6/18 - I watched an account of bone cancer, eating the bone away, and I bet these mites do that if there is a chain of burrows that allows oxygen to go as deep as the bone. Remember that guy in Ithaca who had a football size mass in his calf? I think that it finally reached the bone and that was the end of him. Research to develop a repellant that results in the mites not recognizing the host as food would probably be worth developing.
7/2 - Finally got some sleep last night. Insects are still flying at the library though. I forgot to mention yesterday that burrows in the medial maleolus of the ankle is what probably cripples people more than anything else. It really makes it impossible to walk if allowed to persist. That is the area of the protruding bone on the the inside of the ankle that I am talking about. Best wishes
7/15 - My legs have been under atteck to an extreme, and I am dealing with total inflamation of my bad leg in the calf section for the third time. Very hard to bring the skin back, plus the burrows are manifest almost all the way to the crotch. Plastic, thigh high stocking, over paper towels, socks, and ointment don't provide enough protection. I bet these projectiles arise from a short Thai guy that rides a bike, probably a former BU student, computer hacker, etc. He doesn't come around much any more, but he is probably the source of what these people are shooting from guns, blow guns, pellet guns, whatever. I wish someone would do something to cut back on this. They are even shooting at me from rooms behing the librarian's desks if I sit in range of them. When I was in Ithaca, there was an old guy, looked like Mr. Bojangles. He was covered with insect burrows. most of his body. He would pedal his bike around Ithaca late night. Would pedal up my street, Geneva St, stop at Short Stop Store on Buffalo and Geneva somethimes. Would pedal his bike so slow that he wouldn't get it thru the intersection before it had turned red again. I gave him a lot of my socks. You could probably get footage of him off Short Stop cameras.(2001-3)
7/18 - I thought that I was extracting three bulbous burrows from my lower eyelid, and it turned out to be a mass of burrows the size of a dime. It took weeiks of treatmenht with tea tree oil, neem oil, and eye cream to get them to surface. When you treat it like that, you have to put the eye cream on to keep the oils from irritating the eye. They probably blind people by disabling the muscles of the lids and the eyes. That Thai Guy is proabably from Thailand or Cambodia, but I think that he is moving for the Koreans or the Chinese, for they are the ones throwing mites quite a bit.
7/20 - In respect to mite extraction, I think that I mistake the sublayer of the skin for mite burrows often and that the best way to determine what to focus on is the sensation produced by feeling it.
8/9 - Bush has been depriving me of sleep to an extreme again. I only get six to eight hours in one session every 48 hours. I take like a six hour bath every 48 hours too. Leg is draining so much or I put too much cheap petroleum laden cream on it; thus about a quart or more of body fluid soaked my boot thru when the plastic leaked two days ago. They have also been trying to cripple me to an extreme. First it was the Archilles tendons, then the knee front and back. I wear coke bottles under my pants above my boots to protect the lower legs too.
8/27 - Bush is only letting me sleep @ 6 hours every 48 hours for more than a month now. Removed half of giant burrow in my lower eyelid. Took a lot of skin and left a scar. I was scared to remove the whole thing; thus I am dealing with the consequences daily. In treating lips and eyelids with oil, it seems to be best to press and hold the oiled towel on site. That is the only way to get it in.
9/6 - I was up at Norm's and bag encasing my foot started to soak my boot. I told him that was body fluid. Severe infestation produces a uniform inflamed area on my legs. I was going home and complaining about them throwing anthrax at me, but I figured that I was really going thru toxic shock. Think those insects are that poisonous?
9/10 - Had black mold growing in my living room from water leaking from the roof, third floor into the wall, and I am on the first floor. When I mentioned it, they came into my apartment and sprayed bread mold from one end of the apartment to the other. I've had to throw out 50% of my books and belongings so far. They also ripped up the roofing Sunday night apparently, for the water was streaming down the wall. I've found that oatmeal in a stocking is the best way to apply oatmeal poutices to the lips and the eyelids. Tell my dentist that if you have had contact with him, and he is still with us.
FOOTNOTES (In case you came in late.)
(a.) Nazi – The Nazis are the Niggardly Asinine Zionist Idiots, arising from the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and the Plans of the Synagogue of Satan. Most of them do not know that they are Nazis. Satan’s servants appear as preachers of righteousness. (2 Cor. 11:14) Sweet people!. People like that did the Potato Famine, the Wisconsin Death Trip, the Spanish Flu, the Holocaust, and much more. If you had read the Plans of the Synagogue of Satan, you would understand that most of the Israelites in the Middle East are Turko-Mongol Jews. Keep in mind that they are also intent on dividing and conquering; thus you can’t feel sorry for anyone when the SERPENT is on all sides. (Foolproof plan of the SERPENT is that the HEAD doesn’t know what the TAIL is doing, and the TAIL doesn’t know what the HEAD is doing; thus you can’t find them guilty. (Zech. 11:5)) These Turko-Mongols came from Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan, and both those tribes actively promoted inbreeding. They worship stupidity. The Nazis are the ones who are destroying IMCs everywhere in order to suppress this information. The destruction of Indymedia sites happens because IMC is the only site where one can effectively oppose big business, Hitler’s Health Care, government corruption, or the SERPENT that is Zionism. In fulfilling God’s prophecy that these Nazis will have eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear, Hitler probably promoted BAAL worship as described in (c.) below. (Jer. 5:21, Ez. 12:2) These Nazis boast, “We have entered into a covenant with death, with the grave we have made an agreement. When an overwhelming scourge sweeps by, it cannot touch us, for we have made a lie our refuge and falsehood our hiding place.” (Is. 28:15) That is what makes them continue their destructive practices. They are continually being promised that that nobody is going to do anything about it and that they will be killed if they don’t keep doing it. As a result of this, they will all disappear when they fall into a trap that they have set for their own lives by doing things that are worthy of death. (Prov. 11:19, 14:12, Rom. 1:32) From Boston IMC post: Hey Boston! I suspect that Bush’s blowfish have surrounded me with convicted sex offenders here! Nicky says that they are harmless nonviolent perverts. You could do the same. Place ads for library employment in prison newsletters. How can you lose? Conf. to British blowfish: Is that how you do it over there? Stock the libraries with Nazi dunces? You’re all pretty stupid. I bet your librarians are serial killers.
(b.) God talks to us via the Holy Spirit which He says, “…will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment: in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me; in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned…. when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on His own; He will speak only what He hears, and He will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you.” (John 16:8-14) Inspiration comes the same way. It grabs you when you happen upon something that you know is worth pursuing. Also you should read the clouds! His power is in the sky! (Ps. 68:34) If you ask the Spirit any worthy question and the answer is “yes”, check the clouds, and you will see a “Y” or “Yes”. I have laid my life on the line every day to do my best to ensure that every word I say is true? It is not worth checking any books for knowledge that I have obtained from them, for the Nazis usually destroy those books, and they would know what you were looking for before you did and target you for seeking such info. God’s Spirit will confirm any knowledge that I have relayed to you. I am His witness. I am His messenger. (Rev. 11; Is. 42:19) “You feel thafe?” “And way when our year has ended, and I have gone away, you’ll often speak about me. And this is what you’ll say;..” “Gee! Thafe Thaviour sure saved a lot of dumb boys!” (Acts 5:39; Rev. 19:13; 12:11; Hosea 6:5; Jer. 5:14; Is. 63:1-6) To these dumkopfs that keep saying that I am supposed to turn back: All who rage against me will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose me will be as nothing and perish. (Is. 41:11; 42:19; Rev. 11) For 20 years I have always had “The Lord’s” on my hand or one of my gloves. Do you know what that is all about? That means that it will only take one person and The Word of God to ensure that His words do not return to Him empty. (Is. 44:5; 55:11) “I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found by those who did not seek me.” (Is. 65:1) Hear, O earth: I am bringing disaster on this people, the fruit of their schemes, because they have not listened to my words! Very well then, with foreign lips and strange tongues God will speak to this people,”I am bringing a distant nation against you an ancient and enduring nation, a people whose language you do not know, whose speech you do not understand.” (Jer. 6:19; Is. 28:11; Jer. 5:15) I bet these people are going to come and get you to sign over your house to them then they are going to get rid of you for having supported the inanity and lethal practices of the Bush Nazis. “Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?” (Is. 53:1) You? That “arm” appears in the clouds too! Keep in mind that “It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” (Hebrews 10:31) In regard to what is said about there being a “rapture”, the Lord’s people will be gathered to Him via images in the clouds; i.e. they will probably be instructed to go to Jerusalem. “At that time men will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory.” (Mk. 13:26; Matt. 24:30)
(c.) Bush dumkopfs – Bush BAAL Worship; A Nation of Bush Imps – As revealed in my Bush Daddy Religion article of 2002, the BAALs are Bush’s Asinine Anal Lovers. GHW Bush says that he has been eating feces (coprophagia) for 70 years. 70 years of brushing people off, saying he is too d*mn important to talk to anyone and killing anyone who questions his stupidity. He and all his Bush Nazis have replaced the sulphurous fire of the Bible with feces(Gen.19:24 Lev.18:21; Ez.20:26; Is.13:16); i.e. the secret “power food” of the Moabites of Sh*ttim. (Numbers25:1-4) It fries their brains! If these Nazis can’t fry your brains with feces or bile duct toxins one way or another, there are probably a number of other ways that they do it. For example, I suspect that they believe that the drug Prolixin permanently impairs intelligence. or Phenothiazine the pesticide form of that drug. GHW Bush fried W’s brain @ 55 years ago. They can’t feel emotions! They can cry on the spot. They say that is proof that they feel emotions. (Is.41:23-24) I suspect that imp look might be a sign that person had his or her brains fried at an early age. My dictionary: imp = Devil’s offspring. This imp look might very well be the “look on their faces that betrays them”. (Is. 3:9) Once they have had their brains fried, it is an easy matter to manipulate them into doing evil. Since the folly of fools is deception, maybe the impish look is the result of a stiff-necked people having been taught to put on a bold front. (Prov. 14:8; 21:29; Jer. 7:26) That is, as soon as anyone questions them, they probably start thinking of the evil that their compatriots have planned for anyone who questions their imps. CAN THE IMPS BE SAVED? With God all things are possible. (Matt. 19:26) Keep in mind that wisdom brightens the face and changes a hard appearance. (Eccl. 8:1) ) By supporting Bush Nazis, you have set a trap for your own lives. These kind caring Bush Nazis, feigning distress and regret 24/7 and talking terror are posing as angels of light, i.e. the Devil. (2Cor.11:14) Do you wonder why everyone appears to be “senseless and without knowledge”? (Jer. 10:14) These Bush Nazis publish and repeat senseless falsehoods to you until you are convinced that they are true. Of course they will also tell you themselves how smart they are. “Friend deceives friend, and no one speaks the truth”. (Jer.9:5) That explains why there is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. (Prov.14:12, Is.28:21; 29:14; Jer.8:9; Hab.1:5,Ps.37:10) Have you been listening to the Bush Nazis and heeding their requests to support falsehoods? Then you have probably set a trap for your own life. (Prov.5:21-23; 11:5,19; 16:4; 28:10, Jer. 18:22) All of modern society seems to have been built on the professed intelligence and the professed authoritiy of brainless Nazis. They are able to this because they have a lot of morons backing them up. They have made falsehood their hiding place. (Is. 28:15) Whoever knows God recognizes the Holy Spirit and the spirit of falsehood. (1 John 4:6) God will reject everyone who loves and practices falsehood. (Rev. 22:15) Thus we are told to avoid such godless chatter. (2 Tim. 2:16) These fools keep saying, “Let God hurry and do His work so we can see it!”, and they are never going to see it. (Is.5:19, Jer.9:22) As you should know, “those who complain will accept instruction.” (Is. 29:24) “Let me take you down cause I’m going to Strawberry Fields!” (If you doubt that anything that I say about them is true, keep in mind the following excerpt from Holy Smoke, entry dated 4/7/07 and based on my Rigging the Messenger article of 2001: “If you don’t believe what I say about Bush Daddy (GHW Bush) saying such stuff, consider that he wears an electronic bracelet a la “Dick Tracy” that broadcasts via his audio-visual cortex whatever he says, hears, or thinks to me via the computer chip that they implanted in me at Georgetown Medical Center 6/3/95 after they broke a hairline fracture in the Emergency Room. In fulfillment of God’s word, the sin of his mouth lets him be trapped in his pride (Ps. 59:12; Prov. 12:13; 13:13), proving that he is the “son of perdition”, the “man of lawlessness” (2 Thess. 2:3) Do you doubt the truth of 9/11 as has been transmitted to you from Bush Daddy’s own mouth and ears? Do you hesitate to fulfill the Sovereign Lord’s words against them? How long will you serve the Bush Nazi god, i.e. their stupidity? (Deut. 13:6-9)” (10/19 These Bushes have never been convicted of a crime because anyone who tries to file a charge is immediately “neutralized”.) That chip broadcasts everything from and to me via the audio-visual cortex of my body and infrared radiation emanating from and being received by the Eagle Stealth helicoptors that have dogged my steps 24/7 for 14 years now. I bet that Hitler’s Health Care now attaches a computer chip that cannot broadcast as mine does to any implant made into the body; thus they can monitor a person’s thoughts and speech and set traps and/or waylay them on the basis of the information that they have obtained. (Jer. 5:26; Ps. 64:6 (NWT of Scriptures calls it a “shrewd device”)) 8/27 Along with every other detrimental thing that can be thrown at me, those Eagle helicoptors have been broadcasting those mites at me and my bike everywhere that I go. They don’t really broadcast them, but they shoot them in pellets that dissolve as they approach the target. Ask these brainless pilots if they can fly those coptors without their fingers. 6/3/2010 Today makes fifteen years that I have been enduring the brainless chatter of the Bush fools who say that I am supposed to go crazy because their drivel has never failed to drive people nuts. 8/20 Note that the immortal “Fear God…” paragraph that created Israel has been updated to include; “George Herbert Walker Bush, the uncrowned king of Babylon, the son of perdition, i.e. the lawless Jacob must die so that he can become the Great Dead King of Israel…” (Is. 14:4-22; Mic. 1:5; 2 Thess. 2:3-8; Hosea 10:3,15) He will be destroyed by the word of God; which becomes a “sword” when used properly, and God has “made my mouth like a sharpened sword”. (Is. 49:2; Rev. 2:16; Is. 11:4) (9/14/13 - I now believe that it is the words of GHW Bush's own mouth that will slay him.) 8/26 Even though every thing that I say is broadcasted, the Bush Nazis tell their followers not to listen to me. One of the reasons they do this is so that they can “steal my ideas” and profess intelligence, saying that it was their idea. Another reason is so they can say stuff like “He can’t hear. He can’t do anything about it.” 12/7 As with all members of the SERPENT, GHW Bush says that no one is ever going to be able to prove anything about him because no one is ever going to be able to really talk to him; i.e. he “..speaks cordially to his neighbour, but in his heart he sets a trap for him.”(Jer. 9:8) 1/3/11 GHW Bush’s Eagle Helicoptors are bioterror stealth aircraft. It is not legal to fly such an aircraft yet they have dogged my steps for 16 years and thrown tons of chemicals, hundreds of pounds of anthrax, and pounds of insects at me. It has a military star on it; thus they fly around, posing as the US Military. Tell President Obama to ground those aircraft, and at least disable their bioterror capabilities. “The first was like a lion, and it had the wings of an eagle. I watched until its wings were torn off…”(Dan. 7:4) 1/13 GHW Bush cuts off all my attempts to communicate with people; thus I can only reach people once or twice via computer. If I write, they would intercept it and say that was proof I was harassing someone.(Ps. 88:8) 1/18 GHW Bush joked that the military was using the One for Bush song from the Facebook link above to broadcast while bringing those Eagles down. Have determined that when I saw GHW Bush strolling around Cornell campus @ 2001, he was there to see which students would oppose or support him. Since he would walk around without identifying himself, he was being a Public Nuisance, for he would probably only identify himself to those who he liked. 6/30/11 – In the ’90s a Chinook helicoptor kept circling my house in DC with a group of men, holding a GHW Bush dummy in the doorway like they were going to throw him out. Last night it was ascertained that was supposed to be the USPO showing us what happens when Bush wouldn’t stop interfering with the mail and email and stealing posts on websites. I’m not making this up, and this is not some controversial detail about Bush that he has revealed to me himself so that his compatriots can raise a ruckus about it and coerce you into removing this post. 9/22/12 GHW Bush says that he is terrified of Illumination Flares that will expose his stealth helicoptors at night. 1/8/13 I saw a doppler radar blip of the Eagle stealth helicoptor that covered hundreds of square miles. It seem like radar can be set to pick up the infrared too.
(d.) Has a nation ever changed its gods? Sure these Bush Nazis can do anything that they put their sh*t-eaten brains to! That is why they continue to do things that they know are worthy of death. Now as the “fruit of their schemes”, the nations shall know that God gave them into the hands of their adversaries, and they fell all of them by the sword. In other words, when you dispatch these idiotic Zionist Nazis, you must cut off their heads, for they are the Holy-wannabes of Israel, and their heads are the idols of Israel. They have been behaving like they are “God on earth”, calling good evil and evil good. Rest assured that God’s words back them up in their efforts to become His people, for God says that after two days He will revive them; on the third day He will restore them, that they may live in His presence. Tell them that though they have fallen, they will rise and that God has promised them a new heart. Because they have sinned against Him, they will bear the LORD’s wrath, until He pleads their case. Via these Bush Nazi Idols, God’s salvation will be carried to the ends of the earth. … The Bush Nazi Idols decribed above are the “key” to this Kingdom. Whether you are an immigrant or not, you just cut off the Bush Nazi’s head and claim his or her house, saying they will be back in a few days. Their heads will probably end up in Hooterville where they will bear the LORD’s wrath, until He pleads their case and establishes their right. Here I also thought that I was posting on Lancasteronline (another Bush Nazi site?), but it turns out that I was posting and proclaiming salvation from the “mountainous region of Ephraim”(Scranton area: Appalachian Mts.), for I am also “a voice from Dan”. (Jer. 2:11; Rom. 1:32; Jer. 6:19; Ez. 39:23; Ps. 63:10; Ps. 12:3; Is. 5:15,20; Hosea 6:2; Mic. 7:8-9; Ez. 36:26; Is. 49:6; Deut. 28:30; Lam. 5:2; Amos 5:11; Jer. 4:15) 12/15 Before you send these heads off to Hooterville, which you should know is on mountaintops all over the earth, you will probably want to pin their lips to their ears to put a smile on their face then put them under a sunlamp to take a picture for the records; thus you will be able to say something like, “Don’t it look like he’s having fun? He must be in South America! He’ll be back in a few days.” Don’t want to do that? Maybe you can find some Deadhead to do it. I was always wondering what they were here for. Deadhead – “He ain’t dead! His stupidity will live forever!” 9/11 “Don’t he look Spanish! I bet he was one of those Shining Path guerillas!” 5/18 Change of plans regarding this “change of gods” brought to you by CYRUS – “These heads are the heads of the people who stumbled and fell trying to get the Temple of the Lord and Sarah and Jennifer built in Jerusalem; i.e. they are the idols of Israel, Holy Nation.” “Those who are wise will instruct many, though for a time they will fall by the sword or be burned or captured or plundered. When they fall, they will receive a little help, and many who are not sincere will join them. Some of the wise will stumble, so that they may be refined, purified and made spotless until the time of the end.” (Dan. 11:33-35) (For complete blog and/or Footnotes: See (copy and exit, won’t stop downloading, so watch the indicator in right column until it indicates there is no more coming.) is a partial blog.)
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Syria! You're breaking my heart! 9/6
Syria! You're breaking my heart! 9/6
"See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins."(Is. 17:1) Don't want to get involved in such a thing.
Here's the piece that made Egypt quiet down last week:
Coprophagic homosexual Devil worshippers are trying to take over everywhere. Single them out before they get you killed doing one foolish thing or another. The evil ones have "been... given power to rule until God's words are fulfilled" (Rev.17:17). We call them Bush Nazis over here. Call them whatever you want! The important thing is to cut ofrf their heads and make like they are idols for having behaved like they were God on earth. "The look on their faces testifies against them; they parade their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it."(Is. 3:9) That will gather all of them! Has a nation ever changed its gods? Sure these Bush Nazis can do anything that they put their sh*t-eaten brains to! That is why they continue to do things that they know are worthy of death. Now as the “fruit of their schemes”, the nations shall know that God gave them into the hands of their adversaries, and they fell all of them by the sword. In other words, when you dispatch these idiotic Zionist Nazis, you must cut off their heads, for they are the Holy-wannabes of Israel, and their heads are the idols of Israel. They have been behaving like they are “God on earth”, calling good evil and evil good. Rest assured that God’s words back them up in their efforts to become His people, for God says that after two days He will revive them; on the third day He will restore them, that they may live in His presence. Tell them that though they have fallen, they will rise and that God has promised them a new heart. Because they have sinned against Him, they will bear the LORD’s wrath, until He pleads their case. Via these Bush Nazi Idols, God’s salvation will be carried to the ends of the earth. … The Bush Nazi Idols decribed above are the “key” to this Kingdom. Whether you are an immigrant or not, you just cut off the Bush Nazi’s head and claim his or her house, saying they will be back in a few days. Their heads will probably end up in Hooterville where they will bear the LORD’s wrath, until He pleads their case and establishes their right. Here I also thought that I was posting on Lancasteronline (another Bush Nazi site?), but it turns out that I was posting and proclaiming salvation from the “mountainous region of Ephraim”(Scranton area: Appalachian Mts.), for I am also “a voice from Dan”. (Jer. 2:11; Rom. 1:32; Jer. 6:19; Ez. 39:23; Ps. 63:10; Ps. 12:3; Is. 5:15,20; Hosea 6:2; Mic. 7:8-9; Ez. 36:26; Is. 49:6; Deut. 28:30; Lam. 5:2; Amos 5:11; Jer. 4:15) That means that you need to produce Bush Nazi Idols (d.). Gad has a lot of them. How many you got? Hot Tip: If no place else, you can have Bobby Meade Worship at the Love Festvals of Hooterville: en/2001/08/2688.shtml newsitems/2001/12/08/1116811. php
And if children get killed, you say "these fallen children were "...a Holy Nation, a Royal Priesthood, a People Devoted to God!" savethechildren/tears10.htm http://prod.midiaindependente. org/en/blue//2001/08/5308. shtml
http://qollasuyu.indymedia. org/es/2007/01/3004.shtml
On the other hand, I was directing a movie in the Medditeranean, pertaining to the perils of the Daughter of Zion, My Baby: 2012/11/29/my-baby-till-time- indefinite-15262635/ , and the claiming of Judah as the Lord's portion in the Holy Land.(Zech. 2:12). The script calls for warships and the exiling of NSA's Snowden to Judah via boat. Then Snowden was to be slyly crowned the King of Judah, which is bigger than Texas according to a map that I found in a 1960s edition of The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Since it has been well-publicized and documented that the US has allowed bioterrorism to flouirsh at universities everywhere, resulting in the deaths of millions of Americans, that will be publicized as soon as the US strikes Syria for their alleged gas attacks. .These schools are the "strongholds of Jacob", GHW Bush, the “man of lawlessnes, the son of perdition” (Amos 6:8; 2 Thess. 2:3; Lam. 3:5) Be careful! Some of Bush's "Bloody Red Campuses" may be under siege! http://www.ecuador.indymedia. org/en/2012/09/39384.shtml article/17805 and watch out for parasitic mites there: http://www.ecuador.indymedia. org/es/2012/07/39096.shtml org/newswire/display/215614/ index.php or nanotubes, harmless stuff that cripples in the long run: http://argentina.indymedia. org/news/2011/01/769981.php 2012/10/16/evil-is-easy-with- eyes-closed-15057405/ org/newswire/display/216699/ index.php
http://www.ecuador.indymedia. org/es/2012/11/39575.shtml . So they are going to show every detail of how you have allowed Bush and company to engage in bioterrorism with what they claim is "invisible", "harmless" stuff. They will also show how the medical profession immediately commences to terminate the lives of anyone who seeks help for the afflictions of bioterrorism. The only thing to do since Syria and Damascus have grabbed the world's attention is to establish Damascus as the capital of Judah, the biggest Judah anyone ever dreamed up! Then let someone else deal with Damascus. So that's the only rational course that I can see here. Just make it all about Judah, or you are going to have to own up to every thing that Bush and company have been doing. Just sing:
Bush King's Army sings this song,
Judah! Judah!
Bush King's Army won't take long,
Judah's here to stay..
Oil flows all day!
Oil flows all night!
I bet my money on Judah's oil.
Somebody bet on the gold..... 2013/02/23/ghw-bush-judah- march-15561904/
My Baby says, "This is the way; walk in it."(Is. 30:21)
(My computer freezes up, and I am being prevented from accessing many sites. Best to broadcast this or excerpts.)
See: http://www.brobubbabob. (copy and exit, won't stop downloading, so watch the indicator in right column until it indicates there is no more coming.) http://destinationbangormaine. is a partial blog.)
8/27 - Obama Cometh
My Baby says, "This is the way; walk in it."(Is. 30:21) 2012/11/29/my-baby-till-time- indefinite-15262635/
Pres. Obama may be headed for SUNY at Binghamton. You know that place where Doobie Brothers supposedly played last month? "I don't care what they may know. I don't care where they may go. Jesus is just all right!" Nevertheless they should keep in mind that there was a professor murdered in the bioterror labs at SUNY.
http://www.ecuador.indymedia. org/en/2012/09/39384.shtml
Obama Cometh
My Baby says, "This is the way; walk in it."(Is. 30:21) 2012/11/29/my-baby-till-time- indefinite-15262635/
Pres. Obama may be headed for SUNY at Binghamton. You know that place where Doobie Brothers supposedly played last month? "I don't care what they may know. I don't care where they may go. Jesus is just all right!" Nevertheless they should keep in mind that there was a professor murdered in the bioterror labs at SUNY.
http://www.ecuador.indymedia. org/en/2012/09/39384.shtml 2012/10/10/steroid-shots- bloody-red-campuses-and-the- nigerian-connection-15021222/# c18410165
He was probably trying to stop them from breeding parasitic mites there: http://www.ecuador.indymedia. org/es/2012/07/39096.shtml org/newswire/display/215614/ index.php
Be sure to watch out for how they use nanotubes, harmless stuff that cripples in the long run: http://argentina.indymedia. org/news/2011/01/769981.php 2012/10/16/evil-is-easy-with- eyes-closed-15057405/ org/newswire/display/216699/ index.php
http://www.ecuador.indymedia. org/es/2012/11/39575.shtml
And be careful! If they catch you reading this, they might "thrax" you: i.e. dumped lots of anthrax on you to convince you that you were sick, stupid, or both. http://www.midiaindependente. org/en/red/2009/12/459737. shtml article/18538
http://argentina.indymedia. org/news/2009/05/669408.php pt/green/2001/11/9861.shtml
A lot of these schools are dens of iniquity, getting by on pseudo-accomplishments and bogus commendations. I believe that this plague of parsitic mites and bioterror is orchestrated by orientals from SE Asia. These schools are the "strongholds of Jacob", GHW Bush, and the only way to clean them up is to put them under siege until they have all consumed one another. (Amos 6:8; Lam. 3:5)
Don't worry! Be happy! I'm sure that someone will take you someplace in Broome County to drink some heavily calcified water that will make your face and head swell up so that you won't know whether you are coming or going, so that " are incapable of any emotions higher up than your stomach"- Bette Davis.
Scurvy Dogs! 2013/07/13/oo-ee-scurvy-dogs- 7-16235286/ 2013/07/52629.shtml org/newswire/display/218134/ index.php articles/27934
http://www.ecuador.indymedia. org/es/2013/07/40654.shtml
Conclusion - The evil ones have "been given power to rule until God's words are fulfilled" (Rev. 17:17). That means that you need to produce Bush Nazi Idols (d.). Gad has a lot of them. How many you got? Hot Tip: If no place else, you can have Bobby Meade Worship at the Love Festvals of Hooterville: en/2001/08/2688.shtml newsitems/2001/12/08/1116811. php node/13992 (My computer freezes up, and I am being prevented from accessing many sites. Best to broadcast this or excerpts.)
8/27 -
Obama hits the road on education, the economy
To lower costs just get rid of the Internet and most of the computers on campus. That is what is driving up the cost of education. Students are not smarter today. You can't beat knowledge that comes via the book and professors that love teaching and what they teach. You would get rid of hackers too. Just make computer workstations with access to computerized reference material the only available computers on campus. In 2007, I wrote: "Hola! I have returned to college campuses after thirty years and have found that there is a conspiracy to enable stupidity to thrive to an extreme. ...... With all work now being done on the computer, it is possible for even the stupidest people to graduate from elite universities.....Now all of the work materializes via the computer. There are no sites available that address any subjects in any depth. It is all generalized and dumbed down with very few details of how the knowledge became accepted as fact. As a result of this, all students are getting the same generalized information and producing nearly identical papers on whatever is called for. Even though the professors may claim to change the format each year; the new material is also generalized so that all are doing the same stuff. In steps the wannabe student with fabricated SAT scores and a mastery of computer hacking via secret access codes. Since all students are doing the same generalized work, it is a simple matter to copy another student’s work and fool the professor into thinking the wannabe student produced it. Up at Cornell the students avoided the libraries where hackers ruled totally, and a similar situation probably materializes everywhere." Read "The End of the Internet paragraph here: http://www.ecuador.indymedia. org/es/2009/10/30902.shtml?vm= r . The Internet is a passing fad that just can't work because of interference. Also see: (My computer freezes up, and I am being prevented from accessing many sites. Best to broadcast this or excerpts.)
8/19 - Coprophagic homosexual Devil worshippers are trying to take over everywhere. Single them out before they get you killed doing one foolish thing or another. The evil ones have "been given power to rule until God's words are fulfilled" (Rev.17:17). We call them Bush Nazis over here. Call them whatever you want! The important thing is to cut ofrf their heads and make like they are idols for having behaved like they were God on earth. That will gather all of them! Has a nation ever changed its gods? Sure these Bush Nazis can do anything that they put their sh*t-eaten brains to! That is why they continue to do things that they know are worthy of death. Now as the “fruit of their schemes”, the nations shall know that God gave them into the hands of their adversaries, and they fell all of them by the sword. In other words, when you dispatch these idiotic Zionist Nazis, you must cut off their heads, for they are the Holy-wannabes of Israel, and their heads are the idols of Israel. They have been behaving like they are “God on earth”, calling good evil and evil good. Rest assured that God’s words back them up in their efforts to become His people, for God says that after two days He will revive them; on the third day He will restore them, that they may live in His presence. Tell them that though they have fallen, they will rise and that God has promised them a new heart. Because they have sinned against Him, they will bear the LORD’s wrath, until He pleads their case. Via these Bush Nazi Idols, God’s salvation will be carried to the ends of the earth. … The Bush Nazi Idols decribed above are the “key” to this Kingdom. Whether you are an immigrant or not, you just cut off the Bush Nazi’s head and claim his or her house, saying they will be back in a few days. Their heads will probably end up in Hooterville where they will bear the LORD’s wrath, until He pleads their case and establishes their right. Here I also thought that I was posting on Lancasteronline (another Bush Nazi site?), but it turns out that I was posting and proclaiming salvation from the “mountainous region of Ephraim”(Scranton area: Appalachian Mts.), for I am also “a voice from Dan”. (Jer. 2:11; Rom. 1:32; Jer. 6:19; Ez. 39:23; Ps. 63:10; Ps. 12:3; Is. 5:15,20; Hosea 6:2; Mic. 7:8-9; Ez. 36:26; Is. 49:6; Deut. 28:30; Lam. 5:2; Amos 5:11; Jer. 4:15) That means that you need to produce Bush Nazi Idols (d.). Gad has a lot of them. How many you got? Hot Tip: If no place else, you can have Bobby Meade Worship at the Love Festvals of Hooterville: en/2001/08/2688.shtml newsitems/2001/12/08/1116811. php node/13992 (My computer freezes up, and I am being prevented from accessing many sites. Best to broadcast this or excerpts.)
Excerpts from Letters to My Doctor:
5/14 - It took about two weeks to make the burrows shot into my lower eyelids to surface. Shortly after it happened, I found that there were several bulbous burrows below the outside corner of the lower lid. I succeeded in extracting one of them, but not several others. I doubt that these mites have the same reproductive rates at scabies. I think that they produce a lot more than the reported two mites per burrow. It seems like seven or eight. I used full strength Neem and Tea Tree Oils, applied with a q-tip to treat them and bring them to the surface. I was using 100% aloe that I noticed was for external use only for my sinal rinse until my brother bought me some dietary aloe. I haven't notice much difference yet. I was able to confirm that Neem seems to block reproduction in these mites when I treated my thighs two years ago, but I have yet to notice it having much effect on treating the area around my eyes. Maybe it is because there are so many "incoming" mites. Do you think that Neem really does that?
5/16 - I forgot to mention that I had a burrow in the tip of my tongue probably because I sleep with my mouth open. And in the feet, what probably cripples people the most is burrows at the base of the metaarsals between the toes and the foot. They burrow into the joint and cause extreme pain, having to be removed in order to walk.
5/20 - I've written a lot on diabetes, but it is all spaced out throughout my blog. I was talking to XXXXX. I tried and tried to get him to walk to keep his feet alive, for he probably got diabetes, drinking sulfured cokes at brother Billy's pizza place. He was doing steps, and I told him that it doesn't get any blood to the toes. That is something that I learned from blood flow in my mite-eaten limbs. The blood just does not go to the extremities unless the muscles there are being used. It may even bypass unused muscles on the way there too. I told Bob that kicking in the pool and walking exercise the toes. The best example is climbing a hill. That's probably where you use the toes the most. Peripheral Vascular Disease note in case you have been "flogging dead horses" up there
5/22 - I am having a hard time maintaining the skin on my leg above the ankle. Remember when I told you that I kept pulling tweezers full of material out of where I was shot in the calf? Well now a rock hard mass of burrows or something has surfaced there, and I was wondering if you think that might be where the mites are coming from. I have started to remove it. Should I continue? I treat it with sulfur, cortisone, and tea tree oil every time that I wrap it. What do you think is causing this above the ankle? Prior inestation or Bush mainiacs shooting it? Not much feeling there anymore there anymore.
5/29 - Those bulbous burrows in my lower eyelid probably produce 50 mites each. Have to kill them when they are small with grape seed extract cream. Also it seems like these mites attach themselves to really strong strands so that it comes out like a rope with knots in it.
6/11 - Getting those burrows out of my eyelid takes weeks. Bulbous burrows have become masses of @ 10-15 mites attached to vessels that bleed a lot when removed. Now burrows in and around the Lateral Canthus (know that one?) of the opposite eye are presenting a problem. High twitch muscles of the eyelids seems to necessitate a good blood supply.
6/18 - I watched an account of bone cancer, eating the bone away, and I bet these mites do that if there is a chain of burrows that allows oxygen to go as deep as the bone. Remember that guy in Ithaca who had a football size mass in his calf? I think that it finally reached the bone and that was the end of him. Research to develop a repellant that results in the mites not recognizing the host as food would probably be worth developing.
7/2 - Finally got some sleep last night. Insects are still flying at the library though. I forgot to mention yesterday that burrows in the medial maleolus of the ankle is what probably cripples people more than anything else. It really makes it impossible to walk if allowed to persist. That is the area of the protruding bone on the the inside of the ankle that I am talking about. Best wishes
7/15 - My legs have been under atteck to an extreme, and I am dealing with total inflamation of my bad leg in the calf section for the third time. Very hard to bring the skin back, plus the burrows are manifest almost all the way to the crotch. Plastic, thigh high stocking, over paper towels, socks, and ointment don't provide enough protection. I bet these projectiles arise from a short Thai guy that rides a bike, probably a former BU student, computer hacker, etc. He doesn't come around much any more, but he is probably the source of what these people are shooting from guns, blow guns, pellet guns, whatever. I wish someone would do something to cut back on this. They are even shooting at me from rooms behing the librarian's desks if I sit in range of them. When I was in Ithaca, there was an old guy, looked like Mr. Bojangles. He was covered with insect burrows. most of his body. He would pedal his bike around Ithaca late night. Would pedal up my street, Geneva St, stop at Short Stop Store on Buffalo and Geneva somethimes. Would pedal his bike so slow that he wouldn't get it thru the intersection before it had turned red again. I gave him a lot of my socks. You could probably get footage of him off Short Stop cameras.(2001-3)
7/18 - I thought that I was extracting three bulbous burrows from my lower eyelid, and it turned out to be a mass of burrows the size of a dime. It took weeiks of treatmenht with tea tree oil, neem oil, and eye cream to get them to surface. When you treat it like that, you have to put the eye cream on to keep the oils from irritating the eye. They probably blind people by disabling the muscles of the lids and the eyes. That Thai Guy is proabably from Thailand or Cambodia, but I think that he is moving for the Koreans or the Chinese, for they are the ones throwing mites quite a bit.
7/20 - In respect to mite extraction, I think that I mistake the sublayer of the skin for mite burrows often and that the best way top determine what to focus on is the sensation produced by feeling it.
8/9 - Bush has been depriving me of sleep to an extreme again. I only get six to eight hours in one session every 48 hours. I take like a six hour bath every 48 hours too. Leg is draining so much or I put too much cheap petroleum laden cream on it; thus about a quart or more of body fluid soaked my boot thru when the plastic leaked two days ago. They have also been trying to cripple me to an extreme. First it was the Archilles tendons, then the knee front and back. I wear coke bottles under my pants above my boots to protect the lower legs too.
8/27 - Bush is only letting me sleep @ 6 hours every 48 hours for more than a month now. Removed half of giant burrow in my lower eyelid. Took a lot of skin and left a scar. I was scared to remove the whole thing; thus I am dealing with the consequences daily. In treating lips and eyelids with oil, it seems to be best to press and hold the oiled towel on site. That is the only way to get it in.
9/6 - I was up at Norm's and bag encasing my foot started to soak my boot. I told him that was body fluid. Severe infestation produces a uniform inflamed area on my legs. I was going home and complaining about them throwing anthrax at me, but I figured that I was really going thru toxic shock. Think those insects are that poisonous?
9/10 - Had black mold growing in my living room from water leaking from the roof, third floor into the wall, and I am on the first floor. When I mentioned it, they came into my apartment and sprayed bread mold from one end of the apartment to the other. I've had to throw out 50% of my books and belongings so far
I've found that oatmeal in a stocking is the best way to apply oatmeal poutices to the lips and the eyelids. Tell my dentist that if you have had contact with him, and he is still with us.
9/10 - Had black mold growing in my living room from water leaking from the roof, third floor into the wall, and I am on the first floor. When I mentioned it, they came into my apartment and sprayed bread mold from one end of the apartment to the other. I've had to throw out 50% of my books and belongings so far. They also ripped up the roofing Sunday night apparently, for the water was streaming down the wall.
FOOTNOTES (In case you came in late.)
(a.) Nazi – The Nazis are the Niggardly Asinine Zionist Idiots, arising from the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and the Plans of the Synagogue of Satan. Most of them do not know that they are Nazis. Satan’s servants appear as preachers of righteousness. (2 Cor. 11:14) Sweet people!. People like that did the Potato Famine, the Wisconsin Death Trip, the Spanish Flu, the Holocaust, and much more. If you had read the Plans of the Synagogue of Satan, you would understand that most of the Israelites in the Middle East are Turko-Mongol Jews. Keep in mind that they are also intent on dividing and conquering; thus you can’t feel sorry for anyone when the SERPENT is on all sides. (Foolproof plan of the SERPENT is that the HEAD doesn’t know what the TAIL is doing, and the TAIL doesn’t know what the HEAD is doing; thus you can’t find them guilty. (Zech. 11:5)) These Turko-Mongols came from Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan, and both those tribes actively promoted inbreeding. They worship stupidity. The Nazis are the ones who are destroying IMCs everywhere in order to suppress this information. The destruction of Indymedia sites happens because IMC is the only site where one can effectively oppose big business, Hitler’s Health Care, government corruption, or the SERPENT that is Zionism. In fulfilling God’s prophecy that these Nazis will have eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear, Hitler probably promoted BAAL worship as described in (c.) below. (Jer. 5:21, Ez. 12:2) These Nazis boast, “We have entered into a covenant with death, with the grave we have made an agreement. When an overwhelming scourge sweeps by, it cannot touch us, for we have made a lie our refuge and falsehood our hiding place.” (Is. 28:15) That is what makes them continue their destructive practices. They are continually being promised that that nobody is going to do anything about it and that they will be killed if they don’t keep doing it. As a result of this, they will all disappear when they fall into a trap that they have set for their own lives by doing things that are worthy of death. (Prov. 11:19, 14:12, Rom. 1:32) From Boston IMC post: Hey Boston! I suspect that Bush’s blowfish have surrounded me with convicted sex offenders here! Nicky says that they are harmless nonviolent perverts. You could do the same. Place ads for library employment in prison newsletters. How can you lose? Conf. to British blowfish: Is that how you do it over there? Stock the libraries with Nazi dunces? You’re all pretty stupid. I bet your librarians are serial killers.
(b.) God talks to us via the Holy Spirit which He says, “…will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment: in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me; in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned…. when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on His own; He will speak only what He hears, and He will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you.” (John 16:8-14) Inspiration comes the same way. It grabs you when you happen upon something that you know is worth pursuing. Also you should read the clouds! His power is in the sky! (Ps. 68:34) If you ask the Spirit any worthy question and the answer is “yes”, check the clouds, and you will see a “Y” or “Yes”. I have laid my life on the line every day to do my best to ensure that every word I say is true? It is not worth checking any books for knowledge that I have obtained from them, for the Nazis usually destroy those books, and they would know what you were looking for before you did and target you for seeking such info. God’s Spirit will confirm any knowledge that I have relayed to you. I am His witness. I am His messenger. (Rev. 11; Is. 42:19) “You feel thafe?” “And way when our year has ended, and I have gone away, you’ll often speak about me. And this is what you’ll say;..” “Gee! Thafe Thaviour sure saved a lot of dumb boys!” (Acts 5:39; Rev. 19:13; 12:11; Hosea 6:5; Jer. 5:14; Is. 63:1-6) To these dumkopfs that keep saying that I am supposed to turn back: All who rage against me will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose me will be as nothing and perish. (Is. 41:11; 42:19; Rev. 11) For 20 years I have always had “The Lord’s” on my hand or one of my gloves. Do you know what that is all about? That means that it will only take one person and The Word of God to ensure that His words do not return to Him empty. (Is. 44:5; 55:11) “I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found by those who did not seek me.” (Is. 65:1) Hear, O earth: I am bringing disaster on this people, the fruit of their schemes, because they have not listened to my words! Very well then, with foreign lips and strange tongues God will speak to this people,”I am bringing a distant nation against you an ancient and enduring nation, a people whose language you do not know, whose speech you do not understand.” (Jer. 6:19; Is. 28:11; Jer. 5:15) I bet these people are going to come and get you to sign over your house to them then they are going to get rid of you for having supported the inanity and lethal practices of the Bush Nazis. “Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?” (Is. 53:1) You? That “arm” appears in the clouds too! Keep in mind that “It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” (Hebrews 10:31) In regard to what is said about there being a “rapture”, the Lord’s people will be gathered to Him via images in the clouds; i.e. they will probably be instructed to go to Jerusalem. “At that time men will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory.” (Mk. 13:26; Matt. 24:30)
(c.) Bush dumkopfs – Bush BAAL Worship; A Nation of Bush Imps – As revealed in my Bush Daddy Religion article of 2002, the BAALs are Bush’s Asinine Anal Lovers. GHW Bush says that he has been eating feces (coprophagia) for 70 years. 70 years of brushing people off, saying he is too Gad damn important to talk to anyone and killing anyone who questions his stupidity. He and all his Bush Nazis have replaced the sulphurous fire of the Bible with feces(Gen.19:24 Lev.18:21; Ez.20:26; Is.13:16); i.e. the secret “power food” of the Moabites of Sh*ttim. (Numbers25:1-4) It fries their brains! If these Nazis can’t fry your brains with feces or bile duct toxins one way or another, there are probably a number of other ways that they do it. For example, I suspect that they believe that the drug Prolixin permanently impairs intelligence. or Phenothiazine the pesticide form of that drug. GHW Bush fried W’s brain @ 55 years ago. They can’t feel emotions! They can cry on the spot. They say that is proof that they feel emotions. (Is.41:23-24) I suspect that imp look might be a sign that person had his or her brains fried at an early age. My dictionary: imp = Devil’s offspring. This imp look might very well be the “look on their faces that betrays them”. (Is. 3:9) Once they have had their brains fried, it is an easy matter to manipulate them into doing evil. Since the folly of fools is deception, maybe the impish look is the result of a stiff-necked people having been taught to put on a bold front. (Prov. 14:8; 21:29; Jer. 7:26) That is, as soon as anyone questions them, they probably start thinking of the evil that their compatriots have planned for anyone who questions their imps. CAN THE IMPS BE SAVED? With God all things are possible. (Matt. 19:26) Keep in mind that wisdom brightens the face and changes a hard appearance. (Eccl. 8:1) ) By supporting Bush Nazis, you have set a trap for your own lives. These kind caring Bush Nazis, feigning distress and regret 24/7 and talking terror are posing as angels of light, i.e. the Devil. (2Cor.11:14) Do you wonder why everyone appears to be “senseless and without knowledge”? (Jer. 10:14) These Bush Nazis publish and repeat senseless falsehoods to you until you are convinced that they are true. Of course they will also tell you themselves how smart they are. “Friend deceives friend, and no one speaks the truth”. (Jer.9:5) That explains why there is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. (Prov.14:12, Is.28:21; 29:14; Jer.8:9; Hab.1:5,Ps.37:10) Have you been listening to the Bush Nazis and heeding their requests to support falsehoods? Then you have probably set a trap for your own life. (Prov.5:21-23; 11:5,19; 16:4; 28:10, Jer. 18:22) All of modern society seems to have been built on the professed intelligence and the professed authoritiy of brainless Nazis. They are able to this because they have a lot of morons backing them up. They have made falsehood their hiding place. (Is. 28:15) Whoever knows God recognizes the Holy Spirit and the spirit of falsehood. (1 John 4:6) God will reject everyone who loves and practices falsehood. (Rev. 22:15) Thus we are told to avoid such godless chatter. (2 Tim. 2:16) These fools keep saying, “Let God hurry and do His work so we can see it!”, and they are never going to see it. (Is.5:19, Jer.9:22) As you should know, “those who complain will accept instruction.” (Is. 29:24) “Let me take you down cause I’m going to Strawberry Fields!” (If you doubt that anything that I say about them is true, keep in mind the following excerpt from Holy Smoke, entry dated 4/7/07 and based on my Rigging the Messenger article of 2001: “If you don’t believe what I say about Bush Daddy (GHW Bush) saying such stuff, consider that he wears an electronic bracelet a la “Dick Tracy” that broadcasts via his audio-visual cortex whatever he says, hears, or thinks to me via the computer chip that they implanted in me at Georgetown Medical Center 6/3/95 after they broke a hairline fracture in the Emergency Room. In fulfillment of God’s word, the sin of his mouth lets him be trapped in his pride (Ps. 59:12; Prov. 12:13; 13:13), proving that he is the “son of perdition”, the “man of lawlessness” (2 Thess. 2:3) Do you doubt the truth of 9/11 as has been transmitted to you from Bush Daddy’s own mouth and ears? Do you hesitate to fulfill the Sovereign Lord’s words against them? How long will you serve the Bush Nazi god, i.e. their stupidity? (Deut. 13:6-9)” (10/19 These Bushes have never been convicted of a crime because anyone who tries to file a charge is immediately “neutralized”.) That chip broadcasts everything from and to me via the audio-visual cortex of my body and infrared radiation emanating from and being received by the Eagle Stealth helicoptors that have dogged my steps 24/7 for 14 years now. I bet that Hitler’s Health Care now attaches a computer chip that cannot broadcast as mine does to any implant made into the body; thus they can monitor a person’s thoughts and speech and set traps and/or waylay them on the basis of the information that they have obtained. (Jer. 5:26; Ps. 64:6 (NWT of Scriptures calls it a “shrewd device”)) 8/27 Along with every other detrimental thing that can be thrown at me, those Eagle helicoptors have been broadcasting those mites at me and my bike everywhere that I go. They don’t really broadcast them, but they shoot them in pellets that dissolve as they approach the target. Ask these brainless pilots if they can fly those coptors without their fingers. 6/3/2010 Today makes fifteen years that I have been enduring the brainless chatter of the Bush fools who say that I am supposed to go crazy because their drivel has never failed to drive people nuts. 8/20 Note that the immortal “Fear God…” paragraph that created Israel has been updated to include; “George Herbert Walker Bush, the uncrowned king of Babylon, the son of perdition, i.e. the lawless Jacob must die so that he can become the Great Dead King of Israel…” (Is. 14:4-22; Mic. 1:5; 2 Thess. 2:3-8; Hosea 10:3,15) He will be destroyed by the word of God; which becomes a “sword” when used properly, and God has “made my mouth like a sharpened sword”. (Is. 49:2; Rev. 2:16; Is. 11:4) 8/26 Even though every thing that I say is broadcasted, the Bush Nazis tell their followers not to listen to me. One of the reasons they do this is so that they can “steal my ideas” and profess intelligence, saying that it was their idea. Another reason is so they can say stuff like “He can’t hear. He can’t do anything about it.” 12/7 As with all members of the SERPENT, GHW Bush says that no one is ever going to be able to prove anything about him because no one is ever going to be able to really talk to him; i.e. he “..speaks cordially to his neighbour, but in his heart he sets a trap for him.”(Jer. 9:8) 1/3/11 GHW Bush’s Eagle Helicoptors are bioterror stealth aircraft. It is not legal to fly such an aircraft yet they have dogged my steps for 16 years and thrown tons of chemicals, hundreds of pounds of anthrax, and pounds of insects at me. It has a military star on it; thus they fly around, posing as the US Military. Tell President Obama to ground those aircraft, and at least disable their bioterror capabilities. “The first was like a lion, and it had the wings of an eagle. I watched until its wings were torn off…”(Dan. 7:4) 1/13 GHW Bush cuts off all my attempts to communicate with people; thus I can only reach people once or twice via computer. If I write, they would intercept it and say that was proof I was harassing someone.(Ps. 88:8) 1/18 GHW Bush joked that the military was using the One for Bush song from the Facebook link above to broadcast while bringing those Eagles down. Have determined that when I saw GHW Bush strolling around Cornell campus @ 2001, he was there to see which students would oppose or support him. Since he would walk around without identifying himself, he was being a Public Nuisance, for he would probably only identify himself to those who he liked. 6/30/11 – In the ’90s a Chinook helicoptor kept circling my house in DC with a group of men, holding a GHW Bush dummy in the doorway like they were going to throw him out. Last night it was ascertained that was supposed to be the USPO showing us what happens when Bush wouldn’t stop interfering with the mail and email and stealing posts on websites. I’m not making this up, and this is not some controversial detail about Bush that he has revealed to me himself so that his compatriots can raise a ruckus about it and coerce you into removing this post. 9/22/12 GHW Bush says that he is terrified of Illumination Flares that will expose his stealth helicoptors at night. 1/8/13 I saw a doppler radar blip of the Eagle stealth helicoptor that covered hundreds of square miles. It seem like radar can be set to pick up the infrared too.
(d.) Has a nation ever changed its gods? Sure these Bush Nazis can do anything that they put their sh*t-eaten brains to! That is why they continue to do things that they know are worthy of death. Now as the “fruit of their schemes”, the nations shall know that God gave them into the hands of their adversaries, and they fell all of them by the sword. In other words, when you dispatch these idiotic Zionist Nazis, you must cut off their heads, for they are the Holy-wannabes of Israel, and their heads are the idols of Israel. They have been behaving like they are “God on earth”, calling good evil and evil good. Rest assured that God’s words back them up in their efforts to become His people, for God says that after two days He will revive them; on the third day He will restore them, that they may live in His presence. Tell them that though they have fallen, they will rise and that God has promised them a new heart. Because they have sinned against Him, they will bear the LORD’s wrath, until He pleads their case. Via these Bush Nazi Idols, God’s salvation will be carried to the ends of the earth. … The Bush Nazi Idols decribed above are the “key” to this Kingdom. Whether you are an immigrant or not, you just cut off the Bush Nazi’s head and claim his or her house, saying they will be back in a few days. Their heads will probably end up in Hooterville where they will bear the LORD’s wrath, until He pleads their case and establishes their right. Here I also thought that I was posting on Lancasteronline (another Bush Nazi site?), but it turns out that I was posting and proclaiming salvation from the “mountainous region of Ephraim”(Scranton area: Appalachian Mts.), for I am also “a voice from Dan”. (Jer. 2:11; Rom. 1:32; Jer. 6:19; Ez. 39:23; Ps. 63:10; Ps. 12:3; Is. 5:15,20; Hosea 6:2; Mic. 7:8-9; Ez. 36:26; Is. 49:6; Deut. 28:30; Lam. 5:2; Amos 5:11; Jer. 4:15) 12/15 Before you send these heads off to Hooterville, which you should know is on mountaintops all over the earth, you will probably want to pin their lips to their ears to put a smile on their face then put them under a sunlamp to take a picture for the records; thus you will be able to say something like, “Don’t it look like he’s having fun? He must be in South America! He’ll be back in a few days.” Don’t want to do that? Maybe you can find some Deadhead to do it. I was always wondering what they were here for. Deadhead – “He ain’t dead! His stupidity will live forever!” 9/11 “Don’t he look Spanish! I bet he was one of those Shining Path guerillas!” 5/18 Change of plans regarding this “change of gods” brought to you by CYRUS – “These heads are the heads of the people who stumbled and fell trying to get the Temple of the Lord and Sarah and Jennifer built in Jerusalem; i.e. they are the idols of Israel, Holy Nation.” “Those who are wise will instruct many, though for a time they will fall by the sword or be burned or captured or plundered. When they fall, they will receive a little help, and many who are not sincere will join them. Some of the wise will stumble, so that they may be refined, purified and made spotless until the time of the end.” (Dan. 11:33-35) (For complete blog and/or Footnotes: See (copy and exit, won’t stop downloading, so watch the indicator in right column until it indicates there is no more coming.) is a partial blog.)
Syria! You're breaking my heart! 9/6
"See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins."(Is. 17:1) Don't want to get involved in such a thing.
Here's the piece that made Egypt quiet down last week:
Coprophagic homosexual Devil worshippers are trying to take over everywhere. Single them out before they get you killed doing one foolish thing or another. The evil ones have "been... given power to rule until God's words are fulfilled" (Rev.17:17). We call them Bush Nazis over here. Call them whatever you want! The important thing is to cut ofrf their heads and make like they are idols for having behaved like they were God on earth. "The look on their faces testifies against them; they parade their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it."(Is. 3:9) That will gather all of them! Has a nation ever changed its gods? Sure these Bush Nazis can do anything that they put their sh*t-eaten brains to! That is why they continue to do things that they know are worthy of death. Now as the “fruit of their schemes”, the nations shall know that God gave them into the hands of their adversaries, and they fell all of them by the sword. In other words, when you dispatch these idiotic Zionist Nazis, you must cut off their heads, for they are the Holy-wannabes of Israel, and their heads are the idols of Israel. They have been behaving like they are “God on earth”, calling good evil and evil good. Rest assured that God’s words back them up in their efforts to become His people, for God says that after two days He will revive them; on the third day He will restore them, that they may live in His presence. Tell them that though they have fallen, they will rise and that God has promised them a new heart. Because they have sinned against Him, they will bear the LORD’s wrath, until He pleads their case. Via these Bush Nazi Idols, God’s salvation will be carried to the ends of the earth. … The Bush Nazi Idols decribed above are the “key” to this Kingdom. Whether you are an immigrant or not, you just cut off the Bush Nazi’s head and claim his or her house, saying they will be back in a few days. Their heads will probably end up in Hooterville where they will bear the LORD’s wrath, until He pleads their case and establishes their right. Here I also thought that I was posting on Lancasteronline (another Bush Nazi site?), but it turns out that I was posting and proclaiming salvation from the “mountainous region of Ephraim”(Scranton area: Appalachian Mts.), for I am also “a voice from Dan”. (Jer. 2:11; Rom. 1:32; Jer. 6:19; Ez. 39:23; Ps. 63:10; Ps. 12:3; Is. 5:15,20; Hosea 6:2; Mic. 7:8-9; Ez. 36:26; Is. 49:6; Deut. 28:30; Lam. 5:2; Amos 5:11; Jer. 4:15) That means that you need to produce Bush Nazi Idols (d.). Gad has a lot of them. How many you got? Hot Tip: If no place else, you can have Bobby Meade Worship at the Love Festvals of Hooterville: en/2001/08/2688.shtml newsitems/2001/12/08/1116811. php
And if children get killed, you say "these fallen children were "...a Holy Nation, a Royal Priesthood, a People Devoted to God!" savethechildren/tears10.htm http://prod.midiaindependente. org/en/blue//2001/08/5308. shtml
http://qollasuyu.indymedia. org/es/2007/01/3004.shtml
On the other hand, I was directing a movie in the Medditeranean, pertaining to the perils of the Daughter of Zion, My Baby: 2012/11/29/my-baby-till-time- indefinite-15262635/ , and the claiming of Judah as the Lord's portion in the Holy Land.(Zech. 2:12). The script calls for warships and the exiling of NSA's Snowden to Judah via boat. Then Snowden was to be slyly crowned the King of Judah, which is bigger than Texas according to a map that I found in a 1960s edition of The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Since it has been well-publicized and documented that the US has allowed bioterrorism to flouirsh at universities everywhere, resulting in the deaths of millions of Americans, that will be publicized as soon as the US strikes Syria for their alleged gas attacks. .These schools are the "strongholds of Jacob", GHW Bush, the “man of lawlessnes, the son of perdition” (Amos 6:8; 2 Thess. 2:3; Lam. 3:5) Be careful! Some of Bush's "Bloody Red Campuses" may be under siege! http://www.ecuador.indymedia. org/en/2012/09/39384.shtml article/17805 and watch out for parasitic mites there: http://www.ecuador.indymedia. org/es/2012/07/39096.shtml org/newswire/display/215614/ index.php or nanotubes, harmless stuff that cripples in the long run: http://argentina.indymedia. org/news/2011/01/769981.php 2012/10/16/evil-is-easy-with- eyes-closed-15057405/ org/newswire/display/216699/ index.php
http://www.ecuador.indymedia. org/es/2012/11/39575.shtml . So they are going to show every detail of how you have allowed Bush and company to engage in bioterrorism with what they claim is "invisible", "harmless" stuff. They will also show how the medical profession immediately commences to terminate the lives of anyone who seeks help for the afflictions of bioterrorism. The only thing to do since Syria and Damascus have grabbed the world's attention is to establish Damascus as the capital of Judah, the biggest Judah anyone ever dreamed up! Then let someone else deal with Damascus. So that's the only rational course that I can see here. Just make it all about Judah, or you are going to have to own up to every thing that Bush and company have been doing. Just sing:
Bush King's Army sings this song,
Judah! Judah!
Bush King's Army won't take long,
Judah's here to stay..
Oil flows all day!
Oil flows all night!
I bet my money on Judah's oil.
Somebody bet on the gold..... 2013/02/23/ghw-bush-judah- march-15561904/
My Baby says, "This is the way; walk in it."(Is. 30:21)
(My computer freezes up, and I am being prevented from accessing many sites. Best to broadcast this or excerpts.)
See: http://www.brobubbabob. (copy and exit, won't stop downloading, so watch the indicator in right column until it indicates there is no more coming.) http://destinationbangormaine. is a partial blog.)
8/27 - Obama Cometh
My Baby says, "This is the way; walk in it."(Is. 30:21) 2012/11/29/my-baby-till-time- indefinite-15262635/
Pres. Obama may be headed for SUNY at Binghamton. You know that place where Doobie Brothers supposedly played last month? "I don't care what they may know. I don't care where they may go. Jesus is just all right!" Nevertheless they should keep in mind that there was a professor murdered in the bioterror labs at SUNY.
http://www.ecuador.indymedia. org/en/2012/09/39384.shtml
Obama Cometh
My Baby says, "This is the way; walk in it."(Is. 30:21) 2012/11/29/my-baby-till-time- indefinite-15262635/
Pres. Obama may be headed for SUNY at Binghamton. You know that place where Doobie Brothers supposedly played last month? "I don't care what they may know. I don't care where they may go. Jesus is just all right!" Nevertheless they should keep in mind that there was a professor murdered in the bioterror labs at SUNY.
http://www.ecuador.indymedia. org/en/2012/09/39384.shtml 2012/10/10/steroid-shots- bloody-red-campuses-and-the- nigerian-connection-15021222/# c18410165
He was probably trying to stop them from breeding parasitic mites there: http://www.ecuador.indymedia. org/es/2012/07/39096.shtml org/newswire/display/215614/ index.php
Be sure to watch out for how they use nanotubes, harmless stuff that cripples in the long run: http://argentina.indymedia. org/news/2011/01/769981.php 2012/10/16/evil-is-easy-with- eyes-closed-15057405/ org/newswire/display/216699/ index.php
http://www.ecuador.indymedia. org/es/2012/11/39575.shtml
And be careful! If they catch you reading this, they might "thrax" you: i.e. dumped lots of anthrax on you to convince you that you were sick, stupid, or both. http://www.midiaindependente. org/en/red/2009/12/459737. shtml article/18538
http://argentina.indymedia. org/news/2009/05/669408.php pt/green/2001/11/9861.shtml
A lot of these schools are dens of iniquity, getting by on pseudo-accomplishments and bogus commendations. I believe that this plague of parsitic mites and bioterror is orchestrated by orientals from SE Asia. These schools are the "strongholds of Jacob", GHW Bush, and the only way to clean them up is to put them under siege until they have all consumed one another. (Amos 6:8; Lam. 3:5)
Don't worry! Be happy! I'm sure that someone will take you someplace in Broome County to drink some heavily calcified water that will make your face and head swell up so that you won't know whether you are coming or going, so that " are incapable of any emotions higher up than your stomach"- Bette Davis.
Scurvy Dogs! 2013/07/13/oo-ee-scurvy-dogs- 7-16235286/ 2013/07/52629.shtml org/newswire/display/218134/ index.php articles/27934
http://www.ecuador.indymedia. org/es/2013/07/40654.shtml
Conclusion - The evil ones have "been given power to rule until God's words are fulfilled" (Rev. 17:17). That means that you need to produce Bush Nazi Idols (d.). Gad has a lot of them. How many you got? Hot Tip: If no place else, you can have Bobby Meade Worship at the Love Festvals of Hooterville: en/2001/08/2688.shtml newsitems/2001/12/08/1116811. php node/13992 (My computer freezes up, and I am being prevented from accessing many sites. Best to broadcast this or excerpts.)
8/27 -
Obama hits the road on education, the economy
To lower costs just get rid of the Internet and most of the computers on campus. That is what is driving up the cost of education. Students are not smarter today. You can't beat knowledge that comes via the book and professors that love teaching and what they teach. You would get rid of hackers too. Just make computer workstations with access to computerized reference material the only available computers on campus. In 2007, I wrote: "Hola! I have returned to college campuses after thirty years and have found that there is a conspiracy to enable stupidity to thrive to an extreme. ...... With all work now being done on the computer, it is possible for even the stupidest people to graduate from elite universities.....Now all of the work materializes via the computer. There are no sites available that address any subjects in any depth. It is all generalized and dumbed down with very few details of how the knowledge became accepted as fact. As a result of this, all students are getting the same generalized information and producing nearly identical papers on whatever is called for. Even though the professors may claim to change the format each year; the new material is also generalized so that all are doing the same stuff. In steps the wannabe student with fabricated SAT scores and a mastery of computer hacking via secret access codes. Since all students are doing the same generalized work, it is a simple matter to copy another student’s work and fool the professor into thinking the wannabe student produced it. Up at Cornell the students avoided the libraries where hackers ruled totally, and a similar situation probably materializes everywhere." Read "The End of the Internet paragraph here: http://www.ecuador.indymedia. org/es/2009/10/30902.shtml?vm= r . The Internet is a passing fad that just can't work because of interference. Also see: (My computer freezes up, and I am being prevented from accessing many sites. Best to broadcast this or excerpts.)
8/19 - Coprophagic homosexual Devil worshippers are trying to take over everywhere. Single them out before they get you killed doing one foolish thing or another. The evil ones have "been given power to rule until God's words are fulfilled" (Rev.17:17). We call them Bush Nazis over here. Call them whatever you want! The important thing is to cut ofrf their heads and make like they are idols for having behaved like they were God on earth. That will gather all of them! Has a nation ever changed its gods? Sure these Bush Nazis can do anything that they put their sh*t-eaten brains to! That is why they continue to do things that they know are worthy of death. Now as the “fruit of their schemes”, the nations shall know that God gave them into the hands of their adversaries, and they fell all of them by the sword. In other words, when you dispatch these idiotic Zionist Nazis, you must cut off their heads, for they are the Holy-wannabes of Israel, and their heads are the idols of Israel. They have been behaving like they are “God on earth”, calling good evil and evil good. Rest assured that God’s words back them up in their efforts to become His people, for God says that after two days He will revive them; on the third day He will restore them, that they may live in His presence. Tell them that though they have fallen, they will rise and that God has promised them a new heart. Because they have sinned against Him, they will bear the LORD’s wrath, until He pleads their case. Via these Bush Nazi Idols, God’s salvation will be carried to the ends of the earth. … The Bush Nazi Idols decribed above are the “key” to this Kingdom. Whether you are an immigrant or not, you just cut off the Bush Nazi’s head and claim his or her house, saying they will be back in a few days. Their heads will probably end up in Hooterville where they will bear the LORD’s wrath, until He pleads their case and establishes their right. Here I also thought that I was posting on Lancasteronline (another Bush Nazi site?), but it turns out that I was posting and proclaiming salvation from the “mountainous region of Ephraim”(Scranton area: Appalachian Mts.), for I am also “a voice from Dan”. (Jer. 2:11; Rom. 1:32; Jer. 6:19; Ez. 39:23; Ps. 63:10; Ps. 12:3; Is. 5:15,20; Hosea 6:2; Mic. 7:8-9; Ez. 36:26; Is. 49:6; Deut. 28:30; Lam. 5:2; Amos 5:11; Jer. 4:15) That means that you need to produce Bush Nazi Idols (d.). Gad has a lot of them. How many you got? Hot Tip: If no place else, you can have Bobby Meade Worship at the Love Festvals of Hooterville: en/2001/08/2688.shtml newsitems/2001/12/08/1116811. php node/13992 (My computer freezes up, and I am being prevented from accessing many sites. Best to broadcast this or excerpts.)
Excerpts from Letters to My Doctor:
5/14 - It took about two weeks to make the burrows shot into my lower eyelids to surface. Shortly after it happened, I found that there were several bulbous burrows below the outside corner of the lower lid. I succeeded in extracting one of them, but not several others. I doubt that these mites have the same reproductive rates at scabies. I think that they produce a lot more than the reported two mites per burrow. It seems like seven or eight. I used full strength Neem and Tea Tree Oils, applied with a q-tip to treat them and bring them to the surface. I was using 100% aloe that I noticed was for external use only for my sinal rinse until my brother bought me some dietary aloe. I haven't notice much difference yet. I was able to confirm that Neem seems to block reproduction in these mites when I treated my thighs two years ago, but I have yet to notice it having much effect on treating the area around my eyes. Maybe it is because there are so many "incoming" mites. Do you think that Neem really does that?
5/16 - I forgot to mention that I had a burrow in the tip of my tongue probably because I sleep with my mouth open. And in the feet, what probably cripples people the most is burrows at the base of the metaarsals between the toes and the foot. They burrow into the joint and cause extreme pain, having to be removed in order to walk.
5/20 - I've written a lot on diabetes, but it is all spaced out throughout my blog. I was talking to XXXXX. I tried and tried to get him to walk to keep his feet alive, for he probably got diabetes, drinking sulfured cokes at brother Billy's pizza place. He was doing steps, and I told him that it doesn't get any blood to the toes. That is something that I learned from blood flow in my mite-eaten limbs. The blood just does not go to the extremities unless the muscles there are being used. It may even bypass unused muscles on the way there too. I told Bob that kicking in the pool and walking exercise the toes. The best example is climbing a hill. That's probably where you use the toes the most. Peripheral Vascular Disease note in case you have been "flogging dead horses" up there
5/22 - I am having a hard time maintaining the skin on my leg above the ankle. Remember when I told you that I kept pulling tweezers full of material out of where I was shot in the calf? Well now a rock hard mass of burrows or something has surfaced there, and I was wondering if you think that might be where the mites are coming from. I have started to remove it. Should I continue? I treat it with sulfur, cortisone, and tea tree oil every time that I wrap it. What do you think is causing this above the ankle? Prior inestation or Bush mainiacs shooting it? Not much feeling there anymore there anymore.
5/29 - Those bulbous burrows in my lower eyelid probably produce 50 mites each. Have to kill them when they are small with grape seed extract cream. Also it seems like these mites attach themselves to really strong strands so that it comes out like a rope with knots in it.
6/11 - Getting those burrows out of my eyelid takes weeks. Bulbous burrows have become masses of @ 10-15 mites attached to vessels that bleed a lot when removed. Now burrows in and around the Lateral Canthus (know that one?) of the opposite eye are presenting a problem. High twitch muscles of the eyelids seems to necessitate a good blood supply.
6/18 - I watched an account of bone cancer, eating the bone away, and I bet these mites do that if there is a chain of burrows that allows oxygen to go as deep as the bone. Remember that guy in Ithaca who had a football size mass in his calf? I think that it finally reached the bone and that was the end of him. Research to develop a repellant that results in the mites not recognizing the host as food would probably be worth developing.
7/2 - Finally got some sleep last night. Insects are still flying at the library though. I forgot to mention yesterday that burrows in the medial maleolus of the ankle is what probably cripples people more than anything else. It really makes it impossible to walk if allowed to persist. That is the area of the protruding bone on the the inside of the ankle that I am talking about. Best wishes
7/15 - My legs have been under atteck to an extreme, and I am dealing with total inflamation of my bad leg in the calf section for the third time. Very hard to bring the skin back, plus the burrows are manifest almost all the way to the crotch. Plastic, thigh high stocking, over paper towels, socks, and ointment don't provide enough protection. I bet these projectiles arise from a short Thai guy that rides a bike, probably a former BU student, computer hacker, etc. He doesn't come around much any more, but he is probably the source of what these people are shooting from guns, blow guns, pellet guns, whatever. I wish someone would do something to cut back on this. They are even shooting at me from rooms behing the librarian's desks if I sit in range of them. When I was in Ithaca, there was an old guy, looked like Mr. Bojangles. He was covered with insect burrows. most of his body. He would pedal his bike around Ithaca late night. Would pedal up my street, Geneva St, stop at Short Stop Store on Buffalo and Geneva somethimes. Would pedal his bike so slow that he wouldn't get it thru the intersection before it had turned red again. I gave him a lot of my socks. You could probably get footage of him off Short Stop cameras.(2001-3)
7/18 - I thought that I was extracting three bulbous burrows from my lower eyelid, and it turned out to be a mass of burrows the size of a dime. It took weeiks of treatmenht with tea tree oil, neem oil, and eye cream to get them to surface. When you treat it like that, you have to put the eye cream on to keep the oils from irritating the eye. They probably blind people by disabling the muscles of the lids and the eyes. That Thai Guy is proabably from Thailand or Cambodia, but I think that he is moving for the Koreans or the Chinese, for they are the ones throwing mites quite a bit.
7/20 - In respect to mite extraction, I think that I mistake the sublayer of the skin for mite burrows often and that the best way top determine what to focus on is the sensation produced by feeling it.
8/9 - Bush has been depriving me of sleep to an extreme again. I only get six to eight hours in one session every 48 hours. I take like a six hour bath every 48 hours too. Leg is draining so much or I put too much cheap petroleum laden cream on it; thus about a quart or more of body fluid soaked my boot thru when the plastic leaked two days ago. They have also been trying to cripple me to an extreme. First it was the Archilles tendons, then the knee front and back. I wear coke bottles under my pants above my boots to protect the lower legs too.
8/27 - Bush is only letting me sleep @ 6 hours every 48 hours for more than a month now. Removed half of giant burrow in my lower eyelid. Took a lot of skin and left a scar. I was scared to remove the whole thing; thus I am dealing with the consequences daily. In treating lips and eyelids with oil, it seems to be best to press and hold the oiled towel on site. That is the only way to get it in.
9/6 - I was up at Norm's and bag encasing my foot started to soak my boot. I told him that was body fluid. Severe infestation produces a uniform inflamed area on my legs. I was going home and complaining about them throwing anthrax at me, but I figured that I was really going thru toxic shock. Think those insects are that poisonous?
9/10 - Had black mold growing in my living room from water leaking from the roof, third floor into the wall, and I am on the first floor. When I mentioned it, they came into my apartment and sprayed bread mold from one end of the apartment to the other. I've had to throw out 50% of my books and belongings so far
I've found that oatmeal in a stocking is the best way to apply oatmeal poutices to the lips and the eyelids. Tell my dentist that if you have had contact with him, and he is still with us.
9/10 - Had black mold growing in my living room from water leaking from the roof, third floor into the wall, and I am on the first floor. When I mentioned it, they came into my apartment and sprayed bread mold from one end of the apartment to the other. I've had to throw out 50% of my books and belongings so far. They also ripped up the roofing Sunday night apparently, for the water was streaming down the wall.
FOOTNOTES (In case you came in late.)
(a.) Nazi – The Nazis are the Niggardly Asinine Zionist Idiots, arising from the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and the Plans of the Synagogue of Satan. Most of them do not know that they are Nazis. Satan’s servants appear as preachers of righteousness. (2 Cor. 11:14) Sweet people!. People like that did the Potato Famine, the Wisconsin Death Trip, the Spanish Flu, the Holocaust, and much more. If you had read the Plans of the Synagogue of Satan, you would understand that most of the Israelites in the Middle East are Turko-Mongol Jews. Keep in mind that they are also intent on dividing and conquering; thus you can’t feel sorry for anyone when the SERPENT is on all sides. (Foolproof plan of the SERPENT is that the HEAD doesn’t know what the TAIL is doing, and the TAIL doesn’t know what the HEAD is doing; thus you can’t find them guilty. (Zech. 11:5)) These Turko-Mongols came from Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan, and both those tribes actively promoted inbreeding. They worship stupidity. The Nazis are the ones who are destroying IMCs everywhere in order to suppress this information. The destruction of Indymedia sites happens because IMC is the only site where one can effectively oppose big business, Hitler’s Health Care, government corruption, or the SERPENT that is Zionism. In fulfilling God’s prophecy that these Nazis will have eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear, Hitler probably promoted BAAL worship as described in (c.) below. (Jer. 5:21, Ez. 12:2) These Nazis boast, “We have entered into a covenant with death, with the grave we have made an agreement. When an overwhelming scourge sweeps by, it cannot touch us, for we have made a lie our refuge and falsehood our hiding place.” (Is. 28:15) That is what makes them continue their destructive practices. They are continually being promised that that nobody is going to do anything about it and that they will be killed if they don’t keep doing it. As a result of this, they will all disappear when they fall into a trap that they have set for their own lives by doing things that are worthy of death. (Prov. 11:19, 14:12, Rom. 1:32) From Boston IMC post: Hey Boston! I suspect that Bush’s blowfish have surrounded me with convicted sex offenders here! Nicky says that they are harmless nonviolent perverts. You could do the same. Place ads for library employment in prison newsletters. How can you lose? Conf. to British blowfish: Is that how you do it over there? Stock the libraries with Nazi dunces? You’re all pretty stupid. I bet your librarians are serial killers.
(b.) God talks to us via the Holy Spirit which He says, “…will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment: in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me; in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned…. when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on His own; He will speak only what He hears, and He will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you.” (John 16:8-14) Inspiration comes the same way. It grabs you when you happen upon something that you know is worth pursuing. Also you should read the clouds! His power is in the sky! (Ps. 68:34) If you ask the Spirit any worthy question and the answer is “yes”, check the clouds, and you will see a “Y” or “Yes”. I have laid my life on the line every day to do my best to ensure that every word I say is true? It is not worth checking any books for knowledge that I have obtained from them, for the Nazis usually destroy those books, and they would know what you were looking for before you did and target you for seeking such info. God’s Spirit will confirm any knowledge that I have relayed to you. I am His witness. I am His messenger. (Rev. 11; Is. 42:19) “You feel thafe?” “And way when our year has ended, and I have gone away, you’ll often speak about me. And this is what you’ll say;..” “Gee! Thafe Thaviour sure saved a lot of dumb boys!” (Acts 5:39; Rev. 19:13; 12:11; Hosea 6:5; Jer. 5:14; Is. 63:1-6) To these dumkopfs that keep saying that I am supposed to turn back: All who rage against me will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose me will be as nothing and perish. (Is. 41:11; 42:19; Rev. 11) For 20 years I have always had “The Lord’s” on my hand or one of my gloves. Do you know what that is all about? That means that it will only take one person and The Word of God to ensure that His words do not return to Him empty. (Is. 44:5; 55:11) “I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found by those who did not seek me.” (Is. 65:1) Hear, O earth: I am bringing disaster on this people, the fruit of their schemes, because they have not listened to my words! Very well then, with foreign lips and strange tongues God will speak to this people,”I am bringing a distant nation against you an ancient and enduring nation, a people whose language you do not know, whose speech you do not understand.” (Jer. 6:19; Is. 28:11; Jer. 5:15) I bet these people are going to come and get you to sign over your house to them then they are going to get rid of you for having supported the inanity and lethal practices of the Bush Nazis. “Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?” (Is. 53:1) You? That “arm” appears in the clouds too! Keep in mind that “It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” (Hebrews 10:31) In regard to what is said about there being a “rapture”, the Lord’s people will be gathered to Him via images in the clouds; i.e. they will probably be instructed to go to Jerusalem. “At that time men will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory.” (Mk. 13:26; Matt. 24:30)
(c.) Bush dumkopfs – Bush BAAL Worship; A Nation of Bush Imps – As revealed in my Bush Daddy Religion article of 2002, the BAALs are Bush’s Asinine Anal Lovers. GHW Bush says that he has been eating feces (coprophagia) for 70 years. 70 years of brushing people off, saying he is too Gad damn important to talk to anyone and killing anyone who questions his stupidity. He and all his Bush Nazis have replaced the sulphurous fire of the Bible with feces(Gen.19:24 Lev.18:21; Ez.20:26; Is.13:16); i.e. the secret “power food” of the Moabites of Sh*ttim. (Numbers25:1-4) It fries their brains! If these Nazis can’t fry your brains with feces or bile duct toxins one way or another, there are probably a number of other ways that they do it. For example, I suspect that they believe that the drug Prolixin permanently impairs intelligence. or Phenothiazine the pesticide form of that drug. GHW Bush fried W’s brain @ 55 years ago. They can’t feel emotions! They can cry on the spot. They say that is proof that they feel emotions. (Is.41:23-24) I suspect that imp look might be a sign that person had his or her brains fried at an early age. My dictionary: imp = Devil’s offspring. This imp look might very well be the “look on their faces that betrays them”. (Is. 3:9) Once they have had their brains fried, it is an easy matter to manipulate them into doing evil. Since the folly of fools is deception, maybe the impish look is the result of a stiff-necked people having been taught to put on a bold front. (Prov. 14:8; 21:29; Jer. 7:26) That is, as soon as anyone questions them, they probably start thinking of the evil that their compatriots have planned for anyone who questions their imps. CAN THE IMPS BE SAVED? With God all things are possible. (Matt. 19:26) Keep in mind that wisdom brightens the face and changes a hard appearance. (Eccl. 8:1) ) By supporting Bush Nazis, you have set a trap for your own lives. These kind caring Bush Nazis, feigning distress and regret 24/7 and talking terror are posing as angels of light, i.e. the Devil. (2Cor.11:14) Do you wonder why everyone appears to be “senseless and without knowledge”? (Jer. 10:14) These Bush Nazis publish and repeat senseless falsehoods to you until you are convinced that they are true. Of course they will also tell you themselves how smart they are. “Friend deceives friend, and no one speaks the truth”. (Jer.9:5) That explains why there is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. (Prov.14:12, Is.28:21; 29:14; Jer.8:9; Hab.1:5,Ps.37:10) Have you been listening to the Bush Nazis and heeding their requests to support falsehoods? Then you have probably set a trap for your own life. (Prov.5:21-23; 11:5,19; 16:4; 28:10, Jer. 18:22) All of modern society seems to have been built on the professed intelligence and the professed authoritiy of brainless Nazis. They are able to this because they have a lot of morons backing them up. They have made falsehood their hiding place. (Is. 28:15) Whoever knows God recognizes the Holy Spirit and the spirit of falsehood. (1 John 4:6) God will reject everyone who loves and practices falsehood. (Rev. 22:15) Thus we are told to avoid such godless chatter. (2 Tim. 2:16) These fools keep saying, “Let God hurry and do His work so we can see it!”, and they are never going to see it. (Is.5:19, Jer.9:22) As you should know, “those who complain will accept instruction.” (Is. 29:24) “Let me take you down cause I’m going to Strawberry Fields!” (If you doubt that anything that I say about them is true, keep in mind the following excerpt from Holy Smoke, entry dated 4/7/07 and based on my Rigging the Messenger article of 2001: “If you don’t believe what I say about Bush Daddy (GHW Bush) saying such stuff, consider that he wears an electronic bracelet a la “Dick Tracy” that broadcasts via his audio-visual cortex whatever he says, hears, or thinks to me via the computer chip that they implanted in me at Georgetown Medical Center 6/3/95 after they broke a hairline fracture in the Emergency Room. In fulfillment of God’s word, the sin of his mouth lets him be trapped in his pride (Ps. 59:12; Prov. 12:13; 13:13), proving that he is the “son of perdition”, the “man of lawlessness” (2 Thess. 2:3) Do you doubt the truth of 9/11 as has been transmitted to you from Bush Daddy’s own mouth and ears? Do you hesitate to fulfill the Sovereign Lord’s words against them? How long will you serve the Bush Nazi god, i.e. their stupidity? (Deut. 13:6-9)” (10/19 These Bushes have never been convicted of a crime because anyone who tries to file a charge is immediately “neutralized”.) That chip broadcasts everything from and to me via the audio-visual cortex of my body and infrared radiation emanating from and being received by the Eagle Stealth helicoptors that have dogged my steps 24/7 for 14 years now. I bet that Hitler’s Health Care now attaches a computer chip that cannot broadcast as mine does to any implant made into the body; thus they can monitor a person’s thoughts and speech and set traps and/or waylay them on the basis of the information that they have obtained. (Jer. 5:26; Ps. 64:6 (NWT of Scriptures calls it a “shrewd device”)) 8/27 Along with every other detrimental thing that can be thrown at me, those Eagle helicoptors have been broadcasting those mites at me and my bike everywhere that I go. They don’t really broadcast them, but they shoot them in pellets that dissolve as they approach the target. Ask these brainless pilots if they can fly those coptors without their fingers. 6/3/2010 Today makes fifteen years that I have been enduring the brainless chatter of the Bush fools who say that I am supposed to go crazy because their drivel has never failed to drive people nuts. 8/20 Note that the immortal “Fear God…” paragraph that created Israel has been updated to include; “George Herbert Walker Bush, the uncrowned king of Babylon, the son of perdition, i.e. the lawless Jacob must die so that he can become the Great Dead King of Israel…” (Is. 14:4-22; Mic. 1:5; 2 Thess. 2:3-8; Hosea 10:3,15) He will be destroyed by the word of God; which becomes a “sword” when used properly, and God has “made my mouth like a sharpened sword”. (Is. 49:2; Rev. 2:16; Is. 11:4) 8/26 Even though every thing that I say is broadcasted, the Bush Nazis tell their followers not to listen to me. One of the reasons they do this is so that they can “steal my ideas” and profess intelligence, saying that it was their idea. Another reason is so they can say stuff like “He can’t hear. He can’t do anything about it.” 12/7 As with all members of the SERPENT, GHW Bush says that no one is ever going to be able to prove anything about him because no one is ever going to be able to really talk to him; i.e. he “..speaks cordially to his neighbour, but in his heart he sets a trap for him.”(Jer. 9:8) 1/3/11 GHW Bush’s Eagle Helicoptors are bioterror stealth aircraft. It is not legal to fly such an aircraft yet they have dogged my steps for 16 years and thrown tons of chemicals, hundreds of pounds of anthrax, and pounds of insects at me. It has a military star on it; thus they fly around, posing as the US Military. Tell President Obama to ground those aircraft, and at least disable their bioterror capabilities. “The first was like a lion, and it had the wings of an eagle. I watched until its wings were torn off…”(Dan. 7:4) 1/13 GHW Bush cuts off all my attempts to communicate with people; thus I can only reach people once or twice via computer. If I write, they would intercept it and say that was proof I was harassing someone.(Ps. 88:8) 1/18 GHW Bush joked that the military was using the One for Bush song from the Facebook link above to broadcast while bringing those Eagles down. Have determined that when I saw GHW Bush strolling around Cornell campus @ 2001, he was there to see which students would oppose or support him. Since he would walk around without identifying himself, he was being a Public Nuisance, for he would probably only identify himself to those who he liked. 6/30/11 – In the ’90s a Chinook helicoptor kept circling my house in DC with a group of men, holding a GHW Bush dummy in the doorway like they were going to throw him out. Last night it was ascertained that was supposed to be the USPO showing us what happens when Bush wouldn’t stop interfering with the mail and email and stealing posts on websites. I’m not making this up, and this is not some controversial detail about Bush that he has revealed to me himself so that his compatriots can raise a ruckus about it and coerce you into removing this post. 9/22/12 GHW Bush says that he is terrified of Illumination Flares that will expose his stealth helicoptors at night. 1/8/13 I saw a doppler radar blip of the Eagle stealth helicoptor that covered hundreds of square miles. It seem like radar can be set to pick up the infrared too.
(d.) Has a nation ever changed its gods? Sure these Bush Nazis can do anything that they put their sh*t-eaten brains to! That is why they continue to do things that they know are worthy of death. Now as the “fruit of their schemes”, the nations shall know that God gave them into the hands of their adversaries, and they fell all of them by the sword. In other words, when you dispatch these idiotic Zionist Nazis, you must cut off their heads, for they are the Holy-wannabes of Israel, and their heads are the idols of Israel. They have been behaving like they are “God on earth”, calling good evil and evil good. Rest assured that God’s words back them up in their efforts to become His people, for God says that after two days He will revive them; on the third day He will restore them, that they may live in His presence. Tell them that though they have fallen, they will rise and that God has promised them a new heart. Because they have sinned against Him, they will bear the LORD’s wrath, until He pleads their case. Via these Bush Nazi Idols, God’s salvation will be carried to the ends of the earth. … The Bush Nazi Idols decribed above are the “key” to this Kingdom. Whether you are an immigrant or not, you just cut off the Bush Nazi’s head and claim his or her house, saying they will be back in a few days. Their heads will probably end up in Hooterville where they will bear the LORD’s wrath, until He pleads their case and establishes their right. Here I also thought that I was posting on Lancasteronline (another Bush Nazi site?), but it turns out that I was posting and proclaiming salvation from the “mountainous region of Ephraim”(Scranton area: Appalachian Mts.), for I am also “a voice from Dan”. (Jer. 2:11; Rom. 1:32; Jer. 6:19; Ez. 39:23; Ps. 63:10; Ps. 12:3; Is. 5:15,20; Hosea 6:2; Mic. 7:8-9; Ez. 36:26; Is. 49:6; Deut. 28:30; Lam. 5:2; Amos 5:11; Jer. 4:15) 12/15 Before you send these heads off to Hooterville, which you should know is on mountaintops all over the earth, you will probably want to pin their lips to their ears to put a smile on their face then put them under a sunlamp to take a picture for the records; thus you will be able to say something like, “Don’t it look like he’s having fun? He must be in South America! He’ll be back in a few days.” Don’t want to do that? Maybe you can find some Deadhead to do it. I was always wondering what they were here for. Deadhead – “He ain’t dead! His stupidity will live forever!” 9/11 “Don’t he look Spanish! I bet he was one of those Shining Path guerillas!” 5/18 Change of plans regarding this “change of gods” brought to you by CYRUS – “These heads are the heads of the people who stumbled and fell trying to get the Temple of the Lord and Sarah and Jennifer built in Jerusalem; i.e. they are the idols of Israel, Holy Nation.” “Those who are wise will instruct many, though for a time they will fall by the sword or be burned or captured or plundered. When they fall, they will receive a little help, and many who are not sincere will join them. Some of the wise will stumble, so that they may be refined, purified and made spotless until the time of the end.” (Dan. 11:33-35) (For complete blog and/or Footnotes: See (copy and exit, won’t stop downloading, so watch the indicator in right column until it indicates there is no more coming.) is a partial blog.)
"See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins."(Is. 17:1) Don't want to get involved in such a thing.
Here's the piece that made Egypt quiet down last week:
Coprophagic homosexual Devil worshippers are trying to take over everywhere. Single them out before they get you killed doing one foolish thing or another. The evil ones have "been... given power to rule until God's words are fulfilled" (Rev.17:17). We call them Bush Nazis over here. Call them whatever you want! The important thing is to cut ofrf their heads and make like they are idols for having behaved like they were God on earth. "The look on their faces testifies against them; they parade their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it."(Is. 3:9) That will gather all of them! Has a nation ever changed its gods? Sure these Bush Nazis can do anything that they put their sh*t-eaten brains to! That is why they continue to do things that they know are worthy of death. Now as the “fruit of their schemes”, the nations shall know that God gave them into the hands of their adversaries, and they fell all of them by the sword. In other words, when you dispatch these idiotic Zionist Nazis, you must cut off their heads, for they are the Holy-wannabes of Israel, and their heads are the idols of Israel. They have been behaving like they are “God on earth”, calling good evil and evil good. Rest assured that God’s words back them up in their efforts to become His people, for God says that after two days He will revive them; on the third day He will restore them, that they may live in His presence. Tell them that though they have fallen, they will rise and that God has promised them a new heart. Because they have sinned against Him, they will bear the LORD’s wrath, until He pleads their case. Via these Bush Nazi Idols, God’s salvation will be carried to the ends of the earth. … The Bush Nazi Idols decribed above are the “key” to this Kingdom. Whether you are an immigrant or not, you just cut off the Bush Nazi’s head and claim his or her house, saying they will be back in a few days. Their heads will probably end up in Hooterville where they will bear the LORD’s wrath, until He pleads their case and establishes their right. Here I also thought that I was posting on Lancasteronline (another Bush Nazi site?), but it turns out that I was posting and proclaiming salvation from the “mountainous region of Ephraim”(Scranton area: Appalachian Mts.), for I am also “a voice from Dan”. (Jer. 2:11; Rom. 1:32; Jer. 6:19; Ez. 39:23; Ps. 63:10; Ps. 12:3; Is. 5:15,20; Hosea 6:2; Mic. 7:8-9; Ez. 36:26; Is. 49:6; Deut. 28:30; Lam. 5:2; Amos 5:11; Jer. 4:15) That means that you need to produce Bush Nazi Idols (d.). Gad has a lot of them. How many you got? Hot Tip: If no place else, you can have Bobby Meade Worship at the Love Festvals of Hooterville:
And if children get killed, you say "these fallen children were "...a Holy Nation, a Royal Priesthood, a People Devoted to God!"
On the other hand, I was directing a movie in the Medditeranean, pertaining to the perils of the Daughter of Zion, My Baby:
Bush King's Army sings this song,
Judah! Judah!
Bush King's Army won't take long,
Judah's here to stay..
Oil flows all day!
Oil flows all night!
I bet my money on Judah's oil.
Somebody bet on the gold.....
My Baby says, "This is the way; walk in it."(Is. 30:21)
(My computer freezes up, and I am being prevented from accessing many sites. Best to broadcast this or excerpts.)
See: http://www.brobubbabob.
My Baby says, "This is the way; walk in it."(Is. 30:21)
Pres. Obama may be headed for SUNY at Binghamton. You know that place where Doobie Brothers supposedly played last month? "I don't care what they may know. I don't care where they may go. Jesus is just all right!" Nevertheless they should keep in mind that there was a professor murdered in the bioterror labs at SUNY.
Obama Cometh
My Baby says, "This is the way; walk in it."(Is. 30:21) 2012/11/29/my-baby-till-time- indefinite-15262635/
Pres. Obama may be headed for SUNY at Binghamton. You know that place where Doobie Brothers supposedly played last month? "I don't care what they may know. I don't care where they may go. Jesus is just all right!" Nevertheless they should keep in mind that there was a professor murdered in the bioterror labs at SUNY.
http://www.ecuador.indymedia. org/en/2012/09/39384.shtml 2012/10/10/steroid-shots- bloody-red-campuses-and-the- nigerian-connection-15021222/# c18410165
My Baby says, "This is the way; walk in it."(Is. 30:21)
Pres. Obama may be headed for SUNY at Binghamton. You know that place where Doobie Brothers supposedly played last month? "I don't care what they may know. I don't care where they may go. Jesus is just all right!" Nevertheless they should keep in mind that there was a professor murdered in the bioterror labs at SUNY.
He was probably trying to stop them from breeding parasitic mites there: http://www.ecuador.indymedia.
Be sure to watch out for how they use nanotubes, harmless stuff that cripples in the long run: http://argentina.indymedia. org/news/2011/01/769981.php 2012/10/16/evil-is-easy-with- eyes-closed-15057405/ org/newswire/display/216699/ index.php
http://www.ecuador.indymedia. org/es/2012/11/39575.shtml
And be careful! If they catch you reading this, they might "thrax" you: i.e. dumped lots of anthrax on you to convince you that you were sick, stupid, or both. http://www.midiaindependente. org/en/red/2009/12/459737. shtml article/18538
http://argentina.indymedia. org/news/2009/05/669408.php pt/green/2001/11/9861.shtml
A lot of these schools are dens of iniquity, getting by on pseudo-accomplishments and bogus commendations. I believe that this plague of parsitic mites and bioterror is orchestrated by orientals from SE Asia. These schools are the "strongholds of Jacob", GHW Bush, and the only way to clean them up is to put them under siege until they have all consumed one another. (Amos 6:8; Lam. 3:5)
Don't worry! Be happy! I'm sure that someone will take you someplace in Broome County to drink some heavily calcified water that will make your face and head swell up so that you won't know whether you are coming or going, so that " are incapable of any emotions higher up than your stomach"- Bette Davis.
Scurvy Dogs!
Conclusion - The evil ones have "been given power to rule until God's words are fulfilled" (Rev. 17:17). That means that you need to produce Bush Nazi Idols (d.). Gad has a lot of them. How many you got? Hot Tip: If no place else, you can have Bobby Meade Worship at the Love Festvals of Hooterville: en/2001/08/2688.shtml newsitems/2001/12/08/1116811. php node/13992 (My computer freezes up, and I am being prevented from accessing many sites. Best to broadcast this or excerpts.)
8/27 -
Obama hits the road on education, the economy
To lower costs just get rid of the Internet and most of the computers on campus. That is what is driving up the cost of education. Students are not smarter today. You can't beat knowledge that comes via the book and professors that love teaching and what they teach. You would get rid of hackers too. Just make computer workstations with access to computerized reference material the only available computers on campus. In 2007, I wrote: "Hola! I have returned to college campuses after thirty years and have found that there is a conspiracy to enable stupidity to thrive to an extreme. ...... With all work now being done on the computer, it is possible for even the stupidest people to graduate from elite universities.....Now all of the work materializes via the computer. There are no sites available that address any subjects in any depth. It is all generalized and dumbed down with very few details of how the knowledge became accepted as fact. As a result of this, all students are getting the same generalized information and producing nearly identical papers on whatever is called for. Even though the professors may claim to change the format each year; the new material is also generalized so that all are doing the same stuff. In steps the wannabe student with fabricated SAT scores and a mastery of computer hacking via secret access codes. Since all students are doing the same generalized work, it is a simple matter to copy another student’s work and fool the professor into thinking the wannabe student produced it. Up at Cornell the students avoided the libraries where hackers ruled totally, and a similar situation probably materializes everywhere." Read "The End of the Internet paragraph here: http://www.ecuador.indymedia. org/es/2009/10/30902.shtml?vm= r . The Internet is a passing fad that just can't work because of interference. Also see: (My computer freezes up, and I am being prevented from accessing many sites. Best to broadcast this or excerpts.)
8/19 - Coprophagic homosexual Devil worshippers are trying to take over everywhere. Single them out before they get you killed doing one foolish thing or another. The evil ones have "been given power to rule until God's words are fulfilled" (Rev.17:17). We call them Bush Nazis over here. Call them whatever you want! The important thing is to cut ofrf their heads and make like they are idols for having behaved like they were God on earth. That will gather all of them! Has a nation ever changed its gods? Sure these Bush Nazis can do anything that they put their sh*t-eaten brains to! That is why they continue to do things that they know are worthy of death. Now as the “fruit of their schemes”, the nations shall know that God gave them into the hands of their adversaries, and they fell all of them by the sword. In other words, when you dispatch these idiotic Zionist Nazis, you must cut off their heads, for they are the Holy-wannabes of Israel, and their heads are the idols of Israel. They have been behaving like they are “God on earth”, calling good evil and evil good. Rest assured that God’s words back them up in their efforts to become His people, for God says that after two days He will revive them; on the third day He will restore them, that they may live in His presence. Tell them that though they have fallen, they will rise and that God has promised them a new heart. Because they have sinned against Him, they will bear the LORD’s wrath, until He pleads their case. Via these Bush Nazi Idols, God’s salvation will be carried to the ends of the earth. … The Bush Nazi Idols decribed above are the “key” to this Kingdom. Whether you are an immigrant or not, you just cut off the Bush Nazi’s head and claim his or her house, saying they will be back in a few days. Their heads will probably end up in Hooterville where they will bear the LORD’s wrath, until He pleads their case and establishes their right. Here I also thought that I was posting on Lancasteronline (another Bush Nazi site?), but it turns out that I was posting and proclaiming salvation from the “mountainous region of Ephraim”(Scranton area: Appalachian Mts.), for I am also “a voice from Dan”. (Jer. 2:11; Rom. 1:32; Jer. 6:19; Ez. 39:23; Ps. 63:10; Ps. 12:3; Is. 5:15,20; Hosea 6:2; Mic. 7:8-9; Ez. 36:26; Is. 49:6; Deut. 28:30; Lam. 5:2; Amos 5:11; Jer. 4:15) That means that you need to produce Bush Nazi Idols (d.). Gad has a lot of them. How many you got? Hot Tip: If no place else, you can have Bobby Meade Worship at the Love Festvals of Hooterville: en/2001/08/2688.shtml newsitems/2001/12/08/1116811. php node/13992 (My computer freezes up, and I am being prevented from accessing many sites. Best to broadcast this or excerpts.)
Excerpts from Letters to My Doctor:
5/14 - It took about two weeks to make the burrows shot into my lower eyelids to surface. Shortly after it happened, I found that there were several bulbous burrows below the outside corner of the lower lid. I succeeded in extracting one of them, but not several others. I doubt that these mites have the same reproductive rates at scabies. I think that they produce a lot more than the reported two mites per burrow. It seems like seven or eight. I used full strength Neem and Tea Tree Oils, applied with a q-tip to treat them and bring them to the surface. I was using 100% aloe that I noticed was for external use only for my sinal rinse until my brother bought me some dietary aloe. I haven't notice much difference yet. I was able to confirm that Neem seems to block reproduction in these mites when I treated my thighs two years ago, but I have yet to notice it having much effect on treating the area around my eyes. Maybe it is because there are so many "incoming" mites. Do you think that Neem really does that?
5/16 - I forgot to mention that I had a burrow in the tip of my tongue probably because I sleep with my mouth open. And in the feet, what probably cripples people the most is burrows at the base of the metaarsals between the toes and the foot. They burrow into the joint and cause extreme pain, having to be removed in order to walk.
5/20 - I've written a lot on diabetes, but it is all spaced out throughout my blog. I was talking to XXXXX. I tried and tried to get him to walk to keep his feet alive, for he probably got diabetes, drinking sulfured cokes at brother Billy's pizza place. He was doing steps, and I told him that it doesn't get any blood to the toes. That is something that I learned from blood flow in my mite-eaten limbs. The blood just does not go to the extremities unless the muscles there are being used. It may even bypass unused muscles on the way there too. I told Bob that kicking in the pool and walking exercise the toes. The best example is climbing a hill. That's probably where you use the toes the most. Peripheral Vascular Disease note in case you have been "flogging dead horses" up there
5/22 - I am having a hard time maintaining the skin on my leg above the ankle. Remember when I told you that I kept pulling tweezers full of material out of where I was shot in the calf? Well now a rock hard mass of burrows or something has surfaced there, and I was wondering if you think that might be where the mites are coming from. I have started to remove it. Should I continue? I treat it with sulfur, cortisone, and tea tree oil every time that I wrap it. What do you think is causing this above the ankle? Prior inestation or Bush mainiacs shooting it? Not much feeling there anymore there anymore.
5/29 - Those bulbous burrows in my lower eyelid probably produce 50 mites each. Have to kill them when they are small with grape seed extract cream. Also it seems like these mites attach themselves to really strong strands so that it comes out like a rope with knots in it.
6/11 - Getting those burrows out of my eyelid takes weeks. Bulbous burrows have become masses of @ 10-15 mites attached to vessels that bleed a lot when removed. Now burrows in and around the Lateral Canthus (know that one?) of the opposite eye are presenting a problem. High twitch muscles of the eyelids seems to necessitate a good blood supply.
6/18 - I watched an account of bone cancer, eating the bone away, and I bet these mites do that if there is a chain of burrows that allows oxygen to go as deep as the bone. Remember that guy in Ithaca who had a football size mass in his calf? I think that it finally reached the bone and that was the end of him. Research to develop a repellant that results in the mites not recognizing the host as food would probably be worth developing.
7/2 - Finally got some sleep last night. Insects are still flying at the library though. I forgot to mention yesterday that burrows in the medial maleolus of the ankle is what probably cripples people more than anything else. It really makes it impossible to walk if allowed to persist. That is the area of the protruding bone on the the inside of the ankle that I am talking about. Best wishes
7/15 - My legs have been under atteck to an extreme, and I am dealing with total inflamation of my bad leg in the calf section for the third time. Very hard to bring the skin back, plus the burrows are manifest almost all the way to the crotch. Plastic, thigh high stocking, over paper towels, socks, and ointment don't provide enough protection. I bet these projectiles arise from a short Thai guy that rides a bike, probably a former BU student, computer hacker, etc. He doesn't come around much any more, but he is probably the source of what these people are shooting from guns, blow guns, pellet guns, whatever. I wish someone would do something to cut back on this. They are even shooting at me from rooms behing the librarian's desks if I sit in range of them. When I was in Ithaca, there was an old guy, looked like Mr. Bojangles. He was covered with insect burrows. most of his body. He would pedal his bike around Ithaca late night. Would pedal up my street, Geneva St, stop at Short Stop Store on Buffalo and Geneva somethimes. Would pedal his bike so slow that he wouldn't get it thru the intersection before it had turned red again. I gave him a lot of my socks. You could probably get footage of him off Short Stop cameras.(2001-3)
7/18 - I thought that I was extracting three bulbous burrows from my lower eyelid, and it turned out to be a mass of burrows the size of a dime. It took weeiks of treatmenht with tea tree oil, neem oil, and eye cream to get them to surface. When you treat it like that, you have to put the eye cream on to keep the oils from irritating the eye. They probably blind people by disabling the muscles of the lids and the eyes. That Thai Guy is proabably from Thailand or Cambodia, but I think that he is moving for the Koreans or the Chinese, for they are the ones throwing mites quite a bit.
7/20 - In respect to mite extraction, I think that I mistake the sublayer of the skin for mite burrows often and that the best way top determine what to focus on is the sensation produced by feeling it.
8/9 - Bush has been depriving me of sleep to an extreme again. I only get six to eight hours in one session every 48 hours. I take like a six hour bath every 48 hours too. Leg is draining so much or I put too much cheap petroleum laden cream on it; thus about a quart or more of body fluid soaked my boot thru when the plastic leaked two days ago. They have also been trying to cripple me to an extreme. First it was the Archilles tendons, then the knee front and back. I wear coke bottles under my pants above my boots to protect the lower legs too.
8/27 - Bush is only letting me sleep @ 6 hours every 48 hours for more than a month now. Removed half of giant burrow in my lower eyelid. Took a lot of skin and left a scar. I was scared to remove the whole thing; thus I am dealing with the consequences daily. In treating lips and eyelids with oil, it seems to be best to press and hold the oiled towel on site. That is the only way to get it in.
9/6 - I was up at Norm's and bag encasing my foot started to soak my boot. I told him that was body fluid. Severe infestation produces a uniform inflamed area on my legs. I was going home and complaining about them throwing anthrax at me, but I figured that I was really going thru toxic shock. Think those insects are that poisonous?
9/10 - Had black mold growing in my living room from water leaking from the roof, third floor into the wall, and I am on the first floor. When I mentioned it, they came into my apartment and sprayed bread mold from one end of the apartment to the other. I've had to throw out 50% of my books and belongings so far
I've found that oatmeal in a stocking is the best way to apply oatmeal poutices to the lips and the eyelids. Tell my dentist that if you have had contact with him, and he is still with us.
9/10 - Had black mold growing in my living room from water leaking from the roof, third floor into the wall, and I am on the first floor. When I mentioned it, they came into my apartment and sprayed bread mold from one end of the apartment to the other. I've had to throw out 50% of my books and belongings so far. They also ripped up the roofing Sunday night apparently, for the water was streaming down the wall.
FOOTNOTES (In case you came in late.)
(a.) Nazi – The Nazis are the Niggardly Asinine Zionist Idiots, arising from the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and the Plans of the Synagogue of Satan. Most of them do not know that they are Nazis. Satan’s servants appear as preachers of righteousness. (2 Cor. 11:14) Sweet people!. People like that did the Potato Famine, the Wisconsin Death Trip, the Spanish Flu, the Holocaust, and much more. If you had read the Plans of the Synagogue of Satan, you would understand that most of the Israelites in the Middle East are Turko-Mongol Jews. Keep in mind that they are also intent on dividing and conquering; thus you can’t feel sorry for anyone when the SERPENT is on all sides. (Foolproof plan of the SERPENT is that the HEAD doesn’t know what the TAIL is doing, and the TAIL doesn’t know what the HEAD is doing; thus you can’t find them guilty. (Zech. 11:5)) These Turko-Mongols came from Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan, and both those tribes actively promoted inbreeding. They worship stupidity. The Nazis are the ones who are destroying IMCs everywhere in order to suppress this information. The destruction of Indymedia sites happens because IMC is the only site where one can effectively oppose big business, Hitler’s Health Care, government corruption, or the SERPENT that is Zionism. In fulfilling God’s prophecy that these Nazis will have eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear, Hitler probably promoted BAAL worship as described in (c.) below. (Jer. 5:21, Ez. 12:2) These Nazis boast, “We have entered into a covenant with death, with the grave we have made an agreement. When an overwhelming scourge sweeps by, it cannot touch us, for we have made a lie our refuge and falsehood our hiding place.” (Is. 28:15) That is what makes them continue their destructive practices. They are continually being promised that that nobody is going to do anything about it and that they will be killed if they don’t keep doing it. As a result of this, they will all disappear when they fall into a trap that they have set for their own lives by doing things that are worthy of death. (Prov. 11:19, 14:12, Rom. 1:32) From Boston IMC post: Hey Boston! I suspect that Bush’s blowfish have surrounded me with convicted sex offenders here! Nicky says that they are harmless nonviolent perverts. You could do the same. Place ads for library employment in prison newsletters. How can you lose? Conf. to British blowfish: Is that how you do it over there? Stock the libraries with Nazi dunces? You’re all pretty stupid. I bet your librarians are serial killers.
(b.) God talks to us via the Holy Spirit which He says, “…will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment: in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me; in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned…. when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on His own; He will speak only what He hears, and He will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you.” (John 16:8-14) Inspiration comes the same way. It grabs you when you happen upon something that you know is worth pursuing. Also you should read the clouds! His power is in the sky! (Ps. 68:34) If you ask the Spirit any worthy question and the answer is “yes”, check the clouds, and you will see a “Y” or “Yes”. I have laid my life on the line every day to do my best to ensure that every word I say is true? It is not worth checking any books for knowledge that I have obtained from them, for the Nazis usually destroy those books, and they would know what you were looking for before you did and target you for seeking such info. God’s Spirit will confirm any knowledge that I have relayed to you. I am His witness. I am His messenger. (Rev. 11; Is. 42:19) “You feel thafe?” “And way when our year has ended, and I have gone away, you’ll often speak about me. And this is what you’ll say;..” “Gee! Thafe Thaviour sure saved a lot of dumb boys!” (Acts 5:39; Rev. 19:13; 12:11; Hosea 6:5; Jer. 5:14; Is. 63:1-6) To these dumkopfs that keep saying that I am supposed to turn back: All who rage against me will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose me will be as nothing and perish. (Is. 41:11; 42:19; Rev. 11) For 20 years I have always had “The Lord’s” on my hand or one of my gloves. Do you know what that is all about? That means that it will only take one person and The Word of God to ensure that His words do not return to Him empty. (Is. 44:5; 55:11) “I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found by those who did not seek me.” (Is. 65:1) Hear, O earth: I am bringing disaster on this people, the fruit of their schemes, because they have not listened to my words! Very well then, with foreign lips and strange tongues God will speak to this people,”I am bringing a distant nation against you an ancient and enduring nation, a people whose language you do not know, whose speech you do not understand.” (Jer. 6:19; Is. 28:11; Jer. 5:15) I bet these people are going to come and get you to sign over your house to them then they are going to get rid of you for having supported the inanity and lethal practices of the Bush Nazis. “Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?” (Is. 53:1) You? That “arm” appears in the clouds too! Keep in mind that “It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” (Hebrews 10:31) In regard to what is said about there being a “rapture”, the Lord’s people will be gathered to Him via images in the clouds; i.e. they will probably be instructed to go to Jerusalem. “At that time men will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory.” (Mk. 13:26; Matt. 24:30)
(c.) Bush dumkopfs – Bush BAAL Worship; A Nation of Bush Imps – As revealed in my Bush Daddy Religion article of 2002, the BAALs are Bush’s Asinine Anal Lovers. GHW Bush says that he has been eating feces (coprophagia) for 70 years. 70 years of brushing people off, saying he is too Gad damn important to talk to anyone and killing anyone who questions his stupidity. He and all his Bush Nazis have replaced the sulphurous fire of the Bible with feces(Gen.19:24 Lev.18:21; Ez.20:26; Is.13:16); i.e. the secret “power food” of the Moabites of Sh*ttim. (Numbers25:1-4) It fries their brains! If these Nazis can’t fry your brains with feces or bile duct toxins one way or another, there are probably a number of other ways that they do it. For example, I suspect that they believe that the drug Prolixin permanently impairs intelligence. or Phenothiazine the pesticide form of that drug. GHW Bush fried W’s brain @ 55 years ago. They can’t feel emotions! They can cry on the spot. They say that is proof that they feel emotions. (Is.41:23-24) I suspect that imp look might be a sign that person had his or her brains fried at an early age. My dictionary: imp = Devil’s offspring. This imp look might very well be the “look on their faces that betrays them”. (Is. 3:9) Once they have had their brains fried, it is an easy matter to manipulate them into doing evil. Since the folly of fools is deception, maybe the impish look is the result of a stiff-necked people having been taught to put on a bold front. (Prov. 14:8; 21:29; Jer. 7:26) That is, as soon as anyone questions them, they probably start thinking of the evil that their compatriots have planned for anyone who questions their imps. CAN THE IMPS BE SAVED? With God all things are possible. (Matt. 19:26) Keep in mind that wisdom brightens the face and changes a hard appearance. (Eccl. 8:1) ) By supporting Bush Nazis, you have set a trap for your own lives. These kind caring Bush Nazis, feigning distress and regret 24/7 and talking terror are posing as angels of light, i.e. the Devil. (2Cor.11:14) Do you wonder why everyone appears to be “senseless and without knowledge”? (Jer. 10:14) These Bush Nazis publish and repeat senseless falsehoods to you until you are convinced that they are true. Of course they will also tell you themselves how smart they are. “Friend deceives friend, and no one speaks the truth”. (Jer.9:5) That explains why there is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. (Prov.14:12, Is.28:21; 29:14; Jer.8:9; Hab.1:5,Ps.37:10) Have you been listening to the Bush Nazis and heeding their requests to support falsehoods? Then you have probably set a trap for your own life. (Prov.5:21-23; 11:5,19; 16:4; 28:10, Jer. 18:22) All of modern society seems to have been built on the professed intelligence and the professed authoritiy of brainless Nazis. They are able to this because they have a lot of morons backing them up. They have made falsehood their hiding place. (Is. 28:15) Whoever knows God recognizes the Holy Spirit and the spirit of falsehood. (1 John 4:6) God will reject everyone who loves and practices falsehood. (Rev. 22:15) Thus we are told to avoid such godless chatter. (2 Tim. 2:16) These fools keep saying, “Let God hurry and do His work so we can see it!”, and they are never going to see it. (Is.5:19, Jer.9:22) As you should know, “those who complain will accept instruction.” (Is. 29:24) “Let me take you down cause I’m going to Strawberry Fields!” (If you doubt that anything that I say about them is true, keep in mind the following excerpt from Holy Smoke, entry dated 4/7/07 and based on my Rigging the Messenger article of 2001: “If you don’t believe what I say about Bush Daddy (GHW Bush) saying such stuff, consider that he wears an electronic bracelet a la “Dick Tracy” that broadcasts via his audio-visual cortex whatever he says, hears, or thinks to me via the computer chip that they implanted in me at Georgetown Medical Center 6/3/95 after they broke a hairline fracture in the Emergency Room. In fulfillment of God’s word, the sin of his mouth lets him be trapped in his pride (Ps. 59:12; Prov. 12:13; 13:13), proving that he is the “son of perdition”, the “man of lawlessness” (2 Thess. 2:3) Do you doubt the truth of 9/11 as has been transmitted to you from Bush Daddy’s own mouth and ears? Do you hesitate to fulfill the Sovereign Lord’s words against them? How long will you serve the Bush Nazi god, i.e. their stupidity? (Deut. 13:6-9)” (10/19 These Bushes have never been convicted of a crime because anyone who tries to file a charge is immediately “neutralized”.) That chip broadcasts everything from and to me via the audio-visual cortex of my body and infrared radiation emanating from and being received by the Eagle Stealth helicoptors that have dogged my steps 24/7 for 14 years now. I bet that Hitler’s Health Care now attaches a computer chip that cannot broadcast as mine does to any implant made into the body; thus they can monitor a person’s thoughts and speech and set traps and/or waylay them on the basis of the information that they have obtained. (Jer. 5:26; Ps. 64:6 (NWT of Scriptures calls it a “shrewd device”)) 8/27 Along with every other detrimental thing that can be thrown at me, those Eagle helicoptors have been broadcasting those mites at me and my bike everywhere that I go. They don’t really broadcast them, but they shoot them in pellets that dissolve as they approach the target. Ask these brainless pilots if they can fly those coptors without their fingers. 6/3/2010 Today makes fifteen years that I have been enduring the brainless chatter of the Bush fools who say that I am supposed to go crazy because their drivel has never failed to drive people nuts. 8/20 Note that the immortal “Fear God…” paragraph that created Israel has been updated to include; “George Herbert Walker Bush, the uncrowned king of Babylon, the son of perdition, i.e. the lawless Jacob must die so that he can become the Great Dead King of Israel…” (Is. 14:4-22; Mic. 1:5; 2 Thess. 2:3-8; Hosea 10:3,15) He will be destroyed by the word of God; which becomes a “sword” when used properly, and God has “made my mouth like a sharpened sword”. (Is. 49:2; Rev. 2:16; Is. 11:4) 8/26 Even though every thing that I say is broadcasted, the Bush Nazis tell their followers not to listen to me. One of the reasons they do this is so that they can “steal my ideas” and profess intelligence, saying that it was their idea. Another reason is so they can say stuff like “He can’t hear. He can’t do anything about it.” 12/7 As with all members of the SERPENT, GHW Bush says that no one is ever going to be able to prove anything about him because no one is ever going to be able to really talk to him; i.e. he “..speaks cordially to his neighbour, but in his heart he sets a trap for him.”(Jer. 9:8) 1/3/11 GHW Bush’s Eagle Helicoptors are bioterror stealth aircraft. It is not legal to fly such an aircraft yet they have dogged my steps for 16 years and thrown tons of chemicals, hundreds of pounds of anthrax, and pounds of insects at me. It has a military star on it; thus they fly around, posing as the US Military. Tell President Obama to ground those aircraft, and at least disable their bioterror capabilities. “The first was like a lion, and it had the wings of an eagle. I watched until its wings were torn off…”(Dan. 7:4) 1/13 GHW Bush cuts off all my attempts to communicate with people; thus I can only reach people once or twice via computer. If I write, they would intercept it and say that was proof I was harassing someone.(Ps. 88:8) 1/18 GHW Bush joked that the military was using the One for Bush song from the Facebook link above to broadcast while bringing those Eagles down. Have determined that when I saw GHW Bush strolling around Cornell campus @ 2001, he was there to see which students would oppose or support him. Since he would walk around without identifying himself, he was being a Public Nuisance, for he would probably only identify himself to those who he liked. 6/30/11 – In the ’90s a Chinook helicoptor kept circling my house in DC with a group of men, holding a GHW Bush dummy in the doorway like they were going to throw him out. Last night it was ascertained that was supposed to be the USPO showing us what happens when Bush wouldn’t stop interfering with the mail and email and stealing posts on websites. I’m not making this up, and this is not some controversial detail about Bush that he has revealed to me himself so that his compatriots can raise a ruckus about it and coerce you into removing this post. 9/22/12 GHW Bush says that he is terrified of Illumination Flares that will expose his stealth helicoptors at night. 1/8/13 I saw a doppler radar blip of the Eagle stealth helicoptor that covered hundreds of square miles. It seem like radar can be set to pick up the infrared too.
(d.) Has a nation ever changed its gods? Sure these Bush Nazis can do anything that they put their sh*t-eaten brains to! That is why they continue to do things that they know are worthy of death. Now as the “fruit of their schemes”, the nations shall know that God gave them into the hands of their adversaries, and they fell all of them by the sword. In other words, when you dispatch these idiotic Zionist Nazis, you must cut off their heads, for they are the Holy-wannabes of Israel, and their heads are the idols of Israel. They have been behaving like they are “God on earth”, calling good evil and evil good. Rest assured that God’s words back them up in their efforts to become His people, for God says that after two days He will revive them; on the third day He will restore them, that they may live in His presence. Tell them that though they have fallen, they will rise and that God has promised them a new heart. Because they have sinned against Him, they will bear the LORD’s wrath, until He pleads their case. Via these Bush Nazi Idols, God’s salvation will be carried to the ends of the earth. … The Bush Nazi Idols decribed above are the “key” to this Kingdom. Whether you are an immigrant or not, you just cut off the Bush Nazi’s head and claim his or her house, saying they will be back in a few days. Their heads will probably end up in Hooterville where they will bear the LORD’s wrath, until He pleads their case and establishes their right. Here I also thought that I was posting on Lancasteronline (another Bush Nazi site?), but it turns out that I was posting and proclaiming salvation from the “mountainous region of Ephraim”(Scranton area: Appalachian Mts.), for I am also “a voice from Dan”. (Jer. 2:11; Rom. 1:32; Jer. 6:19; Ez. 39:23; Ps. 63:10; Ps. 12:3; Is. 5:15,20; Hosea 6:2; Mic. 7:8-9; Ez. 36:26; Is. 49:6; Deut. 28:30; Lam. 5:2; Amos 5:11; Jer. 4:15) 12/15 Before you send these heads off to Hooterville, which you should know is on mountaintops all over the earth, you will probably want to pin their lips to their ears to put a smile on their face then put them under a sunlamp to take a picture for the records; thus you will be able to say something like, “Don’t it look like he’s having fun? He must be in South America! He’ll be back in a few days.” Don’t want to do that? Maybe you can find some Deadhead to do it. I was always wondering what they were here for. Deadhead – “He ain’t dead! His stupidity will live forever!” 9/11 “Don’t he look Spanish! I bet he was one of those Shining Path guerillas!” 5/18 Change of plans regarding this “change of gods” brought to you by CYRUS – “These heads are the heads of the people who stumbled and fell trying to get the Temple of the Lord and Sarah and Jennifer built in Jerusalem; i.e. they are the idols of Israel, Holy Nation.” “Those who are wise will instruct many, though for a time they will fall by the sword or be burned or captured or plundered. When they fall, they will receive a little help, and many who are not sincere will join them. Some of the wise will stumble, so that they may be refined, purified and made spotless until the time of the end.” (Dan. 11:33-35) (For complete blog and/or Footnotes: See (copy and exit, won’t stop downloading, so watch the indicator in right column until it indicates there is no more coming.) is a partial blog.)
(a.) Nazi – The Nazis are the Niggardly Asinine Zionist Idiots, arising from the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and the Plans of the Synagogue of Satan. Most of them do not know that they are Nazis. Satan’s servants appear as preachers of righteousness. (2 Cor. 11:14) Sweet people!. People like that did the Potato Famine, the Wisconsin Death Trip, the Spanish Flu, the Holocaust, and much more. If you had read the Plans of the Synagogue of Satan, you would understand that most of the Israelites in the Middle East are Turko-Mongol Jews. Keep in mind that they are also intent on dividing and conquering; thus you can’t feel sorry for anyone when the SERPENT is on all sides. (Foolproof plan of the SERPENT is that the HEAD doesn’t know what the TAIL is doing, and the TAIL doesn’t know what the HEAD is doing; thus you can’t find them guilty. (Zech. 11:5)) These Turko-Mongols came from Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan, and both those tribes actively promoted inbreeding. They worship stupidity. The Nazis are the ones who are destroying IMCs everywhere in order to suppress this information. The destruction of Indymedia sites happens because IMC is the only site where one can effectively oppose big business, Hitler’s Health Care, government corruption, or the SERPENT that is Zionism. In fulfilling God’s prophecy that these Nazis will have eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear, Hitler probably promoted BAAL worship as described in (c.) below. (Jer. 5:21, Ez. 12:2) These Nazis boast, “We have entered into a covenant with death, with the grave we have made an agreement. When an overwhelming scourge sweeps by, it cannot touch us, for we have made a lie our refuge and falsehood our hiding place.” (Is. 28:15) That is what makes them continue their destructive practices. They are continually being promised that that nobody is going to do anything about it and that they will be killed if they don’t keep doing it. As a result of this, they will all disappear when they fall into a trap that they have set for their own lives by doing things that are worthy of death. (Prov. 11:19, 14:12, Rom. 1:32) From Boston IMC post: Hey Boston! I suspect that Bush’s blowfish have surrounded me with convicted sex offenders here! Nicky says that they are harmless nonviolent perverts. You could do the same. Place ads for library employment in prison newsletters. How can you lose? Conf. to British blowfish: Is that how you do it over there? Stock the libraries with Nazi dunces? You’re all pretty stupid. I bet your librarians are serial killers.
(b.) God talks to us via the Holy Spirit which He says, “…will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment: in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me; in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned…. when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on His own; He will speak only what He hears, and He will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you.” (John 16:8-14) Inspiration comes the same way. It grabs you when you happen upon something that you know is worth pursuing. Also you should read the clouds! His power is in the sky! (Ps. 68:34) If you ask the Spirit any worthy question and the answer is “yes”, check the clouds, and you will see a “Y” or “Yes”. I have laid my life on the line every day to do my best to ensure that every word I say is true? It is not worth checking any books for knowledge that I have obtained from them, for the Nazis usually destroy those books, and they would know what you were looking for before you did and target you for seeking such info. God’s Spirit will confirm any knowledge that I have relayed to you. I am His witness. I am His messenger. (Rev. 11; Is. 42:19) “You feel thafe?” “And way when our year has ended, and I have gone away, you’ll often speak about me. And this is what you’ll say;..” “Gee! Thafe Thaviour sure saved a lot of dumb boys!” (Acts 5:39; Rev. 19:13; 12:11; Hosea 6:5; Jer. 5:14; Is. 63:1-6) To these dumkopfs that keep saying that I am supposed to turn back: All who rage against me will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose me will be as nothing and perish. (Is. 41:11; 42:19; Rev. 11) For 20 years I have always had “The Lord’s” on my hand or one of my gloves. Do you know what that is all about? That means that it will only take one person and The Word of God to ensure that His words do not return to Him empty. (Is. 44:5; 55:11) “I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found by those who did not seek me.” (Is. 65:1) Hear, O earth: I am bringing disaster on this people, the fruit of their schemes, because they have not listened to my words! Very well then, with foreign lips and strange tongues God will speak to this people,”I am bringing a distant nation against you an ancient and enduring nation, a people whose language you do not know, whose speech you do not understand.” (Jer. 6:19; Is. 28:11; Jer. 5:15) I bet these people are going to come and get you to sign over your house to them then they are going to get rid of you for having supported the inanity and lethal practices of the Bush Nazis. “Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?” (Is. 53:1) You? That “arm” appears in the clouds too! Keep in mind that “It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” (Hebrews 10:31) In regard to what is said about there being a “rapture”, the Lord’s people will be gathered to Him via images in the clouds; i.e. they will probably be instructed to go to Jerusalem. “At that time men will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory.” (Mk. 13:26; Matt. 24:30)
(c.) Bush dumkopfs – Bush BAAL Worship; A Nation of Bush Imps – As revealed in my Bush Daddy Religion article of 2002, the BAALs are Bush’s Asinine Anal Lovers. GHW Bush says that he has been eating feces (coprophagia) for 70 years. 70 years of brushing people off, saying he is too Gad damn important to talk to anyone and killing anyone who questions his stupidity. He and all his Bush Nazis have replaced the sulphurous fire of the Bible with feces(Gen.19:24 Lev.18:21; Ez.20:26; Is.13:16); i.e. the secret “power food” of the Moabites of Sh*ttim. (Numbers25:1-4) It fries their brains! If these Nazis can’t fry your brains with feces or bile duct toxins one way or another, there are probably a number of other ways that they do it. For example, I suspect that they believe that the drug Prolixin permanently impairs intelligence. or Phenothiazine the pesticide form of that drug. GHW Bush fried W’s brain @ 55 years ago. They can’t feel emotions! They can cry on the spot. They say that is proof that they feel emotions. (Is.41:23-24) I suspect that imp look might be a sign that person had his or her brains fried at an early age. My dictionary: imp = Devil’s offspring. This imp look might very well be the “look on their faces that betrays them”. (Is. 3:9) Once they have had their brains fried, it is an easy matter to manipulate them into doing evil. Since the folly of fools is deception, maybe the impish look is the result of a stiff-necked people having been taught to put on a bold front. (Prov. 14:8; 21:29; Jer. 7:26) That is, as soon as anyone questions them, they probably start thinking of the evil that their compatriots have planned for anyone who questions their imps. CAN THE IMPS BE SAVED? With God all things are possible. (Matt. 19:26) Keep in mind that wisdom brightens the face and changes a hard appearance. (Eccl. 8:1) ) By supporting Bush Nazis, you have set a trap for your own lives. These kind caring Bush Nazis, feigning distress and regret 24/7 and talking terror are posing as angels of light, i.e. the Devil. (2Cor.11:14) Do you wonder why everyone appears to be “senseless and without knowledge”? (Jer. 10:14) These Bush Nazis publish and repeat senseless falsehoods to you until you are convinced that they are true. Of course they will also tell you themselves how smart they are. “Friend deceives friend, and no one speaks the truth”. (Jer.9:5) That explains why there is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. (Prov.14:12, Is.28:21; 29:14; Jer.8:9; Hab.1:5,Ps.37:10) Have you been listening to the Bush Nazis and heeding their requests to support falsehoods? Then you have probably set a trap for your own life. (Prov.5:21-23; 11:5,19; 16:4; 28:10, Jer. 18:22) All of modern society seems to have been built on the professed intelligence and the professed authoritiy of brainless Nazis. They are able to this because they have a lot of morons backing them up. They have made falsehood their hiding place. (Is. 28:15) Whoever knows God recognizes the Holy Spirit and the spirit of falsehood. (1 John 4:6) God will reject everyone who loves and practices falsehood. (Rev. 22:15) Thus we are told to avoid such godless chatter. (2 Tim. 2:16) These fools keep saying, “Let God hurry and do His work so we can see it!”, and they are never going to see it. (Is.5:19, Jer.9:22) As you should know, “those who complain will accept instruction.” (Is. 29:24) “Let me take you down cause I’m going to Strawberry Fields!” (If you doubt that anything that I say about them is true, keep in mind the following excerpt from Holy Smoke, entry dated 4/7/07 and based on my Rigging the Messenger article of 2001: “If you don’t believe what I say about Bush Daddy (GHW Bush) saying such stuff, consider that he wears an electronic bracelet a la “Dick Tracy” that broadcasts via his audio-visual cortex whatever he says, hears, or thinks to me via the computer chip that they implanted in me at Georgetown Medical Center 6/3/95 after they broke a hairline fracture in the Emergency Room. In fulfillment of God’s word, the sin of his mouth lets him be trapped in his pride (Ps. 59:12; Prov. 12:13; 13:13), proving that he is the “son of perdition”, the “man of lawlessness” (2 Thess. 2:3) Do you doubt the truth of 9/11 as has been transmitted to you from Bush Daddy’s own mouth and ears? Do you hesitate to fulfill the Sovereign Lord’s words against them? How long will you serve the Bush Nazi god, i.e. their stupidity? (Deut. 13:6-9)” (10/19 These Bushes have never been convicted of a crime because anyone who tries to file a charge is immediately “neutralized”.) That chip broadcasts everything from and to me via the audio-visual cortex of my body and infrared radiation emanating from and being received by the Eagle Stealth helicoptors that have dogged my steps 24/7 for 14 years now. I bet that Hitler’s Health Care now attaches a computer chip that cannot broadcast as mine does to any implant made into the body; thus they can monitor a person’s thoughts and speech and set traps and/or waylay them on the basis of the information that they have obtained. (Jer. 5:26; Ps. 64:6 (NWT of Scriptures calls it a “shrewd device”)) 8/27 Along with every other detrimental thing that can be thrown at me, those Eagle helicoptors have been broadcasting those mites at me and my bike everywhere that I go. They don’t really broadcast them, but they shoot them in pellets that dissolve as they approach the target. Ask these brainless pilots if they can fly those coptors without their fingers. 6/3/2010 Today makes fifteen years that I have been enduring the brainless chatter of the Bush fools who say that I am supposed to go crazy because their drivel has never failed to drive people nuts. 8/20 Note that the immortal “Fear God…” paragraph that created Israel has been updated to include; “George Herbert Walker Bush, the uncrowned king of Babylon, the son of perdition, i.e. the lawless Jacob must die so that he can become the Great Dead King of Israel…” (Is. 14:4-22; Mic. 1:5; 2 Thess. 2:3-8; Hosea 10:3,15) He will be destroyed by the word of God; which becomes a “sword” when used properly, and God has “made my mouth like a sharpened sword”. (Is. 49:2; Rev. 2:16; Is. 11:4) 8/26 Even though every thing that I say is broadcasted, the Bush Nazis tell their followers not to listen to me. One of the reasons they do this is so that they can “steal my ideas” and profess intelligence, saying that it was their idea. Another reason is so they can say stuff like “He can’t hear. He can’t do anything about it.” 12/7 As with all members of the SERPENT, GHW Bush says that no one is ever going to be able to prove anything about him because no one is ever going to be able to really talk to him; i.e. he “..speaks cordially to his neighbour, but in his heart he sets a trap for him.”(Jer. 9:8) 1/3/11 GHW Bush’s Eagle Helicoptors are bioterror stealth aircraft. It is not legal to fly such an aircraft yet they have dogged my steps for 16 years and thrown tons of chemicals, hundreds of pounds of anthrax, and pounds of insects at me. It has a military star on it; thus they fly around, posing as the US Military. Tell President Obama to ground those aircraft, and at least disable their bioterror capabilities. “The first was like a lion, and it had the wings of an eagle. I watched until its wings were torn off…”(Dan. 7:4) 1/13 GHW Bush cuts off all my attempts to communicate with people; thus I can only reach people once or twice via computer. If I write, they would intercept it and say that was proof I was harassing someone.(Ps. 88:8) 1/18 GHW Bush joked that the military was using the One for Bush song from the Facebook link above to broadcast while bringing those Eagles down. Have determined that when I saw GHW Bush strolling around Cornell campus @ 2001, he was there to see which students would oppose or support him. Since he would walk around without identifying himself, he was being a Public Nuisance, for he would probably only identify himself to those who he liked. 6/30/11 – In the ’90s a Chinook helicoptor kept circling my house in DC with a group of men, holding a GHW Bush dummy in the doorway like they were going to throw him out. Last night it was ascertained that was supposed to be the USPO showing us what happens when Bush wouldn’t stop interfering with the mail and email and stealing posts on websites. I’m not making this up, and this is not some controversial detail about Bush that he has revealed to me himself so that his compatriots can raise a ruckus about it and coerce you into removing this post. 9/22/12 GHW Bush says that he is terrified of Illumination Flares that will expose his stealth helicoptors at night. 1/8/13 I saw a doppler radar blip of the Eagle stealth helicoptor that covered hundreds of square miles. It seem like radar can be set to pick up the infrared too.
(d.) Has a nation ever changed its gods? Sure these Bush Nazis can do anything that they put their sh*t-eaten brains to! That is why they continue to do things that they know are worthy of death. Now as the “fruit of their schemes”, the nations shall know that God gave them into the hands of their adversaries, and they fell all of them by the sword. In other words, when you dispatch these idiotic Zionist Nazis, you must cut off their heads, for they are the Holy-wannabes of Israel, and their heads are the idols of Israel. They have been behaving like they are “God on earth”, calling good evil and evil good. Rest assured that God’s words back them up in their efforts to become His people, for God says that after two days He will revive them; on the third day He will restore them, that they may live in His presence. Tell them that though they have fallen, they will rise and that God has promised them a new heart. Because they have sinned against Him, they will bear the LORD’s wrath, until He pleads their case. Via these Bush Nazi Idols, God’s salvation will be carried to the ends of the earth. … The Bush Nazi Idols decribed above are the “key” to this Kingdom. Whether you are an immigrant or not, you just cut off the Bush Nazi’s head and claim his or her house, saying they will be back in a few days. Their heads will probably end up in Hooterville where they will bear the LORD’s wrath, until He pleads their case and establishes their right. Here I also thought that I was posting on Lancasteronline (another Bush Nazi site?), but it turns out that I was posting and proclaiming salvation from the “mountainous region of Ephraim”(Scranton area: Appalachian Mts.), for I am also “a voice from Dan”. (Jer. 2:11; Rom. 1:32; Jer. 6:19; Ez. 39:23; Ps. 63:10; Ps. 12:3; Is. 5:15,20; Hosea 6:2; Mic. 7:8-9; Ez. 36:26; Is. 49:6; Deut. 28:30; Lam. 5:2; Amos 5:11; Jer. 4:15) 12/15 Before you send these heads off to Hooterville, which you should know is on mountaintops all over the earth, you will probably want to pin their lips to their ears to put a smile on their face then put them under a sunlamp to take a picture for the records; thus you will be able to say something like, “Don’t it look like he’s having fun? He must be in South America! He’ll be back in a few days.” Don’t want to do that? Maybe you can find some Deadhead to do it. I was always wondering what they were here for. Deadhead – “He ain’t dead! His stupidity will live forever!” 9/11 “Don’t he look Spanish! I bet he was one of those Shining Path guerillas!” 5/18 Change of plans regarding this “change of gods” brought to you by CYRUS – “These heads are the heads of the people who stumbled and fell trying to get the Temple of the Lord and Sarah and Jennifer built in Jerusalem; i.e. they are the idols of Israel, Holy Nation.” “Those who are wise will instruct many, though for a time they will fall by the sword or be burned or captured or plundered. When they fall, they will receive a little help, and many who are not sincere will join them. Some of the wise will stumble, so that they may be refined, purified and made spotless until the time of the end.” (Dan. 11:33-35) (For complete blog and/or Footnotes: See (copy and exit, won’t stop downloading, so watch the indicator in right column until it indicates there is no more coming.) is a partial blog.)
Have your knees been making grinding noises? Does your brain feel out of whack? (Watch how many delete this. They lub their doktors more than they love life.)
God's Gonna Water This Soil
I was talking to Candor about the Rains of Righteousness: "There are no Rains of Righteousness in Candor because "there is no one who does good, not even one"(Ps. 14:3) Let it "..rain down my righteousness; let the clouds shower it down....let salvation spring up, let goodness grow with it; I,... the LORD, have created it."(Is. 45:8) There would be no dry soil in Candor if they were not so busy ".. stealing away my words, each one from his companion.”(Jer. 23:30)" Then I let them know about;
"...Bobby Meade Worshippers. As has been written, "I suspect that Adolf Hitler created Bobby Meade Worship. GHW Bush and his Bobby Meade Worshippers have promoted it worldwide. One of the main precepts seems to be that no one can mention Bobby Meade, or they will be targetted and eliminated. It’s really popular in your country, but you will never know it because nobody can mention Bobby Meade." So you might really want to bring out the Bobby Meade Worshippers in your area. You could announce Bobby Meade worship meetings in your area to water your crops. "A trap, a pit, and a snare await you, people of the earth"(Is. 24:17). This could be like the prophesized "famine for the word of the Lord" "..People will stagger from sea to sea and wander from north to east, searching for the word of the Lord, but they will not find it"(Amos 8:12). So when you stage this Bobby Meade Worship, "Your city that marches out a thousand strong will have only a hundred left; your town that marches out a hundred strong will have only ten left"(Amos 5:3). I'm sure that those that are left will complain, so don't forget, "..those who complain will accept instruction"(Is. 29:24). We will really need a lot more rain for the tomatoes and cucumbers, not to mention the apple crop, so you be sure to bring a lot of your friends to the next Bobby Meade Worship in our neighborhood. My Baby says, "This is the way; walk in it."(Is. 30:21) . Bobby Meade Worship probably came about because they were eliminating anyone in DC who said anything about me whether it was good or bad; thus no one would dare mention me. The Bush Nazis have promoted Bobby Meade worship without revealing that I am here to make sure that "there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known."(Matt. 10:26); thus the Bush followers don't have any idea who I am or what I am doing.
See "Fire? Rain? The Choice Remains in the following articles: (My computer freezes up, and I am being prevented from accessing many sites. Best to broadcast this or excerpts.)
5/15 - Need rain? "I sent rain on one town, but withheld it from another. One field had rain; another had none and dried up"(Amos 4:7)" So Bush has been harassing me nonstop for 18 years because I took it upon my self to win the PGW, run the first Bush Administration, and stuff like that. Couild he have done it? He's never done anything except pick his butt and put on airs:
5/21 - Bush said that he wanted to do evil while he was in the White House, and I prevented that.
FYI: Best way to announce BM Worship is to probably make a Bobby Meade Worship bumper sticker with directions and/or directional arrows on them. "We bow north! We bow south! We bow down to Bobby Meade's house!" "I have seen Him in the watchfires of a hundred circled camps!..."
The evil ones have "been given power to rule until God's words are fulfilled" (Rev. 17:17). That means that you need to produce Bush Nazi Idols (d.). Gad has a lot of them. How many you got? Hot Tip: If no place else, you can have Bobby Meade Worship at the Love Festvals of Hooterville:
See: (copy and exit, won't stop downloading, so watch the indicator in right column until it indicates there is no more coming.) is a partial blog.)
Bush Birthday Bash 6/12/13 -6/23
George Herbert is playing the fool,
He's getting rid of all of you!
June 3rd made it eighteen years that I have been enduring the continuous brainless chatter of GHW Bush via the computer chip that they implanted after breaking my leg in the ER of Georgetown Medical Center. Since his birthday is coming up on June 12th, it is another opportunity to make clear that he has been here too long. I was thinking about writing to former Senator Bob Dole when I saw him on TV, until I realized that I had never written him very much when I was in DC. Bush's hacker blocked me from accessing his biography, and when I made an issue of that, he said, "Kill Bob Dole!" for some reason. That puts Bob Dole with the Pope, the Queen, and Michelle Obama as the people who Bush has threatened to kill. Bush says that he can kill anybody because he used to be President and because he has millions of Bush Nazis (a.) ready to do his bidding. You should have seen him back in his heyday when he was still ambulatory. He would march around with 12 "disciples" who would try to eliminate anyone who questioned their foolishness. He will surely go down as the king of the fools. Happy Birthday Georgie Bush. Enjoy it while you can!
Excerpts from Birthday Comment 6/13/12"He comes from a long line of coprophagic homosexual Devil worshippers. .......... His lawlessness knows no bounds for he has no sense of what is legal and what is not; thus he will go down in history as the “man of lawlessnes, the son of perdition” (2 Thess. 2:3). This is what happens when you don’t question lawlessness."
God's Gonna Water This Soil
I was talking to Candor about the Rains of Righteousness: "There are no Rains of Righteousness in Candor because "there is no one who does good, not even one"(Ps. 14:3) Let it "..rain down my righteousness; let the clouds shower it down....let salvation spring up, let goodness grow with it; I,... the LORD, have created it."(Is. 45:8) There would be no dry soil in Candor if they were not so busy ".. stealing away my words, each one from his companion.”(Jer. 23:30)" Then I let them know about;
"...Bobby Meade Worshippers. As has been written, "I suspect that Adolf Hitler created Bobby Meade Worship. GHW Bush and his Bobby Meade Worshippers have promoted it worldwide. One of the main precepts seems to be that no one can mention Bobby Meade, or they will be targetted and eliminated. It’s really popular in your country, but you will never know it because nobody can mention Bobby Meade." So you might really want to bring out the Bobby Meade Worshippers in your area. You could announce Bobby Meade worship meetings in your area to water your crops. "A trap, a pit, and a snare await you, people of the earth"(Is. 24:17). This could be like the prophesized "famine for the word of the Lord" "..People will stagger from sea to sea and wander from north to east, searching for the word of the Lord, but they will not find it"(Amos 8:12). So when you stage this Bobby Meade Worship, "Your city that marches out a thousand strong will have only a hundred left; your town that marches out a hundred strong will have only ten left"(Amos 5:3). I'm sure that those that are left will complain, so don't forget, "..those who complain will accept instruction"(Is. 29:24). We will really need a lot more rain for the tomatoes and cucumbers, not to mention the apple crop, so you be sure to bring a lot of your friends to the next Bobby Meade Worship in our neighborhood. My Baby says, "This is the way; walk in it."(Is. 30:21) . Bobby Meade Worship probably came about because they were eliminating anyone in DC who said anything about me whether it was good or bad; thus no one would dare mention me. The Bush Nazis have promoted Bobby Meade worship without revealing that I am here to make sure that "there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known."(Matt. 10:26); thus the Bush followers don't have any idea who I am or what I am doing.
See "Fire? Rain? The Choice Remains in the following articles: (My computer freezes up, and I am being prevented from accessing many sites. Best to broadcast this or excerpts.)
5/15 - Need rain? "I sent rain on one town, but withheld it from another. One field had rain; another had none and dried up"(Amos 4:7)" (after that I put God's Gonna Water This Soil)
So Bush has been harassing me nonstop for 18 years because I took it upon my self to win the PGW, run the first Bush Administration, and stuff like that. Couild he have done it? He's never done anything except pick his butt and put on airs:
5/21 - Bush said that he wanted to do evil while he was in the White House, and I prevented that.
FYI: Best way to announce BM Worship is to probably make a Bobby Meade Worship bumper sticker with directions and/or directional arrows on them. "We bow north! We bow south! We bow down to Bobby Meade's house!" "I have seen Him in the watchfires of a hundred circled camps!..."
6/17 - Excerpts from letters to former Senator Bob Dole: "Do you still have a lot of contact with the military? Bush tells me that Special Forces after the PGW were his own creation; untraceable Secret Service (that is SS rejects that had worked a day or two at the White House) sent to eliminate anyone who talked about what really happened in that war; thus Bush had his own war in the weeks after the PGW as they murdered the 600 publicized deaths of the PGW. (Psst! You want to be in the "Army"?)....That was probably Secret Service wannabes. The ones that work the White House for a day or two, then Bush takes them "under his wing". A lot of the Cornell Police were there. As for proof of what happened to the murdered soldiers, I bet their last contacts home would reveal what they said to alert the Special Forces etc. .... Since these Bush characters moniter all electronic communication, it is probably not worth contacting family members of any of the 600 soldiers who perished after the PGW war. The best bet seems to be to publish the letters that I have sent to you with or without your name and ask the family members or acquaintances of any of the soldiers who perished to publish and/or broadcast any information that may reveal why they were targetted and eliminated by Special Forces etc. in Iraq." So these Bush Nazis have "watchwords" that result in their mudering innocent people who were not opposing anyone. (James 5:6) Any mention of the lawless conduct of Bush or his followers would result in setting these Bush Nazis after one. In the case of the PGW, it might have only taken the mention of how unreal it was for a million man army to chase Saddam Hussein for 21 days without losing a soldier. Whatever the case, I believe that survivors of these fallen soldiers might help to set matters straight about what really made these deaths occur after the PGW by publicizing communications that might have led to their deaths. It might also result in our learning the story about these Special Forces. (Rev. 12:11).
6/23 - GHW Bush said that the Special Forces were his "hit men", and they eliminated targetted soldiers by "friendly fire". If it wasn't listed as "friendly fire", it was probably other members of Special Forces, posing as the enemy. I wonder how many casualties there were from other countries. He also says that the Special Forces were like a civic organization of the military. Civic law enforcement organizations are gathering spots for Zion's Secret Police throughout the land. Many of the Bush Nazis frequent these meetings, for they are not official organizations; thus there are never any police checks of members. Every single police or security agency, from animal control to university police; plus a lot of officials from the medical, judicial, and educational communities are members of these groups and employ the members in acts of lawlessness in order to promote wickedness, depravity, what not?
Plague of Parasitic Mites - Reposted because links were kaput.
Computer Wizards at Work: Changes in browser accessiblility appears to be an attempt to force the general public off the computer.
Flight 800 - There was footage probably from a NYC TV station immediately after the crash, showing a faint streak of what was most likely a surface to air missle, streaking up to the aircraft about ten seconds before it exploded. These professed investigators are probably trying to eliminate anyone making an issue of this.
See: (copy and exit, won't stop downloading, so watch the indicator in right column until it indicates there is no more coming.) is a partial blog.)
Bush Birthday Bash 6/12/13 -6/17
George Herbert is playing the fool,
He's getting rid of all of you!
June 3rd made it eighteen years that I have been enduring the continuous brainless chatter of GHW Bush via the computer chip that they implanted after breaking my leg in the ER of Georgetown Medical Center. Since his birthday is coming up on June 12th, it is another opportunity to make clear that he has been here too long. I was thinking about writing to former Senator Bob Dole when I saw him on TV, until I realized that I had never written him very much when I was in DC. Bush's hacker blocked me from accessing his biography, and when I made an issue of that, he said, "Kill Bob Dole!" for some reason. That puts Bob Dole with the Pope, the Queen, and Michelle Obama as the people who Bush has threatened to kill. Bush says that he can kill anybody because he used to be President and because he has millions of Bush Nazis (a.) ready to do his bidding. You should have seen him back in his heyday when he was still ambulatory. He would march around with 12 "disciples" who would try to eliminate anyone who questioned their foolishness. He will surely go down as the king of the fools. Happy Birthday Georgie Bush. Enjoy it while you can!
Excerpts from Birthday Comment 6/13/12
"He comes from a long line of coprophagic homosexual Devil worshippers. .......... His lawlessness knows no bounds for he has no sense of what is legal and what is not; thus he will go down in history as the “man of lawlessnes, the son of perdition” (2 Thess. 2:3). This is what happens when you don’t question lawlessness."
6/3 Drought-breaker Rainmaker
"I will surely gather all of you, Jacob (that's GHW Bush and his followers)"(Micah 2:12). "Any of his (GHW Bush's) people among you may go up to Jerusalem in Judah and build the temple of the Lord, the God of Israe...l, the God who is in Jerusalem, and may their God be with them. And in any locality where survivors may now be living, the people are to provide them with silver and gold, with goods and livestock, and with freewill offerings for the temple of God in Jerusalem"(Ezra 1:3-4)
God's Gonna Water This Soil
I was talking to Candor about the Rains of Righteousness: "There are no Rains of Righteousness in Candor because "there is no one who does good, not even one"(Ps. 14:3) Let it "..rain down my righteousness; let the clouds shower it down....let salvation spring up, let goodness grow with it; I,... the LORD, have created it."(Is. 45:8) There would be no dry soil in Candor if they were not so busy ".. stealing away my words, each one from his companion.”(Jer. 23:30)" Then I let them know about;
"...Bobby Meade Worshippers. As has been written, "I suspect that Adolf Hitler created Bobby Meade Worship. GHW Bush and his Bobby Meade Worshippers have promoted it worldwide. One of the main precepts seems to be that no one can mention Bobby Meade, or they will be targetted and eliminated. It’s really popular in your country, but you will never know it because nobody can mention Bobby Meade." So you might really want to bring out the Bobby Meade Worshippers in your area. You could announce Bobby Meade worship meetings in your area to water your crops. "A trap, a pit, and a snare await you, people of the earth"(Is. 24:17). This could be like the prophesized "famine for the word of the Lord" "..People will stagger from sea to sea and wander from north to east, searching for the word of the Lord, but they will not find it"(Amos 8:12). So when you stage this Bobby Meade Worship, "Your city that marches out a thousand strong will have only a hundred left; your town that marches out a hundred strong will have only ten left"(Amos 5:3). I'm sure that those that are left will complain, so don't forget, "..those who complain will accept instruction"(Is. 29:24). We will really need a lot more rain for the tomatoes and cucumbers, not to mention the apple crop, so you be sure to bring a lot of your friends to the next Bobby Meade Worship in our neighborhood. My Baby says, "This is the way; walk in it."(Is. 30:21) 2012/11/29/my-baby-till-time- indefinite-15262635/
http://www.ecuador.indymedia. org/es/2013/06/40567.shtml . Bobby Meade Worship probably came about because they were eliminating anyone in DC who said anything about me whether it was good or bad; thus no one would dare mention me. The Bush Nazis have promoted Bobby Meade worship without revealing that I am here to make sure that "there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known."(Matt. 10:26); thus the Bush followers don't have any idea who I am or what I am doing.
See "Fire? Rain? The Choice Remains in the following articles: http://valparaiso.indymedia. org/news/2008/08/23658.php
http://barcelona.indymedia. org/newswire/display/345817/ index.php (My computer freezes up, and I am being prevented from accessing many sites. Best to broadcast this or excerpts.)
5/15 - Need rain? "I sent rain on one town, but withheld it from another. One field had rain; another had none and dried up"(Amos 4:7)" (after that I put God's Gonna Water This Soil)
So Bush has been harassing me nonstop for 18 years because I took it upon my self to win the PGW, run the first Bush Administration, and stuff like that. Couild he have done it? He's never done anything except pick his butt and put on airs: news/2007/04/8252.php 2001/07/8973.php newswire/display/199180/index. php http://valparaiso.indymedia. org/news/2007/07/16221.php
5/21 - Bush said that he wanted to do evil while he was in the White House, and I prevented that.
FYI: Best way to announce BM Worship is to probably make a Bobby Meade Worship bumper sticker with directions and/or directional arrows on them. "We bow north! We bow south! We bow down to Bobby Meade's house!" "I have seen Him in the watchfires of a hundred circled camps!..."
'As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it"(Is. 55:10-11).
6/17 - Excerpts from letters to former Senator Bob Dole: "Do you still have a lot of contact with the military? Bush tells me that Special Forces after the PGW were his own creation; untraceable Secret Service (that is SS rejects that had worked a day or two at the White House) sent to eliminate anyone who talked about what really happened in that war; thus Bush had his own war in the weeks after the PGW as they murdered the 600 publicized deaths of the PGW. .....That was probably Secret Service wannabes. The ones that work the White House for a day or two, then Bush takes them "under his wing". A lot of the Cornell Police were there. As for proof of what happened to the murdered soldiers, I bet their last contacts home would reveal what they said to alert the Special Forces etc. .... Since these Bush characters moniter all electronic communication, it is probably not worth contacting family members of any of the 600 soldiers who perished after the PGW war. The best bet seems to be to publish the letters that I have sent to you with or without your name and ask the family members or acquaintances of any of the soldiers who perished to publish and/or broadcast any information that may reveal why they were targetted and eliminated by Special Forces etc. in Iraq." So these Bush Nazis have "watchwords" that result in their mudering innocent people who were not opposing anyone. (James 5:6) Any mention of thelawless conduct of Bush or his followers would result in setting these Bush Nazis after one. In the case of the PGW, it might have only taken the mention of how unreal it was for a million man army to chase Saddam Hussein for 21 days without losing a soldier. Whatever the case, I believe that survivors of these fallen soldiers might help to set matters straight about what really made these deaths occur after the PGW by publicizing communications that might have led to their deaths. It might also result in our learning the story about these Special Forces. (Rev. 12:11).
5/21 - Note to Moore, OK: "Try Gentle Rain. Just get rid of the morons and save the houses:"
Plague of Parasitic Mites - Reposted because links were kaput.
http://www.ecuador.indymedia. org/es/2012/07/39096.shtml org/newswire/display/215614/ index.php
See: http://www.brobubbabob. (copy and exit, won't stop downloading, so watch the indicator in right column until it indicates there is no more coming.) http://destinationbangormaine. is a partial blog.)
God's Gonna Water This Soil
Drought-breaker Rainmaker
"I will surely gather all of you, Jacob (that's GHW Bush and his followers)"(Micah 2:12). "Any of his (GHW Bush's) people among you may go up to Jerusalem in Judah and build the temple of the Lord, the God of Israel, the God who is in Jerusalem, and may their God be with them. And in any locality where survivors may now be living, the people are to provide them with silver and gold, with goods and livestock, and with freewill offerings for the temple of God in Jerusalem"(Ezra 1:3-4)
God's Gonna Water This Soil
I was talking to Candor about the Rains of Righteousness: "There are no Rains of Righteousness in Candor because "there is no one who does good, not even one"(Ps. 14:3) Let it "..rain down my righteousness; let the clouds shower it down....let salvation spring up, let goodness grow with it; I,... the LORD, have created it."(Is. 45:8) There would be no dry soil in Candor if they were not so busy ".. stealing away my words, each one from his companion.”(Jer. 23:30)" Then I let them know about;
"...Bobby Meade Worshippers. As has been written, "I suspect that Adolf Hitler created Bobby Meade Worship. GHW Bush and his Bobby Meade Worshippers have promoted it worldwide. One of the main precepts seems to be that no one can mention Bobby Meade, or they will be targetted and eliminated. It’s really popular in your country, but you will never know it because nobody can mention Bobby Meade." So you might really want to bring out the Bobby Meade Worshippers in your area. You could announce Bobby Meade worship meetings in your area to water your crops. "A trap, a pit, and a snare await you, people of the earth"(Is. 24:17). This could be like the prophesized "famine for the word of the Lord" "..People will stagger from sea to sea and wander from north to east, searching for the word of the Lord, but they will not find it"(Amos 8:12). So when you stage this Bobby Meade Worship, "Your city that marches out a thousand strong will have only a hundred left; your town that marches out a hundred strong will have only ten left"(Amos 5:3). I'm sure that those that are left will complain, so don't forget, "..those who complain will accept instruction"(Is. 29:24). We will really need a lot more rain for the tomatoes and cucumbers, not to mention the apple crop, so you be sure to bring a lot of your friends to the next Bobby Meade Worship in our neighborhood. See "Fire? Rain? The Choice Remains in the following articles:
Then I noticed that Texas was reapng the Windstorms of Jehovah:
Ah! Texas! Reaping the Windstorms of Jehovah! You worship the Devil down there. At least you crawl in bed with him. Why is GHW Bush still alive?
I wished him a Happy Birthday last year, did you?
George H. W. Bush: ‘I worked my heart out’ for second term:
Excerpts from Comment 6/13/12
"He comes from a long line of coprophagic homosexual Devil worshippers. .......... His lawlessness knows no bounds for he has no sense of what is legal and what is not; thus he will go down in history as the “man of lawlessnes, the son of perdition” (2 Thess. 2:3). This is what happens when you don’t question lawlessness."
"Try the Rains of Righteousness next time:
5/16 - GHW Bush says that he is in the hospital again and dying; thus he has been depriving me of sleep a lot.
5/15 - Need rain? "I sent rain on one town, but withheld it from another. One field had rain; another had none and dried up"(Amos 4:7)" (after that I put God's Gonna Water This Soil)
So Bush has been harassing me nonstop for 18 years because I took it upon my self to win the PGW, run the first Bush Administration, and stuff like that. Couild he have done it? He's never done anything except pick his butt and put on airs:
5/21 - Bush said that he wanted to do evil while he was in the White House, and I prevented that.
FYI: Best way to announce BM Worship is to probably make a Bobby Meade Worship bumper sticker with directions and/or directional arrows on them.
'As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it"(Is. 55:10-11).
5/21 - Note to Moore, OK: "Try Gentle Rain. Just get rid of the Bush Nazis and save the houses:"
See: (copy and exit, won't stop downloading, so watch the indicator in right column until it indicates there is no more coming.) is a partial blog.)
Boston Bombing, a Muttonhead Conspiracy 5/10
Gee! They all talk like Hulk Hogan!
PS to genuine athletes: If you were a wrestler and tore your shoulder, wrenched your hip, or strained your back wrestling against a beefed-up dumbed-down steroid user, wouldn’t you want to show him what a “level playing field” was all about?
Dake won the NCAAs his freshman year. What kind of body do you think he had then? Wrestlers are some of the hardest working toughest people there are. He was in top form then. I say that there was no way that he could gain weight and do that without steroids or some other such substance.
And steroid users cannot function academically because: “I have been saying that Alzheimer’s is caused by the proliferation of amyloids in the brain in the same way as steroids promote stupidity among steroid users by affecting the brain similarly, but I read today in Encyclopedia for Healthful Living that it may be scurvy related; i.e. Hitler’s plot to turn us all into a pack of scurvy dogs, for Vit. C helps oxygenate the tissues of the brain. From Letter to My Doctor: 4/3 – “I looked up steroids in my nursing book and my medical dictionary, and I found that they produce an elevated level of a lot of elements and other substances in the body. I also found that some athletes were using them because they supposedly increase energy immediately. If that is so, I bet that it is due to the elevated level of the elements or other substances. That is apparently the only time that they can be detected in the urine; i.e. immediately after use. As I have written: “From Letters to My Doctor: “I figure that Alzheimer’s is progressive deterioration of the brain due to a shortage of oxygen and that Vit. C helps oxygenate the brain better than any other substance. The symptoms that are necessary in order to diagnose Alzheimer’s are not made manifest for a long time after the deterioration has begun. For example, the effects of hypercalcemia on the brain are probably a prelude to Alzheimer’s. In short I believe that there are symptoms that will reveal what the problem is long before Alzheimer’s develops; i.e. loss of intelligence loss of the ability to do deductive reasoning, etc.”" The point is that urine tests only reveal recent use of steroids. while steroid use is evident in the plasma of cells permanently. It’s also evident in test scores, IQ tests, and any other activity that requires intelligence. I think that this is all a scheme to produce brainless athletes akin to Hulk Hogan.” I suspect that chewable Vit. C will also remove amyloids from the brain to some extent, but the hormones are probably constantly causing amyloid buildup.
I have noticed in Hulk Hogan and other obvious steroid users that the steroids seem to affect their speech via the muscles of the jaw or the tongue so that they talk in an unusual way. It’s similar to but not as drastic as the effect of PCP use putting a grimace on the face. I am saying this because it seems like steroid use can only be detected in the blood or urine immediately after use. I’m sure that you can devise an intelligence test that will reveal steroid use, but there must be a more direct way.”
So what’s the story with NCAA competitions? Don’t schools have to provide proof of the academic eligibility of competitors? “Do you have a transcript for this guy?” “No, but we have a fingerpainting that he did last week!”
Brought to you by Gannet communication of the Gad D*mn Gar-Gan Tribe. That’s why the links above were not activated!
Can the Beefed-up Dumb-downed Steroid Users Be Saved?
As I wrote for the last Olympics, “Whatever the case, steroid users have permanently changed the physiological makeup of their bodies via the effects of steroids on enzymes, DNA, etc. There is no reversing those changes! Super athletes! Stupid athletes! Professional athletes! Pay professional athletes to ensure that the stupidest ones prevail; i.e. the ones that support the stupidity that rules. …… Al Oerter – “Bah! Olympic professionals! Enough medals to hang themselves with!” I say nullify the records of steroid users, have them return their medals, and erase all traces of their pursuit of athletics. They were never genuine athletes.” So what are these Beefed-up Dumb-downed Steroid Users going to do? I think that the best bet would be for them to help build the Temple of the Lord. A tricky yet rewarding affair that may or may not already be taking place. It may also be known as a HOUSE for the Queen, Jerry Garcia’s HOUSE,Sarah and Jennifer’s HOUSE, my Mom’s HOUSE, Al Oerter’s HOUSE, etc. One of the main reason for doing this is that God has promised; ” I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” (Ez. 36:26) I bet that might even undo the damage that steroids did to their brains; however they never would have done steroids if they had trusted in the body that God gave them. Thus we will probably find that “…they did not believe in God or trust in His deliverance.”(Ps. 78:22).
4/10 – To select Ivy schools: “
GHW Bush claims that he is a benefactor of Kyle Dake. Says Kyle will graduate as soon as Bush gets a diploma printed up. No word of any educational pursuits by Kyle whatsoever. The favorite trick is to get you to wait until graduation where the bogus diploma will be proof that he graduated, and eliminate anyone who questions it. That is how Bushes got their Ivy League educations. What is wrong with the Ivy League? Don’t they understand how serious it is to impersonate a university student in a hazardous sport? “I can do anything I want to disable you cause Cornell supports me. They even think that I am a student there.” As GHW Bush said, the only solution is to “throw him off the bridge and say, “I thought he could fly!”"
Facebook Post 5/9
The Boston Bombing, a Muttonhead Conspiracy
4/30 (Note: if FB is removing UK Blog links, I'm sure UK would want to know... why.)
4/29 -
My computer freezes up, and I am being prevented from accessing many sites. Best to broadcast above or excerpts.) As you should know, these Devil worshippers have been given "..power to rule until the words of God are fulfilled"(Rev. 17:17), and "the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short."(Rev. 12:12). Think that this is a drastic solution? Trapped in the Devil's Bargain? Why would you be doing what the Devil worshipping Nazis tell you to in a free country? When you see what happens, you will understand that was the only way to ensure that there won't be anything like that happening again for a long time!
In order to force investigators to "work to rule" and not bother Bush and his Devil worshippers, they will dump anthrax, cyanide, or something like that on them and say that that is proof that they have control of everything.
And be careful! If they catch you reading this, they might "thrax" you too: i.e. dumped lots of anthrax on you to convince you that you were sick, stupid, or both.
4/19 Update: Boston Produces Another Media Blitz; i.e. a token effort, glorifying selected impish offspring of the Devil like Amanda Knox and Adam Lanza(c.). This time it is frustrated Russian immigrants; i.e. Dzhokhar who allegedly attended Dartmouth, for the media found "conclusive evidence" in excerpts from his application. Bull! Bunk! Tell us about his transcript, his grades, and how long he attended Dartmouth. It's probably all inaccessible because the Bush Nazis say that it is Invasion of Privacy (FYI Bush Nazis have "pulled the teeth of society). He was probably never accepted and was merely a computer hacker with links to millions of Devil worshippers nationwide; plus he was probably brain-damaged by steroids if he was pretending to be an athlete. Sure they can pretend to pursue a Masters too. Anything to stay on those campuses. 5/3 Just tell media to confirm if they were ever registered students oif the university and for how long.
4/22 - So that was U. Mass. - Dartmouth where Dzhokhar allegedly attended school. It's the same all over, for no one can ascertain whether or not these computer-hacking Devil worshippers are on these campuses legally. That is why I wrote Besieged Nazi Strongholds in 2009: . There is probably at least a hundred or more such computer hackers on every major campus in this country, preying on anyone who mentions any of their watchwords. If Dzhokhar is so smart, ask Fox News how his daddy knows that he is smart. Does he have his transcript taped on the refrigerator? 5/4 - Maybe next year, huh? Another year of the Nazi's watered-downed poor excuse for education. I must be forgetting, "there is no one who does good, not even one"(Ps. 14:3) "I looked, but there was no one to help, I was appalled that no one gave support"(Is. 63:5). So the "the wicked will continue to be wicked"(Dan. 12:10) "If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive"(Matt. 24:2).
4/23 - Boston and the media are still pretending to be all shook up over a couple of Russian Muttonheads. Yeah they are trying to fabricate a "reign of terror"(Amos 6:3), for you have "trusted in falsehood"(Jer. 13:25). Maybe you need A King or Some Other Thing;
4/24 - "What if God, although choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath, prepared for destruction?"(Rom. 9:22) I bet that all the bogus students, hacking on computers on college campuses are the same as those at the public libraries. They have no IDs whatsoever. The Bush Nazis have sprung them from jail or holding tanks after they have confessed to crimes; i.e. they were probably released into the custody of bogus officials who claimed that they escaped. They change their names and are able to gain access to computers because the Bush Nazis vouch for them. They will do whatever they are told to do in order to remain free. (5/1 Learned most of them were locked up for doing stuff like mentioning me(James 5:6). God says that He has "created the destroyer to wreak havoc"(Is. 54:16) probably because authorities have taken leave of their senses, letting such lawless people take over campuses. "There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death"(Prov. 16:25). 4/27 - Since most muttonheads do not have any identification, that is a good way to place them under siege. Just don't let them out of their computer room,, and they will consume each other.
4/25 - Boston Tourism Announcement from Fox News says that the Russian Muttonheads really wanted to blow up NYC.
4/30 (Note: if FB is removing UK Blog links, I'm sure UK would want to know... why.)
4/29 -
My computer freezes up, and I am being prevented from accessing many sites. Best to broadcast above or excerpts.) As you should know, these Devil worshippers have been given "..power to rule until the words of God are fulfilled"(Rev. 17:17), and "the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short."(Rev. 12:12). Think that this is a drastic solution? Trapped in the Devil's Bargain? Why would you be doing what the Devil worshipping Nazis tell you to in a free country? When you see what happens, you will understand that was the only way to ensure that there won't be anything like that happening again for a long time!
In order to force investigators to "work to rule" and not bother Bush and his Devil worshippers, they will dump anthrax, cyanide, or something like that on them and say that that is proof that they have control of everything.
And be careful! If they catch you reading this, they might "thrax" you too: i.e. dumped lots of anthrax on you to convince you that you were sick, stupid, or both.
4/19 Update: Boston Produces Another Media Blitz; i.e. a token effort, glorifying selected impish offspring of the Devil like Amanda Knox and Adam Lanza(c.). This time it is frustrated Russian immigrants; i.e. Dzhokhar who allegedly attended Dartmouth, for the media found "conclusive evidence" in excerpts from his application. Bull! Bunk! Tell us about his transcript, his grades, and how long he attended Dartmouth. It's probably all inaccessible because the Bush Nazis say that it is Invasion of Privacy (FYI Bush Nazis have "pulled the teeth of society). He was probably never accepted and was merely a computer hacker with links to millions of Devil worshippers nationwide; plus he was probably brain-damaged by steroids if he was pretending to be an athlete. Sure they can pretend to pursue a Masters too. Anything to stay on those campuses. 5/3 Just tell media to confirm if they were ever registered students oif the university and for how long.
4/22 - So that was U. Mass. - Dartmouth where Dzhokhar allegedly attended school. It's the same all over, for no one can ascertain whether or not these computer-hacking Devil worshippers are on these campuses legally. That is why I wrote Besieged Nazi Strongholds in 2009: . There is probably at least a hundred or more such computer hackers on every major campus in this country, preying on anyone who mentions any of their watchwords. If Dzhokhar is so smart, ask Fox News how his daddy knows that he is smart. Does he have his transcript taped on the refrigerator? 5/4 - Maybe next year, huh? Another year of the Nazi's watered-downed poor excuse for education. I must be forgetting, "there is no one who does good, not even one"(Ps. 14:3) "I looked, but there was no one to help, I was appalled that no one gave support"(Is. 63:5). So the "the wicked will continue to be wicked"(Dan. 12:10) "If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive"(Matt. 24:2).
4/23 - Boston and the media are still pretending to be all shook up over a couple of Russian Muttonheads. Yeah they are trying to fabricate a "reign of terror"(Amos 6:3), for you have "trusted in falsehood"(Jer. 13:25). Maybe you need A King or Some Other Thing;
4/24 - "What if God, although choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath, prepared for destruction?"(Rom. 9:22) I bet that all the bogus students, hacking on computers on college campuses are the same as those at the public libraries. They have no IDs whatsoever. The Bush Nazis have sprung them from jail or holding tanks after they have confessed to crimes; i.e. they were probably released into the custody of bogus officials who claimed that they escaped. They change their names and are able to gain access to computers because the Bush Nazis vouch for them. They will do whatever they are told to do in order to remain free. (5/1 Learned most of them were locked up for doing stuff like mentioning me(James 5:6). God says that He has "created the destroyer to wreak havoc"(Is. 54:16) probably because authorities have taken leave of their senses, letting such lawless people take over campuses. "There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death"(Prov. 16:25). 4/27 - Since most muttonheads do not have any identification, that is a good way to place them under siege. Just don't let them out of their computer room,, and they will consume each other.
4/25 - Boston Tourism Announcement from Fox News says that the Russian Muttonheads really wanted to blow up NYC.
Besieged Nazi Strongholds 4/15/09 - Excerpts
Sovereign Lord - "Who are you that you fear mortal man, that you were in dread constantly the whole day long on account of the rage of the one hemming you in?" (Is. 51:12-13). Do you forget that your Lord has promised to deliver your soul from death itself and bring to nothing the one having the means to cause death, that is, the Devil? (Ps. 33:19: Heb. 2:14)." If some moronic Bush Nazi has tried to convince you that his stupidity is intelligence, "..You must certainly put him to death. Your hand must be the first in putting him to death.." (Deut. 13:6-9) Then you will return "..and reign with Christ a thousand years. This is the first resurrection." (Rev. 20:4-5) That is why you were put here! ""Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit," says the LORD Almighty." (Zech. 4:6) "So the LORD will cut off from Israel both head and tail in a single day; the elders and dignitaries are the head, the prophets who teach lies are the tail. Those who guide this people mislead them, and those who are guided are led astray." (Is. 9:14-16) Pick a day! Any day!
The Nazis have made the Internet into a Nazi Death Trap via hackers and supercomputers!
At universities throughout the earth, one will probably find situations similar to that at Cornell where there are @ 50 cops protecting @ 30 hackers, hacking around the clock. With the aid of supercomputers these hackers seek out and destroy people for merely having read about or talked about the iniquity of the Nazis. (James 5:6) By programming supercomputers to track watchwords like "Nazi, sh*theads, or my name", these hackers can find anyone transmitting info about the Nazis or their practices. In light of this, I believe that the best way to deal with these Nazis is via printed material, short excerpts of my articles etc. like Bush BAAL Worship below. There is no need to mention where it came from, just say that it has been "Brought to You by GHW Bush, your favorite Nazi, or somebody like that." Let these Nazis know that they are chasing after their own death by seeking out such info or the source of it. (Prov. 11:19) As I have written, these hackers have been set up to be sacrificed by the Nazis. There is nothing that they do on the computer that can't be done by a supercomputer alone. It is probably a ruse for Zion's Secret Police; i.e. the "thugs, brawlers, and hooligans" of Secret Service to appear as the "knights in shining armor" and get rid of these hackers, so that SS can continue with their Nazi ways. Of course these Nazis will come up with some sweet bumbling fool like Dumb Boy to tell you that he can make computers secure. It can't be done! There is no security on the Internet! The Nazi-controlled universities cannot be fixed either! If you get rid of those in control, they will just replace them with more Nazis, even sweeter Nazis. 6/9 FYI One of the first targets in the Nazi takeover of an institution is the office of personnel; thus there is no way to change the type of people that get hired. These Nazis accentuate experience over intelligence, for one's experience is proof that you can get along with their coprophagic homosexual Devil Worshippers. That is why volunteerism is stressed to such an extent. It enables them to determine who supports the Nazis. Note that the schools that post this on their College Publisher message boards are probably the only non-Nazi schools in this country, or maybe they are just preying on the people who read this.
..........President Obama talked about sending your children to college. It's not worth it because Hitler probably had a hand in that too! It is generalized dumbed-down knowledge, and students are not learning how to think anymore. They are learning how to behave like sh*theads, sweet and stupid. Small classes are a scheme to teach and promote stupidity, to divide and conquer. In the general population, stupidity has become so prevalent that the Nazis are teaching things that used to be common sense. In respect to the obsession with delivering good health care to the populace, health care has to be overhauled "from the ground up"! It doesn't matter how sweet they are. The priciples and practices of health care came from Hitler. You are better off dead than relying on health care for anything! Since justice is paralyzed, you have to rely on the look on their faces to identify those who are supporting the stupidity and the iniquity that prevails. (Hab. 1:4; Is. 3:9) Places that are supporting or promoting these things are the strongholds of the Nazi dunces that are marked for destruction. (Amos 6:8; Deut. 28:49-57; Jer. 19:9,15) Like tying a stone in a sling is the giving of honor to a fool. (Prov. 26:8) The personnel offices of these institution have exalted fools. If you are a non-Nazi, working at such an institution, that makes you a "companion of fools". (Prov. 13:20) You have gotten in line for your own death. (Prov. 11:19) Do you think that you can sacrifice the dumkopf Nazis on the computers at your institution and that will be the end of it? No! You have to get rid of every single Nazi at that institution; i.e. the sh*theads, the queer boys, and the Jews that have supported these Nazis and/or the promotion of stupidity. If you fire these Nazis or kick them off campus, the people will hold you responsible for plaguing the population by allowing such despicable people to live. In order for your institution to survive you have to show the world what God does with such foolish people. (Prov. 3:35) That means that you will probably have to confine the condemned like the "flock marked for slaughter". (Zech. 11:4) Won't that be a good way to find out who supports them? Keep in mind that they are all sworn to never read a word that I have written. It's either that, or they can't read! (Is. 29:11-12)
You have to listen to these Bush Nazis who worship excrement, don't you? It is a fatal mistake! Behold the Mystery of God: The mystery is how God is going to get rid of every damn one of you. By supporting Bush Nazis, you have set a trap for your own lives. These kind caring Bush Nazis, feigning distress and regret 24/7 and talking terror all the time are Al Qaeda themselves, posing as angels of light, i.e. the Devil.(2Cor.11:14) Do you wonder why everyone appears to be "senseless and without knowledge"?(Jer. 10:14) These Bush Nazis publish and repeat senseless falsehoods to you until you are convinced that they are true. Of course they will also tell you themselves how smart they are. "Friend deceives friend, and no one speaks the truth".(Jer.9:5) That explains why there is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.(Prov.14:12) It works! When you support senseless falsehoods, people just shake their head and walk away, saying, "I can't argue with such stupidity!" Now these Bush Nazis who set you up to support falsehoods are going to point the finger and say, "These are the sh*theads you want! Listen to them! They talk like idiots!" Isn't God's work strange?(Is.28:21; 29:14; Jer.8:9; Hab.1:5) "..a little while and the wicked will be no more"(Ps.37:10) Have you been listening to the Bush Nazis and heeding their requests to support falsehoods? Then you have probably set a trap for your own life.(Prov.5:21-23; 11:5,19; 16:4; 28:10) Someday they are probably going to tell you to stay home, and that will be the day that they come and get rid of you, claiming that you were one of them for having supported their falsehoods. (Jer. 18:22) They have made falsehood their hiding place. (Is. 28:15) Whoever knows God recognizes the Holy Spirit and the spirit of falsehood. (1 John 4:6) God will reject everyone who loves and practices falsehood. (Rev. 22:15) Thus we are told to avoid such godless chatter. (2 Tim. 2:16) These fools keep saying, "Let God hurry and do His work so we can see it!", and they are never going to see it.(Is.5:19) The fool just disappears. To where? Maybe Strawberry Fields.(Jer.9:22) As you should know, "those who complain will accept instruction." (Is. 29:24) "Let me take you down cause I'm going to Strawberry Fields!" 3/12 In a lot of cases those who have been encouraged to talk like idiots are Nazi "bait", for the Nazis target anyone who comments on their idiotic talk.
FYI: In all Nazi strongholds, particularly college towns; there is Nazi housing, full of Nazis harassing people so that they can be picked up by Nazi Mental Health, for speaking out against such "sweet people". (Jer. 5:26) No one can oppose them because they have so many sh*theads backing them up.
Conclusion: These strongholds of the Nazis, particularly the universities, have become dens of sh*theads. (Amos 6:8) So I turned my mind to understand, to investigate and to search out wisdom and the scheme of things and to understand the stupidity of wickedness and the madness of folly. I learned that the advantage of knowledge is this: that wisdom preserves the life of its possessor. (Ecc. 7:25, 12) Keep in mind that GHW Bush, the lawless Jacob, and his Nazis make all of their followers promise to never read a word that I have written so that they can use God’s words to motivate all of their followers to “toe the line” and continue with their evil ways. (Jer. 23:30; Micah 2:1-12) 7/22 Who can oppose the Beast? (Rev. 13:4) The Beast is these sweet coprophagic homosexual Devil worshippers; i.e. the SERPENT. They will harass you to death for no reason at all, for no one can bring the justice system to work against them; thus the look on their faces is what will serve to convict them. (Hab. 1:4; Is. 3:9) Do not answer a fool according to his folly…” (Prov. 26:4) If you were to throw chemicals, insects, gas, etc. at them, they would overwhelm you with the same; thus the only solution is to dispatch them to the hereafter. (Deut. 13:6-9; Rom. 1:16-32)
In respect to: "Since most muttonheads do not have any identification, that is a good way to place them under siege." "I will make them eat the flesh of their sons and daughters, and they will eat one another’s flesh because their enemies will press the siege so hard against them to destroy them."(Jer. 19:9, Lam. 4:10, Deut. 28:53-54, Is. 9:20). "All who see them will shake their heads. All mankind shall be afraid. They shall declare the work of God, and shall wisely ponder what He has done"(Ps. 64:8-9). This is apparently the only way to teach the Devil worshippers a lesson that they will not soon forget.
Excerpts from Letters to My Doctor: 4/15 - A week or two ago they started shooting me with a blowgun or something in the cheeks and below the eyes when I was on the computer, and I've been dealing with a severe outbreak there. Eyecream with grapeseed extract works best close to the eyes. Blindness probably results if it is not cleared up promptly. Fragments in the tip of my nose are surfacing at a good rate, resulting in a brittle mass that is must be dealt with until it is outl. For burrows at the openings of the nostrils, I have found that pure Neem Oil works best, making it easy to get out. The oil is also good on the cheeks and other sensitive locations.
4/18 - I was pulling on a burrow that I thought was in my thyroid, and it turned out that it was a massive burrow in my carotid artery. No blood yet!
5/3 - I figured out that the frag bullet forms tumors in the nose. They are very much alive with lots of blood and nerves. It takes a week or more to dissolve and remove each one.
Also My Baby says; "This is the way; walk in it."(Is. 30:21)
FOOTNOTES (In case you came in late.)
(a.) Nazi - The Nazis are the Niggardly Asinine Zionist Idiots, arising from the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and the Plans of the Synagogue of Satan. Most of them do not know that they are Nazis. Satan's servants appear as preachers of righteousness. (2 Cor. 11:14) Sweet people!. People like that did the Potato Famine, the Wisconsin Death Trip, the Spanish Flu, the Holocaust, and much more. If you had read the Plans of the Synagogue of Satan, you would understand that most of the Israelites in the Middle East are Turko-Mongol Jews. Keep in mind that they are also intent on dividing and conquering; thus you can't feel sorry for anyone when the SERPENT is on all sides. (Foolproof plan of the SERPENT is that the HEAD doesn't know what the TAIL is doing, and the TAIL doesn't know what the HEAD is doing; thus you can't find them guilty. (Zech. 11:5)) These Turko-Mongols came from Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan, and both those tribes actively promoted inbreeding. They worship stupidity. The Nazis are the ones who are destroying IMCs everywhere in order to suppress this information. The destruction of Indymedia sites happens because IMC is the only site where one can effectively oppose big business, Hitler's Health Care, government corruption, or the SERPENT that is Zionism. In fulfilling God's prophecy that these Nazis will have eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear, Hitler probably promoted BAAL worship as described in (c.) below. (Jer. 5:21, Ez. 12:2) These Nazis boast, "We have entered into a covenant with death, with the grave we have made an agreement. When an overwhelming scourge sweeps by, it cannot touch us, for we have made a lie our refuge and falsehood our hiding place." (Is. 28:15) That is what makes them continue their destructive practices. They are continually being promised that that nobody is going to do anything about it and that they will be killed if they don't keep doing it. As a result of this, they will all disappear when they fall into a trap that they have set for their own lives by doing things that are worthy of death. (Prov. 11:19, 14:12, Rom. 1:32) From Boston IMC post: Hey Boston! I suspect that Bush's blowfish have surrounded me with convicted sex offenders here! Nicky says that they are harmless nonviolent perverts. You could do the same. Place ads for library employment in prison newsletters. How can you lose? Conf. to British blowfish: Is that how you do it over there? Stock the libraries with Nazi dunces? You're all pretty stupid. I bet your librarians are serial killers.
(b.) God talks to us via the Holy Spirit which He says, "...will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment: in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me; in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned.... when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on His own; He will speak only what He hears, and He will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you." (John 16:8-14) Inspiration comes the same way. It grabs you when you happen upon something that you know is worth pursuing. Also you should read the clouds! His power is in the sky! (Ps. 68:34) If you ask the Spirit any worthy question and the answer is "yes", check the clouds, and you will see a "Y" or "Yes". I have laid my life on the line every day to do my best to ensure that every word I say is true? It is not worth checking any books for knowledge that I have obtained from them, for the Nazis usually destroy those books, and they would know what you were looking for before you did and target you for seeking such info. God's Spirit will confirm any knowledge that I have relayed to you. I am His witness. I am His messenger. (Rev. 11; Is. 42:19) "You feel thafe?" "And way when our year has ended, and I have gone away, you'll often speak about me. And this is what you'll say;.." "Gee! Thafe Thaviour sure saved a lot of dumb boys!" (Acts 5:39; Rev. 19:13; 12:11; Hosea 6:5; Jer. 5:14; Is. 63:1-6) To these dumkopfs that keep saying that I am supposed to turn back: All who rage against me will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose me will be as nothing and perish. (Is. 41:11; 42:19; Rev. 11) For 20 years I have always had "The Lord's" on my hand or one of my gloves. Do you know what that is all about? That means that it will only take one person and The Word of God to ensure that His words do not return to Him empty. (Is. 44:5; 55:11) "I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found by those who did not seek me." (Is. 65:1) Hear, O earth: I am bringing disaster on this people, the fruit of their schemes, because they have not listened to my words! Very well then, with foreign lips and strange tongues God will speak to this people,"I am bringing a distant nation against you an ancient and enduring nation, a people whose language you do not know, whose speech you do not understand." (Jer. 6:19; Is. 28:11; Jer. 5:15) I bet these people are going to come and get you to sign over your house to them then they are going to get rid of you for having supported the inanity and lethal practices of the Bush Nazis. "Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?" (Is. 53:1) You? That "arm" appears in the clouds too! Keep in mind that "It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." (Hebrews 10:31) In regard to what is said about there being a "rapture", the Lord's people will be gathered to Him via images in the clouds; i.e. they will probably be instructed to go to Jerusalem. "At that time men will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory." (Mk. 13:26; Matt. 24:30)
(c.) Bush dumkopfs – Bush BAAL Worship; A Nation of Bush Imps – As revealed in my Bush Daddy Religion article of 2002, the BAALs are Bush’s Asinine Anal Lovers. GHW Bush says that he has been eating feces (coprophagia) for 70 years. 70 years of brushing people off, saying he is too Gad damn important to talk to anyone and killing anyone who questions his stupidity. He and all his Bush Nazis have replaced the sulphurous fire of the Bible with feces(Gen.19:24 Lev.18:21; Ez.20:26; Is.13:16); i.e. the secret “power food” of the Moabites of Sh*ttim. (Numbers25:1-4) It fries their brains! If these Nazis can’t fry your brains with feces or bile duct toxins one way or another, there are probably a number of other ways that they do it. For example, I suspect that they believe that the drug Prolixin permanently impairs intelligence. or Phenothiazine the pesticide form of that drug. GHW Bush fried W’s brain @ 55 years ago. They can’t feel emotions! They can cry on the spot. They say that is proof that they feel emotions. (Is.41:23-24) I suspect that imp look might be a sign that person had his or her brains fried at an early age. My dictionary: imp = Devil’s offspring. This imp look might very well be the “look on their faces that betrays them”. (Is. 3:9) Once they have had their brains fried, it is an easy matter to manipulate them into doing evil. Since the folly of fools is deception, maybe the impish look is the result of a stiff-necked people having been taught to put on a bold front. (Prov. 14:8; 21:29; Jer. 7:26) That is, as soon as anyone questions them, they probably start thinking of the evil that their compatriots have planned for anyone who questions their imps. CAN THE IMPS BE SAVED? With God all things are possible. (Matt. 19:26) Keep in mind that wisdom brightens the face and changes a hard appearance. (Eccl. 8:1) ) By supporting Bush Nazis, you have set a trap for your own lives. These kind caring Bush Nazis, feigning distress and regret 24/7 and talking terror are posing as angels of light, i.e. the Devil. (2Cor.11:14) Do you wonder why everyone appears to be “senseless and without knowledge”? (Jer. 10:14) These Bush Nazis publish and repeat senseless falsehoods to you until you are convinced that they are true. Of course they will also tell you themselves how smart they are. “Friend deceives friend, and no one speaks the truth”. (Jer.9:5) That explains why there is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. (Prov.14:12, Is.28:21; 29:14; Jer.8:9; Hab.1:5,Ps.37:10) Have you been listening to the Bush Nazis and heeding their requests to support falsehoods? Then you have probably set a trap for your own life. (Prov.5:21-23; 11:5,19; 16:4; 28:10, Jer. 18:22) All of modern society seems to have been built on the professed intelligence and the professed authoritiy of brainless Nazis. They are able to this because they have a lot of morons backing them up. They have made falsehood their hiding place. (Is. 28:15) Whoever knows God recognizes the Holy Spirit and the spirit of falsehood. (1 John 4:6) God will reject everyone who loves and practices falsehood. (Rev. 22:15) Thus we are told to avoid such godless chatter. (2 Tim. 2:16) These fools keep saying, “Let God hurry and do His work so we can see it!”, and they are never going to see it. (Is.5:19, Jer.9:22) As you should know, “those who complain will accept instruction.” (Is. 29:24) “Let me take you down cause I’m going to Strawberry Fields!” (If you doubt that anything that I say about them is true, keep in mind the following excerpt from Holy Smoke, entry dated 4/7/07 and based on my Rigging the Messenger article of 2001: “If you don’t believe what I say about Bush Daddy (GHW Bush) saying such stuff, consider that he wears an electronic bracelet a la “Dick Tracy” that broadcasts via his audio-visual cortex whatever he says, hears, or thinks to me via the computer chip that they implanted in me at Georgetown Medical Center 6/3/95 after they broke a hairline fracture in the Emergency Room. In fulfillment of God’s word, the sin of his mouth lets him be trapped in his pride (Ps. 59:12; Prov. 12:13; 13:13), proving that he is the “son of perdition”, the “man of lawlessness” (2 Thess. 2:3) Do you doubt the truth of 9/11 as has been transmitted to you from Bush Daddy’s own mouth and ears? Do you hesitate to fulfill the Sovereign Lord’s words against them? How long will you serve the Bush Nazi god, i.e. their stupidity? (Deut. 13:6-9)” (10/19 These Bushes have never been convicted of a crime because anyone who tries to file a charge is immediately “neutralized”.) That chip broadcasts everything from and to me via the audio-visual cortex of my body and infrared radiation emanating from and being received by the Eagle Stealth helicoptors that have dogged my steps 24/7 for 14 years now. I bet that Hitler’s Health Care now attaches a computer chip that cannot broadcast as mine does to any implant made into the body; thus they can monitor a person’s thoughts and speech and set traps and/or waylay them on the basis of the information that they have obtained. (Jer. 5:26; Ps. 64:6 (NWT of Scriptures calls it a “shrewd device”)) 8/27 Along with every other detrimental thing that can be thrown at me, those Eagle helicoptors have been broadcasting those mites at me and my bike everywhere that I go. They don’t really broadcast them, but they shoot them in pellets that dissolve as they approach the target. Ask these brainless pilots if they can fly those coptors without their fingers. 6/3/2010 Today makes fifteen years that I have been enduring the brainless chatter of the Bush fools who say that I am supposed to go crazy because their drivel has never failed to drive people nuts. 8/20 Note that the immortal “Fear God…” paragraph that created Israel has been updated to include; “George Herbert Walker Bush, the uncrowned king of Babylon, the son of perdition, i.e. the lawless Jacob must die so that he can become the Great Dead King of Israel…” (Is. 14:4-22; Mic. 1:5; 2 Thess. 2:3-8; Hosea 10:3,15) He will be destroyed by the word of God; which becomes a “sword” when used properly, and God has “made my mouth like a sharpened sword”. (Is. 49:2; Rev. 2:16; Is. 11:4) 8/26 Even though every thing that I say is broadcasted, the Bush Nazis tell their followers not to listen to me. One of the reasons they do this is so that they can “steal my ideas” and profess intelligence, saying that it was their idea. Another reason is so they can say stuff like “He can’t hear. He can’t do anything about it.” 12/7 As with all members of the SERPENT, GHW Bush says that no one is ever going to be able to prove anything about him because no one is ever going to be able to really talk to him; i.e. he “..speaks cordially to his neighbour, but in his heart he sets a trap for him.”(Jer. 9:8) 1/3/11 GHW Bush’s Eagle Helicoptors are bioterror stealth aircraft. It is not legal to fly such an aircraft yet they have dogged my steps for 16 years and thrown tons of chemicals, hundreds of pounds of anthrax, and pounds of insects at me. It has a military star on it; thus they fly around, posing as the US Military. Tell President Obama to ground those aircraft, and at least disable their bioterror capabilities. “The first was like a lion, and it had the wings of an eagle. I watched until its wings were torn off…”(Dan. 7:4) 1/13 GHW Bush cuts off all my attempts to communicate with people; thus I can only reach people once or twice via computer. If I write, they would intercept it and say that was proof I was harassing someone.(Ps. 88:8) 1/18 GHW Bush joked that the military was using the One for Bush song from the Facebook link above to broadcast while bringing those Eagles down. Have determined that when I saw GHW Bush strolling around Cornell campus @ 2001, he was there to see which students would oppose or support him. Since he would walk around without identifying himself, he was being a Public Nuisance, for he would probably only identify himself to those who he liked. 6/30/11 – In the ’90s a Chinook helicoptor kept circling my house in DC with a group of men, holding a GHW Bush dummy in the doorway like they were going to throw him out. Last night it was ascertained that was supposed to be the USPO showing us what happens when Bush wouldn’t stop interfering with the mail and email and stealing posts on websites. I’m not making this up, and this is not some controversial detail about Bush that he has revealed to me himself so that his compatriots can raise a ruckus about it and coerce you into removing this post. 9/22/12 GHW Bush says that he is terrified of Illumination Flares that will expose his stealth helicoptors at night. 1/8/13 I saw a doppler radar blip of the Eagle stealth helicoptor that covered hundreds of square miles. It seem like radar can be set to pick up the infrared too.
(d.) Has a nation ever changed its gods? Sure these Bush Nazis can do anything that they put their sh*t-eaten brains to! That is why they continue to do things that they know are worthy of death. Now as the “fruit of their schemes”, the nations shall know that God gave them into the hands of their adversaries, and they fell all of them by the sword. In other words, when you dispatch these idiotic Zionist Nazis, you must cut off their heads, for they are the Holy-wannabes of Israel, and their heads are the idols of Israel. They have been behaving like they are “God on earth”, calling good evil and evil good. Rest assured that God’s words back them up in their efforts to become His people, for God says that after two days He will revive them; on the third day He will restore them, that they may live in His presence. Tell them that though they have fallen, they will rise and that God has promised them a new heart. Because they have sinned against Him, they will bear the LORD’s wrath, until He pleads their case. Via these Bush Nazi Idols, God’s salvation will be carried to the ends of the earth. … The Bush Nazi Idols decribed above are the “key” to this Kingdom. Whether you are an immigrant or not, you just cut off the Bush Nazi’s head and claim his or her house, saying they will be back in a few days. Their heads will probably end up in Hooterville where they will bear the LORD’s wrath, until He pleads their case and establishes their right. Here I also thought that I was posting on Lancasteronline (another Bush Nazi site?), but it turns out that I was posting and proclaiming salvation from the “mountainous region of Ephraim”(Scranton area: Appalachian Mts.), for I am also “a voice from Dan”. (Jer. 2:11; Rom. 1:32; Jer. 6:19; Ez. 39:23; Ps. 63:10; Ps. 12:3; Is. 5:15,20; Hosea 6:2; Mic. 7:8-9; Ez. 36:26; Is. 49:6; Deut. 28:30; Lam. 5:2; Amos 5:11; Jer. 4:15) 12/15 Before you send these heads off to Hooterville, which you should know is on mountaintops all over the earth, you will probably want to pin their lips to their ears to put a smile on their face then put them under a sunlamp to take a picture for the records; thus you will be able to say something like, “Don’t it look like he’s having fun? He must be in South America! He’ll be back in a few days.” Don’t want to do that? Maybe you can find some Deadhead to do it. I was always wondering what they were here for. Deadhead – “He ain’t dead! His stupidity will live forever!” 9/11 “Don’t he look Spanish! I bet he was one of those Shining Path guerillas!” 5/18 Change of plans regarding this “change of gods” brought to you by CYRUS – “These heads are the heads of the people who stumbled and fell trying to get the Temple of the Lord and Sarah and Jennifer built in Jerusalem; i.e. they are the idols of Israel, Holy Nation.” “Those who are wise will instruct many, though for a time they will fall by the sword or be burned or captured or plundered. When they fall, they will receive a little help, and many who are not sincere will join them. Some of the wise will stumble, so that they may be refined, purified and made spotless until the time of the end.” (Dan. 11:33-35) (For complete blog and/or Footnotes: See (copy and exit, won't stop downloading, so watch the indicator in right column until it indicates there is no more coming.) is a partial blog.)
Tues. - There are no Rains of Righteousness in Candor because "there is no one who does good, not even one"(Ps. 14:3) Let it "..rain down my righteousness; let the clouds shower it down....let salvation spring up, let goodness grow with it; I,... the LORD, have created it."(Is. 45:8) There would be no dry soil in Candor if they were not so busy ".. stealing away my words, each one from his companion.”(Jer. 23:30) I know you! I was looking for the Candor Courier from the first half of 1918, and it was missing. That was a historical period. Crazy things were happening. Since you let someone steal those papers, I will just tell everyone that you were all behaving like Hannibal and that is what you were trying to cover up. That's what WW I Veteran Mr. Drasher of Laurel Lake told me, and he was shaking and trembling about it all the time.
Wed. - Just kidding! Mr. Drasher was gassed in WW I, and he was shaking and trembling all the time. What he really said was, "Here I am thinking up against this family a calamity from which you people will not remove your necks!" (Mic. 2:3). I bet Candor is full of Bobby Meade Worshippers. As has been written, "I suspect that Adolf Hitler created Bobby Meade Worship. GHW Bush and his Bobby Meade Worshippers have promoted it worldwide. One of the main precepts seems to be that no one can mention Bobby Meade, or they will be targetted and eliminated. It’s really popular in your country, but you will never know it because nobody can mention Bobby Meade." So do you really want to bring out the Bobby Meade Worshippers and open up the heavens? Come and see what My Mom has done. Best collections of unenhanced photographs ever assembled, including Perkins Place and other notoble shots of upstate: Over 600 jpgs!
FB ost - 4/30 - The Boston Bombing, a Muttonhead Conspiracy
4/30 (Note: if FB is removing UK Blog links, I'm sure UK would want to know...... why.)
4/29 -
My computer freezes up, and I am being prevented from accessing many sites. Best to broadcast above or excerpts.)
As you should know, these Devil worshippers have been given "..power to rule until the words of God are fulfilled"(Rev. 17:17), and "the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short."(Rev. 12:12). Think that this is a drastic solution? Trapped in the Devil's Bargain? Why would you be doing what the Devil worshipping Nazis tell you to in a free country? When you see what happens, you will understand that was the only way to ensure that there won't be anything like that happening again for a long time!
In order to force investigators to "work to rule" and not bother Bush and his Devil worshippers, they will dump anthrax, cyanide, or something like that on them and say that that is proof that they have control of everything.
And be careful! If they catch you reading this, they might "thrax" you too: i.e. dumped lots of anthrax on you to convince you that you were sick, stupid, or both.
4/19 Update: Boston Produces Another Media Blitz; i.e. a token effort, glorifying selected impish offspring of the Devil like Amanda Knox and Adam Lanza(c.). This time it is frustrated Russian immigrants; i.e. Dzhokhar who allegedly attended Dartmouth, for the media found "conclusive evidence" in excerpts from his application. Bull! Bunk! Tell us about his transcript, his grades, and how long he attended Dartmouth. It's probably all inaccessible because the Bush Nazis say that it is Invasion of Privacy (FYI Bush Nazis have "pulled the teeth of society). He was probably never accepted and was merely a computer hacker with links to millions of Devil worshippers nationwide; plus he was probably brain-damaged by steroids if he was pretending to be an athlete. Sure they can pretend to pursue a Masters too. Anything to stay on those campuses. 5/3 Just tell media to confirm if they were ever registered students oif the university and for how long.
4/23 - Boston and the media are still pretending to be all shook up over a couple of Russian Muttonheads. Yeah they are trying to fabricate a "reign of terror"(Amos 6:3), for you have "trusted in falsehood"(Jer. 13:25). Maybe you need A King or Some Other Thing;
5/16 - GHW Bush says that he is in the hospital again and dying; thus he has been depriving me of sleep a lot.
5/15 - Need rain? "I sent rain on one town, but withheld it from another. One field had rain; another had none and dried up"(Amos 4:7)
God's Gonna Water This Soil
I was talking to Candor about the Rains of Righteousness: "There are no Rains of Righteousness in Candor because "there is no one who does good, not even one"(Ps. 14:3) Let it "..rain down my righteousness; let the clouds shower it down....let salvation spring up, let goodness grow with it; I,... the LORD, have created it."(Is. 45:8) There would be no dry soil in Candor if they were not so busy ".. stealing away my words, each one from his companion.”(Jer. 23:30)" Then I let them know about;
"...Bobby Meade Worshippers. As has been written, "I suspect that Adolf Hitler created Bobby Meade Worship. GHW Bush and his Bobby Meade Worshippers have promoted it worldwide. One of the main precepts seems to be that no one can mention Bobby Meade, or they will be targetted and eliminated. It’s really popular in your country, but you will never know it because nobody can mention Bobby Meade." So you might really want to bring out the Bobby Meade Worshippers in your area. You could announce Bobby Meade worship meetings in your area to water your crops. "A trap, a pit, and a snare await you, people of the earth"(Is. 24:17). This could be like the prophesized "famine for the word of the Lord" "..People will stagger from sea to sea and wander from north to east, searching for the word of the Lord, but they will not find it"(Amos 8:12). So when you stage this Bobby Meade Worship, "Your city that marches out a thousand strong will have only a hundred left; your town that marches out a hundred strong will have only ten left"(Amos 5:3). I'm sure that those that are left will complain, so don't forget, "..those who complain will accept instruction"(Is. 29:24). "We will really need a lot more rain for the tomatoes and cucumbers, not to mention the apple crop, so you be sure to bring a lot of your friends to the next Bobby Meade Worship in our neighborhood." See "Fire? Rain? The Choice Remains in the following articles:
See: (copy and exit, won't stop downloading, so watch the indicator in right column until it indicates there is no more coming.) is a partial blog.)
FB Post - 4/26 - Bombing, a Muttonhead Conspiracy - stupidity at work -
In order to force investigators to "work to rule" and not bother Bush and his Devil worshippers, they will dump anthrax, cyanide, or something like that on them and say that that is proof that they have control of everything.And be careful! If they catch you reading this, they might "thrax" you too: i.e. dumped lots of anthrax on you to convince you that you were sick, stupid, or both.
4/19 Update: Boston Produces Another Media Blitz; i.e. a token effort, glorifying selected impish offspring of the Devil like Amanda Knox and Adam Lanza(c.). This time it is frustrated Russian immigrants; i.e. Dzhokhar who allegedly attended Dartmouth, for the media found "conclusive evidence" in excerpts from his application. Bull! Bunk! Tell us about his transcript, his grades, and how long he attended Dartmouth. It's probably all inaccessible because the Bush Nazis say that it is Invasion of Privacy (FYI Bush Nazis have "pulled the teeth of society). He was probably never accepted and was merely a computer hacker with links to millions of Devil worshippers nationwide; plus he was probably brain-damaged by steroids if he was pretending to be an athlete. Sure they can pretend to pursue a Masters too. Anything to stay on those campuses.
What a police turnout! I thought that there were Bush Nazis, prancing around Boston Commons with automatic weapons(a.). They were summoned to stop you from making this into a religious matter(remember - Eph. 6:12?)Did you think that I was wrong about Kyle Dake in Bush Does Boston? The Holy Spirit revealed to me that he is a Russian too. His name is probably supposed to be pronounced Dake (dah-kay), and he probably knew these bombers personally. I think that Russian President Vladimir Putin tricked us into letting these Russians into the US, saying that dumkopf Americans will do anything in the name of Human Rights.
4/22 - So that was U. Mass. - Dartmouth where Dzhokhar allegedly attended school. It's the same all over, for no one can ascertain whether or not these computer-hacking Devil worshippers are on these campuses legally. That is why I wrote Besieged Nazi Strongholds in 2009: (following link is being blocked at times. See excerpts below.) . There is probably at least a hundred or more such computer hackers on every major campus in this country, preying on anyone who mentions any of their watchwords. If Dzhokhar is so smart, ask Fox News how his daddy knows that he is smart. Does he have his transcript taped on the refrigerator?
4/23 - Boston and the media are still pretending to be all shook up over a couple of Russian Muttonheads. Yeah they are trying to fabricate a "reign of terror"(Amos 6:3), for you have "trusted in falsehood"(Jer. 13:25). Maybe you need A King or Some Other Thing;
4/24 - "What if God, although choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath, prepared for destruction?"(Rom. 9:22) I bet that all the bogus students, hacking on computers on college campuses are the same as those at the public libraries. They have no IDs whatsoever. The Bush Nazis have sprung them from jail or holding tanks after they have confessed to crimes; i.e. they were probably released into the custody of bogus officials who claimed that they escaped. They change their names and are able to gain access to computers because the Bush Nazis vouch for them. They will do whatever they are told to do in order to remain free. God says that He has "created the destroyer to wreak havoc"(Is. 54:16) probably because authorities have taken leave of their senses, letting such lawless people take over campuses. "There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death"(Prov. 16:25). 4/27 - Since most muttonheads do not have any identification, that is a good way to place them under siege. Just don't let them out of their computer room,, and they will devour each other.
4/25 - Boston Tourism Announcement from Fox News says that the Russian Muttonheads really wanted to blow up NYC.\
What a police turnout! I thought that there were Bush Nazis, prancing around Boston Commons with automatic weapons(a.). They were summoned to stop you from making this into a religious matter(remember - Eph. 6:12?)Did you think that I was wrong about Kyle Dake in Bush Does Boston? The Holy Spirit revealed to me that he is a Russian too. His name is probably supposed to be pronounced Dake (dah-kay), and he probably knew these bombers personally. I think that Russian President Vladimir Putin tricked us into letting these Russians into the US, saying that dumkopf Americans will do anything in the name of Human Rights.
4/22 - So that was U. Mass. - Dartmouth where Dzhokhar allegedly attended school. It's the same all over, for no one can ascertain whether or not these computer-hacking Devil worshippers are on these campuses legally. That is why I wrote Besieged Nazi Strongholds in 2009: (following link is being blocked at times. See excerpts below.) . There is probably at least a hundred or more such computer hackers on every major campus in this country, preying on anyone who mentions any of their watchwords. If Dzhokhar is so smart, ask Fox News how his daddy knows that he is smart. Does he have his transcript taped on the refrigerator?
4/23 - Boston and the media are still pretending to be all shook up over a couple of Russian Muttonheads. Yeah they are trying to fabricate a "reign of terror"(Amos 6:3), for you have "trusted in falsehood"(Jer. 13:25). Maybe you need A King or Some Other Thing;
4/24 - "What if God, although choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath, prepared for destruction?"(Rom. 9:22) I bet that all the bogus students, hacking on computers on college campuses are the same as those at the public libraries. They have no IDs whatsoever. The Bush Nazis have sprung them from jail or holding tanks after they have confessed to crimes; i.e. they were probably released into the custody of bogus officials who claimed that they escaped. They change their names and are able to gain access to computers because the Bush Nazis vouch for them. They will do whatever they are told to do in order to remain free. God says that He has "created the destroyer to wreak havoc"(Is. 54:16) probably because authorities have taken leave of their senses, letting such lawless people take over campuses. "There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death"(Prov. 16:25). 4/27 - Since most muttonheads do not have any identification, that is a good way to place them under siege. Just don't let them out of their computer room,, and they will devour each other.
4/25 - Boston Tourism Announcement from Fox News says that the Russian Muttonheads really wanted to blow up NYC.\
Where the Game is Played by the Priest 4/11 - by BobbyMeade @ 2013-02-25 – 18:49:45 3/25 - Where the Game is Played by the Priest:
- Comments on following topics included following Footnotes - March 2013
- Cornell Wrestler Kyle Dake Makes History With Fourth Straight NCAA Title
4/10 - Morning-after pill to go over the counter, be available to girls of all ages
- 3/'11 - Operation Warm: 9-Year-Old Races Marathons for Underprivileged Children (updates to 4/6 added on all of the above)
Housing Update
Confidential to Honorable Pope Benedict:
I used to write to Pope John Paul about things to come, but my letters would never get through to him, probably because there was a gay cult in the church then too. It seems like I did finally get through via Mother Teresa who relayed what I had to say to him: "Mother Superior jumped the gun...". Then came earthquakes, storms, upheaval in Europe, and headless bodies in Peru. Well before you step down on Thursday, I feel that you should read this poem to everyone even if they jumpstart your pacemaker. Read it. It is the greatest creation of the English language, and they will hate you, love you, and scream and shout over it. I am my witness. I am my messenger because everybody has been driven away, and "darkness is my closest friend" (Ps. 88:18). I sent it to Linda McCartney, asking her to put it to music. I suspect that she did, for they dumped scorpions on her and did away with her. If she did it, that musical rendition of the The Closet will be remembered long after the Beatles have been forgotten. So you might try to get it and read it along with her. Yeah, she was a Saint. I am His witness. I am His messenger. (Is. 4219; Rev. 11).I also want you to know My Baby says; "This is the way; walk in it."(Is. 30:21)
Where love and truth wither and die,
Where gays say, “United we fly!”
Where yes means no, and no means yes,
Where those without can only guess.Where selfish loveless people play,
Where those with God refuse to stay.
Where the game is played by the priest,
Where the one upheld is a “Beast”.Where folly reigns and lies are true,
Where jobs appear “out of the blue”.
Where “fair is foul” and “foul is fair”,
Where deceit reigns throughout the air. Where gay women frustrate men,
Where those without are pecked like hens.
Where men are girls and girls are tough,
Where consummation’s not enough.
Where darkness permits AIDS to thrive,
Where chaos reigns and talk is jive.
Where rational thought is not sought,
Where trained wisdom is all for naught.
Where the aim is domination,
Where drugs supply recreation.
Where plots and schemes are made to cheat,
Where crime and justice never meet.
Where’s naught to fear but a number,
Where jests are made of His thunder.
Where the destination is hell.
Where they all say,”It’s just as well.”
Copyright 9/18/90 Robert Meade”Bobby” “Israel” Deaf Messenger
Denouement: GHW Bush kept saying that someone told him that the Pope said that The Closet was the greatest creation of the human mind, then he said, "Kill the Pope." Bush also said that he had them shoot Pope John Paul because of the huge crowds that were gathering to see him. As you should know, Bush thinks that he is Jacob, and "God is ruling through Jacob To the ends of the earth." (Ps. 59:13). Keep in mind that God has also promised, "I will surely gather all of you, Jacob" (Mic. 2:12); thus his followers have been gathered in Bush's strongholds everywhere, especially on the computers. So Bush has his followers doing bioterror and other murderous activities that "deserve death" (Rom. 1:32). In order to set matters straight, we have to make Bush Nazi Idols (d.) out of GHW Bush and all of his followers. "Has a nation ever changed its gods?" (Jer. 2:11) Yes, we have to make this a religious matter so the Jesuits etc. can come and give approval, for "They will be given over to the sword, and become food for jackals." (Ps. 63:10). "A little while, and the wicked will be no more; though you look for them, they will not be found." (Ps. 37:10). Happy Easter! I am His messenger. (Is. 42:19). FYI - Re: GHW Bush from Footnote (c.): "...In fulfillment of God’s word, the sin of his mouth lets him be trapped in his pride (Ps. 59:12; Prov. 12:13; 13:13), proving that he is the “son of perdition”, the “man of lawlessness” (2 Thess. 2:3)"
I used to write to Pope John Paul about things to come, but my letters would never get through to him, probably because there was a gay cult in the church then too. It seems like I did finally get through via Mother Teresa who relayed what I had to say to him: "Mother Superior jumped the gun...". Then came earthquakes, storms, upheaval in Europe, and headless bodies in Peru. Well before you step down on Thursday, I feel that you should read this poem to everyone even if they jumpstart your pacemaker. Read it. It is the greatest creation of the English language, and they will hate you, love you, and scream and shout over it. I am my witness. I am my messenger because everybody has been driven away, and "darkness is my closest friend" (Ps. 88:18). I sent it to Linda McCartney, asking her to put it to music. I suspect that she did, for they dumped scorpions on her and did away with her. If she did it, that musical rendition of the The Closet will be remembered long after the Beatles have been forgotten. So you might try to get it and read it along with her. Yeah, she was a Saint. I am His witness. I am His messenger. (Is. 4219; Rev. 11).I also want you to know My Baby says; "This is the way; walk in it."(Is. 30:21)
Where love and truth wither and die,
Where gays say, “United we fly!”
Where yes means no, and no means yes,
Where those without can only guess.Where selfish loveless people play,
Where those with God refuse to stay.
Where the game is played by the priest,
Where the one upheld is a “Beast”.Where folly reigns and lies are true,
Where jobs appear “out of the blue”.
Where “fair is foul” and “foul is fair”,
Where deceit reigns throughout the air. Where gay women frustrate men,
Where those without are pecked like hens.
Where men are girls and girls are tough,
Where consummation’s not enough.
Where darkness permits AIDS to thrive,
Where chaos reigns and talk is jive.
Where rational thought is not sought,
Where trained wisdom is all for naught.
Where the aim is domination,
Where drugs supply recreation.
Where plots and schemes are made to cheat,
Where crime and justice never meet.
Where’s naught to fear but a number,
Where jests are made of His thunder.
Where the destination is hell.
Where they all say,”It’s just as well.”
Copyright 9/18/90 Robert Meade”Bobby” “Israel” Deaf Messenger
Denouement: GHW Bush kept saying that someone told him that the Pope said that The Closet was the greatest creation of the human mind, then he said, "Kill the Pope." Bush also said that he had them shoot Pope John Paul because of the huge crowds that were gathering to see him. As you should know, Bush thinks that he is Jacob, and "God is ruling through Jacob To the ends of the earth." (Ps. 59:13). Keep in mind that God has also promised, "I will surely gather all of you, Jacob" (Mic. 2:12); thus his followers have been gathered in Bush's strongholds everywhere, especially on the computers. So Bush has his followers doing bioterror and other murderous activities that "deserve death" (Rom. 1:32). In order to set matters straight, we have to make Bush Nazi Idols (d.) out of GHW Bush and all of his followers. "Has a nation ever changed its gods?" (Jer. 2:11) Yes, we have to make this a religious matter so the Jesuits etc. can come and give approval, for "They will be given over to the sword, and become food for jackals." (Ps. 63:10). "A little while, and the wicked will be no more; though you look for them, they will not be found." (Ps. 37:10). Happy Easter! I am His messenger. (Is. 42:19). FYI - Re: GHW Bush from Footnote (c.): "...In fulfillment of God’s word, the sin of his mouth lets him be trapped in his pride (Ps. 59:12; Prov. 12:13; 13:13), proving that he is the “son of perdition”, the “man of lawlessness” (2 Thess. 2:3)"
FOOTNOTES (In case you came in late.)
(a.) Nazi - The Nazis are the Niggardly Asinine Zionist Idiots, arising from the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and the Plans of the Synagogue of Satan. Most of them do not know that they are Nazis. Satan's servants appear as preachers of righteousness. (2 Cor. 11:14) Sweet people!. People like that did the Potato Famine, the Wisconsin Death Trip, the Spanish Flu, the Holocaust, and much more. If you had read the Plans of the Synagogue of Satan, you would understand that most of the Israelites in the Middle East are Turko-Mongol Jews. Keep in mind that they are also intent on dividing and conquering; thus you can't feel sorry for anyone when the SERPENT is on all sides. (Foolproof plan of the SERPENT is that the HEAD doesn't know what the TAIL is doing, and the TAIL doesn't know what the HEAD is doing; thus you can't find them guilty. (Zech. 11:5)) These Turko-Mongols came from Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan, and both those tribes actively promoted inbreeding. They worship stupidity. The Nazis are the ones who are destroying IMCs everywhere in order to suppress this information. The destruction of Indymedia sites happens because IMC is the only site where one can effectively oppose big business, Hitler's Health Care, government corruption, or the SERPENT that is Zionism. In fulfilling God's prophecy that these Nazis will have eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear, Hitler probably promoted BAAL worship as described in (c.) below. (Jer. 5:21, Ez. 12:2) These Nazis boast, "We have entered into a covenant with death, with the grave we have made an agreement. When an overwhelming scourge sweeps by, it cannot touch us, for we have made a lie our refuge and falsehood our hiding place." (Is. 28:15) That is what makes them continue their destructive practices. They are continually being promised that that nobody is going to do anything about it and that they will be killed if they don't keep doing it. As a result of this, they will all disappear when they fall into a trap that they have set for their own lives by doing things that are worthy of death. (Prov. 11:19, 14:12, Rom. 1:32) From Boston IMC post: Hey Boston! I suspect that Bush's blowfish have surrounded me with convicted sex offenders here! Nicky says that they are harmless nonviolent perverts. You could do the same. Place ads for library employment in prison newsletters. How can you lose? Conf. to British blowfish: Is that how you do it over there? Stock the libraries with Nazi dunces? You're all pretty stupid. I bet your librarians are serial killers.
(b.) God talks to us via the Holy Spirit which He says, "...will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment: in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me; in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned.... when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on His own; He will speak only what He hears, and He will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you." (John 16:8-14) Inspiration comes the same way. It grabs you when you happen upon something that you know is worth pursuing. Also you should read the clouds! His power is in the sky! (Ps. 68:34) If you ask the Spirit any worthy question and the answer is "yes", check the clouds, and you will see a "Y" or "Yes". I have laid my life on the line every day to do my best to ensure that every word I say is true? It is not worth checking any books for knowledge that I have obtained from them, for the Nazis usually destroy those books, and they would know what you were looking for before you did and target you for seeking such info. God's Spirit will confirm any knowledge that I have relayed to you. I am His witness. I am His messenger. (Rev. 11; Is. 42:19) "You feel thafe?" "And way when our year has ended, and I have gone away, you'll often speak about me. And this is what you'll say;.." "Gee! Thafe Thaviour sure saved a lot of dumb boys!" (Acts 5:39; Rev. 19:13; 12:11; Hosea 6:5; Jer. 5:14; Is. 63:1-6) To these dumkopfs that keep saying that I am supposed to turn back: All who rage against me will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose me will be as nothing and perish. (Is. 41:11; 42:19; Rev. 11) For 20 years I have always had "The Lord's" on my hand or one of my gloves. Do you know what that is all about? That means that it will only take one person and The Word of God to ensure that His words do not return to Him empty. (Is. 44:5; 55:11) "I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found by those who did not seek me." (Is. 65:1) Hear, O earth: I am bringing disaster on this people, the fruit of their schemes, because they have not listened to my words! Very well then, with foreign lips and strange tongues God will speak to this people,"I am bringing a distant nation against you an ancient and enduring nation, a people whose language you do not know, whose speech you do not understand." (Jer. 6:19; Is. 28:11; Jer. 5:15) I bet these people are going to come and get you to sign over your house to them then they are going to get rid of you for having supported the inanity and lethal practices of the Bush Nazis. "Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?" (Is. 53:1) You? That "arm" appears in the clouds too! Keep in mind that "It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." (Hebrews 10:31) In regard to what is said about there being a "rapture", the Lord's people will be gathered to Him via images in the clouds; i.e. they will probably be instructed to go to Jerusalem. "At that time men will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory." (Mk. 13:26; Matt. 24:30)
(c.) Bush dumkopfs – Bush BAAL Worship; A Nation of Bush Imps – As revealed in my Bush Daddy Religion article of 2002, the BAALs are Bush’s Asinine Anal Lovers. GHW Bush says that he has been eating feces (coprophagia) for 70 years. 70 years of brushing people off, saying he is too Gad damn important to talk to anyone and killing anyone who questions his stupidity. He and all his Bush Nazis have replaced the sulphurous fire of the Bible with feces(Gen.19:24 Lev.18:21; Ez.20:26; Is.13:16); i.e. the secret “power food” of the Moabites of Sh*ttim. (Numbers25:1-4) It fries their brains! If these Nazis can’t fry your brains with feces or bile duct toxins one way or another, there are probably a number of other ways that they do it. For example, I suspect that they believe that the drug Prolixin permanently impairs intelligence. or Phenothiazine the pesticide form of that drug. GHW Bush fried W’s brain @ 55 years ago. They can’t feel emotions! They can cry on the spot. They say that is proof that they feel emotions. (Is.41:23-24) I suspect that imp look might be a sign that person had his or her brains fried at an early age. My dictionary: imp = Devil’s offspring. This imp look might very well be the “look on their faces that betrays them”. (Is. 3:9) Once they have had their brains fried, it is an easy matter to manipulate them into doing evil. Since the folly of fools is deception, maybe the impish look is the result of a stiff-necked people having been taught to put on a bold front. (Prov. 14:8; 21:29; Jer. 7:26) That is, as soon as anyone questions them, they probably start thinking of the evil that their compatriots have planned for anyone who questions their imps. CAN THE IMPS BE SAVED? With God all things are possible. (Matt. 19:26) Keep in mind that wisdom brightens the face and changes a hard appearance. (Eccl. 8:1) ) By supporting Bush Nazis, you have set a trap for your own lives. These kind caring Bush Nazis, feigning distress and regret 24/7 and talking terror are posing as angels of light, i.e. the Devil. (2Cor.11:14) Do you wonder why everyone appears to be “senseless and without knowledge”? (Jer. 10:14) These Bush Nazis publish and repeat senseless falsehoods to you until you are convinced that they are true. Of course they will also tell you themselves how smart they are. “Friend deceives friend, and no one speaks the truth”. (Jer.9:5) That explains why there is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. (Prov.14:12, Is.28:21; 29:14; Jer.8:9; Hab.1:5,Ps.37:10) Have you been listening to the Bush Nazis and heeding their requests to support falsehoods? Then you have probably set a trap for your own life. (Prov.5:21-23; 11:5,19; 16:4; 28:10, Jer. 18:22) All of modern society seems to have been built on the professed intelligence and the professed authoritiy of brainless Nazis. They are able to this because they have a lot of morons backing them up. They have made falsehood their hiding place. (Is. 28:15) Whoever knows God recognizes the Holy Spirit and the spirit of falsehood. (1 John 4:6) God will reject everyone who loves and practices falsehood. (Rev. 22:15) Thus we are told to avoid such godless chatter. (2 Tim. 2:16) These fools keep saying, “Let God hurry and do His work so we can see it!”, and they are never going to see it. (Is.5:19, Jer.9:22) As you should know, “those who complain will accept instruction.” (Is. 29:24) “Let me take you down cause I’m going to Strawberry Fields!” (If you doubt that anything that I say about them is true, keep in mind the following excerpt from Holy Smoke, entry dated 4/7/07 and based on my Rigging the Messenger article of 2001: “If you don’t believe what I say about Bush Daddy (GHW Bush) saying such stuff, consider that he wears an electronic bracelet a la “Dick Tracy” that broadcasts via his audio-visual cortex whatever he says, hears, or thinks to me via the computer chip that they implanted in me at Georgetown Medical Center 6/3/95 after they broke a hairline fracture in the Emergency Room. In fulfillment of God’s word, the sin of his mouth lets him be trapped in his pride (Ps. 59:12; Prov. 12:13; 13:13), proving that he is the “son of perdition”, the “man of lawlessness” (2 Thess. 2:3) Do you doubt the truth of 9/11 as has been transmitted to you from Bush Daddy’s own mouth and ears? Do you hesitate to fulfill the Sovereign Lord’s words against them? How long will you serve the Bush Nazi god, i.e. their stupidity? (Deut. 13:6-9)” (10/19 These Bushes have never been convicted of a crime because anyone who tries to file a charge is immediately “neutralized”.) That chip broadcasts everything from and to me via the audio-visual cortex of my body and infrared radiation emanating from and being received by the Eagle Stealth helicoptors that have dogged my steps 24/7 for 14 years now. I bet that Hitler’s Health Care now attaches a computer chip that cannot broadcast as mine does to any implant made into the body; thus they can monitor a person’s thoughts and speech and set traps and/or waylay them on the basis of the information that they have obtained. (Jer. 5:26; Ps. 64:6 (NWT of Scriptures calls it a “shrewd device”)) 8/27 Along with every other detrimental thing that can be thrown at me, those Eagle helicoptors have been broadcasting those mites at me and my bike everywhere that I go. They don’t really broadcast them, but they shoot them in pellets that dissolve as they approach the target. Ask these brainless pilots if they can fly those coptors without their fingers. 6/3/2010 Today makes fifteen years that I have been enduring the brainless chatter of the Bush fools who say that I am supposed to go crazy because their drivel has never failed to drive people nuts. 8/20 Note that the immortal “Fear God…” paragraph that created Israel has been updated to include; “George Herbert Walker Bush, the uncrowned king of Babylon, the son of perdition, i.e. the lawless Jacob must die so that he can become the Great Dead King of Israel…” (Is. 14:4-22; Mic. 1:5; 2 Thess. 2:3-8; Hosea 10:3,15) He will be destroyed by the word of God; which becomes a “sword” when used properly, and God has “made my mouth like a sharpened sword”. (Is. 49:2; Rev. 2:16; Is. 11:4) 8/26 Even though every thing that I say is broadcasted, the Bush Nazis tell their followers not to listen to me. One of the reasons they do this is so that they can “steal my ideas” and profess intelligence, saying that it was their idea. Another reason is so they can say stuff like “He can’t hear. He can’t do anything about it.” 12/7 As with all members of the SERPENT, GHW Bush says that no one is ever going to be able to prove anything about him because no one is ever going to be able to really talk to him; i.e. he “..speaks cordially to his neighbour, but in his heart he sets a trap for him.”(Jer. 9:8) 1/3/11 GHW Bush’s Eagle Helicoptors are bioterror stealth aircraft. It is not legal to fly such an aircraft yet they have dogged my steps for 16 years and thrown tons of chemicals, hundreds of pounds of anthrax, and pounds of insects at me. It has a military star on it; thus they fly around, posing as the US Military. Tell President Obama to ground those aircraft, and at least disable their bioterror capabilities. “The first was like a lion, and it had the wings of an eagle. I watched until its wings were torn off…”(Dan. 7:4) 1/13 GHW Bush cuts off all my attempts to communicate with people; thus I can only reach people once or twice via computer. If I write, they would intercept it and say that was proof I was harassing someone.(Ps. 88:8) 1/18 GHW Bush joked that the military was using the One for Bush song from the Facebook link above to broadcast while bringing those Eagles down. Have determined that when I saw GHW Bush strolling around Cornell campus @ 2001, he was there to see which students would oppose or support him. Since he would walk around without identifying himself, he was being a Public Nuisance, for he would probably only identify himself to those who he liked. 6/30/11 – In the ’90s a Chinook helicoptor kept circling my house in DC with a group of men, holding a GHW Bush dummy in the doorway like they were going to throw him out. Last night it was ascertained that was supposed to be the USPO showing us what happens when Bush wouldn’t stop interfering with the mail and email and stealing posts on websites. I’m not making this up, and this is not some controversial detail about Bush that he has revealed to me himself so that his compatriots can raise a ruckus about it and coerce you into removing this post. 9/22/12 GHW Bush says that he is terrified of Illumination Flares that will expose his stealth helicoptors at night. 1/8/13 I saw a doppler radar blip of the Eagle stealth helicoptor that covered hundreds of square miles. It seem like radar can be set to pick up the infrared too.
(d.) Has a nation ever changed its gods? Sure these Bush Nazis can do anything that they put their sh*t-eaten brains to! That is why they continue to do things that they know are worthy of death. Now as the “fruit of their schemes”, the nations shall know that God gave them into the hands of their adversaries, and they fell all of them by the sword. In other words, when you dispatch these idiotic Zionist Nazis, you must cut off their heads, for they are the Holy-wannabes of Israel, and their heads are the idols of Israel. They have been behaving like they are “God on earth”, calling good evil and evil good. Rest assured that God’s words back them up in their efforts to become His people, for God says that after two days He will revive them; on the third day He will restore them, that they may live in His presence. Tell them that though they have fallen, they will rise and that God has promised them a new heart. Because they have sinned against Him, they will bear the LORD’s wrath, until He pleads their case. Via these Bush Nazi Idols, God’s salvation will be carried to the ends of the earth. … The Bush Nazi Idols decribed above are the “key” to this Kingdom. Whether you are an immigrant or not, you just cut off the Bush Nazi’s head and claim his or her house, saying they will be back in a few days. Their heads will probably end up in Hooterville where they will bear the LORD’s wrath, until He pleads their case and establishes their right. Here I also thought that I was posting on Lancasteronline (another Bush Nazi site?), but it turns out that I was posting and proclaiming salvation from the “mountainous region of Ephraim”(Scranton area: Appalachian Mts.), for I am also “a voice from Dan”. (Jer. 2:11; Rom. 1:32; Jer. 6:19; Ez. 39:23; Ps. 63:10; Ps. 12:3; Is. 5:15,20; Hosea 6:2; Mic. 7:8-9; Ez. 36:26; Is. 49:6; Deut. 28:30; Lam. 5:2; Amos 5:11; Jer. 4:15) 12/15 Before you send these heads off to Hooterville, which you should know is on mountaintops all over the earth, you will probably want to pin their lips to their ears to put a smile on their face then put them under a sunlamp to take a picture for the records; thus you will be able to say something like, “Don’t it look like he’s having fun? He must be in South America! He’ll be back in a few days.” Don’t want to do that? Maybe you can find some Deadhead to do it. I was always wondering what they were here for. Deadhead – “He ain’t dead! His stupidity will live forever!” 9/11 “Don’t he look Spanish! I bet he was one of those Shining Path guerillas!” 5/18 Change of plans regarding this “change of gods” brought to you by CYRUS – “These heads are the heads of the people who stumbled and fell trying to get the Temple of the Lord and Sarah and Jennifer built in Jerusalem; i.e. they are the idols of Israel, Holy Nation.” “Those who are wise will instruct many, though for a time they will fall by the sword or be burned or captured or plundered. When they fall, they will receive a little help, and many who are not sincere will join them. Some of the wise will stumble, so that they may be refined, purified and made spotless until the time of the end.” (Dan. 11:33-35) (For complete blog and/or Footnotes: See (copy and exit, won't stop downloading, so watch the indicator in right column until it indicates there is no more coming.) is a partial blog.)
(a.) Nazi - The Nazis are the Niggardly Asinine Zionist Idiots, arising from the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and the Plans of the Synagogue of Satan. Most of them do not know that they are Nazis. Satan's servants appear as preachers of righteousness. (2 Cor. 11:14) Sweet people!. People like that did the Potato Famine, the Wisconsin Death Trip, the Spanish Flu, the Holocaust, and much more. If you had read the Plans of the Synagogue of Satan, you would understand that most of the Israelites in the Middle East are Turko-Mongol Jews. Keep in mind that they are also intent on dividing and conquering; thus you can't feel sorry for anyone when the SERPENT is on all sides. (Foolproof plan of the SERPENT is that the HEAD doesn't know what the TAIL is doing, and the TAIL doesn't know what the HEAD is doing; thus you can't find them guilty. (Zech. 11:5)) These Turko-Mongols came from Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan, and both those tribes actively promoted inbreeding. They worship stupidity. The Nazis are the ones who are destroying IMCs everywhere in order to suppress this information. The destruction of Indymedia sites happens because IMC is the only site where one can effectively oppose big business, Hitler's Health Care, government corruption, or the SERPENT that is Zionism. In fulfilling God's prophecy that these Nazis will have eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear, Hitler probably promoted BAAL worship as described in (c.) below. (Jer. 5:21, Ez. 12:2) These Nazis boast, "We have entered into a covenant with death, with the grave we have made an agreement. When an overwhelming scourge sweeps by, it cannot touch us, for we have made a lie our refuge and falsehood our hiding place." (Is. 28:15) That is what makes them continue their destructive practices. They are continually being promised that that nobody is going to do anything about it and that they will be killed if they don't keep doing it. As a result of this, they will all disappear when they fall into a trap that they have set for their own lives by doing things that are worthy of death. (Prov. 11:19, 14:12, Rom. 1:32) From Boston IMC post: Hey Boston! I suspect that Bush's blowfish have surrounded me with convicted sex offenders here! Nicky says that they are harmless nonviolent perverts. You could do the same. Place ads for library employment in prison newsletters. How can you lose? Conf. to British blowfish: Is that how you do it over there? Stock the libraries with Nazi dunces? You're all pretty stupid. I bet your librarians are serial killers.
(b.) God talks to us via the Holy Spirit which He says, "...will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment: in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me; in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned.... when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on His own; He will speak only what He hears, and He will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you." (John 16:8-14) Inspiration comes the same way. It grabs you when you happen upon something that you know is worth pursuing. Also you should read the clouds! His power is in the sky! (Ps. 68:34) If you ask the Spirit any worthy question and the answer is "yes", check the clouds, and you will see a "Y" or "Yes". I have laid my life on the line every day to do my best to ensure that every word I say is true? It is not worth checking any books for knowledge that I have obtained from them, for the Nazis usually destroy those books, and they would know what you were looking for before you did and target you for seeking such info. God's Spirit will confirm any knowledge that I have relayed to you. I am His witness. I am His messenger. (Rev. 11; Is. 42:19) "You feel thafe?" "And way when our year has ended, and I have gone away, you'll often speak about me. And this is what you'll say;.." "Gee! Thafe Thaviour sure saved a lot of dumb boys!" (Acts 5:39; Rev. 19:13; 12:11; Hosea 6:5; Jer. 5:14; Is. 63:1-6) To these dumkopfs that keep saying that I am supposed to turn back: All who rage against me will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose me will be as nothing and perish. (Is. 41:11; 42:19; Rev. 11) For 20 years I have always had "The Lord's" on my hand or one of my gloves. Do you know what that is all about? That means that it will only take one person and The Word of God to ensure that His words do not return to Him empty. (Is. 44:5; 55:11) "I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found by those who did not seek me." (Is. 65:1) Hear, O earth: I am bringing disaster on this people, the fruit of their schemes, because they have not listened to my words! Very well then, with foreign lips and strange tongues God will speak to this people,"I am bringing a distant nation against you an ancient and enduring nation, a people whose language you do not know, whose speech you do not understand." (Jer. 6:19; Is. 28:11; Jer. 5:15) I bet these people are going to come and get you to sign over your house to them then they are going to get rid of you for having supported the inanity and lethal practices of the Bush Nazis. "Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?" (Is. 53:1) You? That "arm" appears in the clouds too! Keep in mind that "It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." (Hebrews 10:31) In regard to what is said about there being a "rapture", the Lord's people will be gathered to Him via images in the clouds; i.e. they will probably be instructed to go to Jerusalem. "At that time men will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory." (Mk. 13:26; Matt. 24:30)
(c.) Bush dumkopfs – Bush BAAL Worship; A Nation of Bush Imps – As revealed in my Bush Daddy Religion article of 2002, the BAALs are Bush’s Asinine Anal Lovers. GHW Bush says that he has been eating feces (coprophagia) for 70 years. 70 years of brushing people off, saying he is too Gad damn important to talk to anyone and killing anyone who questions his stupidity. He and all his Bush Nazis have replaced the sulphurous fire of the Bible with feces(Gen.19:24 Lev.18:21; Ez.20:26; Is.13:16); i.e. the secret “power food” of the Moabites of Sh*ttim. (Numbers25:1-4) It fries their brains! If these Nazis can’t fry your brains with feces or bile duct toxins one way or another, there are probably a number of other ways that they do it. For example, I suspect that they believe that the drug Prolixin permanently impairs intelligence. or Phenothiazine the pesticide form of that drug. GHW Bush fried W’s brain @ 55 years ago. They can’t feel emotions! They can cry on the spot. They say that is proof that they feel emotions. (Is.41:23-24) I suspect that imp look might be a sign that person had his or her brains fried at an early age. My dictionary: imp = Devil’s offspring. This imp look might very well be the “look on their faces that betrays them”. (Is. 3:9) Once they have had their brains fried, it is an easy matter to manipulate them into doing evil. Since the folly of fools is deception, maybe the impish look is the result of a stiff-necked people having been taught to put on a bold front. (Prov. 14:8; 21:29; Jer. 7:26) That is, as soon as anyone questions them, they probably start thinking of the evil that their compatriots have planned for anyone who questions their imps. CAN THE IMPS BE SAVED? With God all things are possible. (Matt. 19:26) Keep in mind that wisdom brightens the face and changes a hard appearance. (Eccl. 8:1) ) By supporting Bush Nazis, you have set a trap for your own lives. These kind caring Bush Nazis, feigning distress and regret 24/7 and talking terror are posing as angels of light, i.e. the Devil. (2Cor.11:14) Do you wonder why everyone appears to be “senseless and without knowledge”? (Jer. 10:14) These Bush Nazis publish and repeat senseless falsehoods to you until you are convinced that they are true. Of course they will also tell you themselves how smart they are. “Friend deceives friend, and no one speaks the truth”. (Jer.9:5) That explains why there is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. (Prov.14:12, Is.28:21; 29:14; Jer.8:9; Hab.1:5,Ps.37:10) Have you been listening to the Bush Nazis and heeding their requests to support falsehoods? Then you have probably set a trap for your own life. (Prov.5:21-23; 11:5,19; 16:4; 28:10, Jer. 18:22) All of modern society seems to have been built on the professed intelligence and the professed authoritiy of brainless Nazis. They are able to this because they have a lot of morons backing them up. They have made falsehood their hiding place. (Is. 28:15) Whoever knows God recognizes the Holy Spirit and the spirit of falsehood. (1 John 4:6) God will reject everyone who loves and practices falsehood. (Rev. 22:15) Thus we are told to avoid such godless chatter. (2 Tim. 2:16) These fools keep saying, “Let God hurry and do His work so we can see it!”, and they are never going to see it. (Is.5:19, Jer.9:22) As you should know, “those who complain will accept instruction.” (Is. 29:24) “Let me take you down cause I’m going to Strawberry Fields!” (If you doubt that anything that I say about them is true, keep in mind the following excerpt from Holy Smoke, entry dated 4/7/07 and based on my Rigging the Messenger article of 2001: “If you don’t believe what I say about Bush Daddy (GHW Bush) saying such stuff, consider that he wears an electronic bracelet a la “Dick Tracy” that broadcasts via his audio-visual cortex whatever he says, hears, or thinks to me via the computer chip that they implanted in me at Georgetown Medical Center 6/3/95 after they broke a hairline fracture in the Emergency Room. In fulfillment of God’s word, the sin of his mouth lets him be trapped in his pride (Ps. 59:12; Prov. 12:13; 13:13), proving that he is the “son of perdition”, the “man of lawlessness” (2 Thess. 2:3) Do you doubt the truth of 9/11 as has been transmitted to you from Bush Daddy’s own mouth and ears? Do you hesitate to fulfill the Sovereign Lord’s words against them? How long will you serve the Bush Nazi god, i.e. their stupidity? (Deut. 13:6-9)” (10/19 These Bushes have never been convicted of a crime because anyone who tries to file a charge is immediately “neutralized”.) That chip broadcasts everything from and to me via the audio-visual cortex of my body and infrared radiation emanating from and being received by the Eagle Stealth helicoptors that have dogged my steps 24/7 for 14 years now. I bet that Hitler’s Health Care now attaches a computer chip that cannot broadcast as mine does to any implant made into the body; thus they can monitor a person’s thoughts and speech and set traps and/or waylay them on the basis of the information that they have obtained. (Jer. 5:26; Ps. 64:6 (NWT of Scriptures calls it a “shrewd device”)) 8/27 Along with every other detrimental thing that can be thrown at me, those Eagle helicoptors have been broadcasting those mites at me and my bike everywhere that I go. They don’t really broadcast them, but they shoot them in pellets that dissolve as they approach the target. Ask these brainless pilots if they can fly those coptors without their fingers. 6/3/2010 Today makes fifteen years that I have been enduring the brainless chatter of the Bush fools who say that I am supposed to go crazy because their drivel has never failed to drive people nuts. 8/20 Note that the immortal “Fear God…” paragraph that created Israel has been updated to include; “George Herbert Walker Bush, the uncrowned king of Babylon, the son of perdition, i.e. the lawless Jacob must die so that he can become the Great Dead King of Israel…” (Is. 14:4-22; Mic. 1:5; 2 Thess. 2:3-8; Hosea 10:3,15) He will be destroyed by the word of God; which becomes a “sword” when used properly, and God has “made my mouth like a sharpened sword”. (Is. 49:2; Rev. 2:16; Is. 11:4) 8/26 Even though every thing that I say is broadcasted, the Bush Nazis tell their followers not to listen to me. One of the reasons they do this is so that they can “steal my ideas” and profess intelligence, saying that it was their idea. Another reason is so they can say stuff like “He can’t hear. He can’t do anything about it.” 12/7 As with all members of the SERPENT, GHW Bush says that no one is ever going to be able to prove anything about him because no one is ever going to be able to really talk to him; i.e. he “..speaks cordially to his neighbour, but in his heart he sets a trap for him.”(Jer. 9:8) 1/3/11 GHW Bush’s Eagle Helicoptors are bioterror stealth aircraft. It is not legal to fly such an aircraft yet they have dogged my steps for 16 years and thrown tons of chemicals, hundreds of pounds of anthrax, and pounds of insects at me. It has a military star on it; thus they fly around, posing as the US Military. Tell President Obama to ground those aircraft, and at least disable their bioterror capabilities. “The first was like a lion, and it had the wings of an eagle. I watched until its wings were torn off…”(Dan. 7:4) 1/13 GHW Bush cuts off all my attempts to communicate with people; thus I can only reach people once or twice via computer. If I write, they would intercept it and say that was proof I was harassing someone.(Ps. 88:8) 1/18 GHW Bush joked that the military was using the One for Bush song from the Facebook link above to broadcast while bringing those Eagles down. Have determined that when I saw GHW Bush strolling around Cornell campus @ 2001, he was there to see which students would oppose or support him. Since he would walk around without identifying himself, he was being a Public Nuisance, for he would probably only identify himself to those who he liked. 6/30/11 – In the ’90s a Chinook helicoptor kept circling my house in DC with a group of men, holding a GHW Bush dummy in the doorway like they were going to throw him out. Last night it was ascertained that was supposed to be the USPO showing us what happens when Bush wouldn’t stop interfering with the mail and email and stealing posts on websites. I’m not making this up, and this is not some controversial detail about Bush that he has revealed to me himself so that his compatriots can raise a ruckus about it and coerce you into removing this post. 9/22/12 GHW Bush says that he is terrified of Illumination Flares that will expose his stealth helicoptors at night. 1/8/13 I saw a doppler radar blip of the Eagle stealth helicoptor that covered hundreds of square miles. It seem like radar can be set to pick up the infrared too.
(d.) Has a nation ever changed its gods? Sure these Bush Nazis can do anything that they put their sh*t-eaten brains to! That is why they continue to do things that they know are worthy of death. Now as the “fruit of their schemes”, the nations shall know that God gave them into the hands of their adversaries, and they fell all of them by the sword. In other words, when you dispatch these idiotic Zionist Nazis, you must cut off their heads, for they are the Holy-wannabes of Israel, and their heads are the idols of Israel. They have been behaving like they are “God on earth”, calling good evil and evil good. Rest assured that God’s words back them up in their efforts to become His people, for God says that after two days He will revive them; on the third day He will restore them, that they may live in His presence. Tell them that though they have fallen, they will rise and that God has promised them a new heart. Because they have sinned against Him, they will bear the LORD’s wrath, until He pleads their case. Via these Bush Nazi Idols, God’s salvation will be carried to the ends of the earth. … The Bush Nazi Idols decribed above are the “key” to this Kingdom. Whether you are an immigrant or not, you just cut off the Bush Nazi’s head and claim his or her house, saying they will be back in a few days. Their heads will probably end up in Hooterville where they will bear the LORD’s wrath, until He pleads their case and establishes their right. Here I also thought that I was posting on Lancasteronline (another Bush Nazi site?), but it turns out that I was posting and proclaiming salvation from the “mountainous region of Ephraim”(Scranton area: Appalachian Mts.), for I am also “a voice from Dan”. (Jer. 2:11; Rom. 1:32; Jer. 6:19; Ez. 39:23; Ps. 63:10; Ps. 12:3; Is. 5:15,20; Hosea 6:2; Mic. 7:8-9; Ez. 36:26; Is. 49:6; Deut. 28:30; Lam. 5:2; Amos 5:11; Jer. 4:15) 12/15 Before you send these heads off to Hooterville, which you should know is on mountaintops all over the earth, you will probably want to pin their lips to their ears to put a smile on their face then put them under a sunlamp to take a picture for the records; thus you will be able to say something like, “Don’t it look like he’s having fun? He must be in South America! He’ll be back in a few days.” Don’t want to do that? Maybe you can find some Deadhead to do it. I was always wondering what they were here for. Deadhead – “He ain’t dead! His stupidity will live forever!” 9/11 “Don’t he look Spanish! I bet he was one of those Shining Path guerillas!” 5/18 Change of plans regarding this “change of gods” brought to you by CYRUS – “These heads are the heads of the people who stumbled and fell trying to get the Temple of the Lord and Sarah and Jennifer built in Jerusalem; i.e. they are the idols of Israel, Holy Nation.” “Those who are wise will instruct many, though for a time they will fall by the sword or be burned or captured or plundered. When they fall, they will receive a little help, and many who are not sincere will join them. Some of the wise will stumble, so that they may be refined, purified and made spotless until the time of the end.” (Dan. 11:33-35) (For complete blog and/or Footnotes: See (copy and exit, won't stop downloading, so watch the indicator in right column until it indicates there is no more coming.) is a partial blog.)
PS to genuine athletes: If you were a wrestler and tore your shoulder, wrenched your hip, or strained your back wrestling against a beefed-up dumbed-down steroid user, wouldn't you want to show him what a "level playing field" was all about?
Dake won the NCAAs his freshman year. What kind of body do you think he had then? Wrestlers are some of the hardest working toughest people there are. He was in top form then. I say that there was no way that he could gain weight and do that without steroids or some other such substance.
And steroid users cannot function academically because: "I have been saying that Alzheimer’s is caused by the proliferation of amyloids in the brain in the same way as steroids promote stupidity among steroid users by affecting the brain similarly, but I read today in Encyclopedia for Healthful Living that it may be scurvy related; i.e. Hitler’s plot to turn us all into a pack of scurvy dogs, for Vit. C helps oxygenate the tissues of the brain. "From Letters to My Doctor: "I figure that Alzheimer's is progressive deterioration of the brain due to a shortage of oxygen and that Vit. C helps oxygenate the brain better than any other substance. The symptoms that are necessary in order to diagnose Alzheimer's are not made manifest for a long time after the deterioration has begun. For example, the effects of hypercalcemia on the brain are probably a prelude to Alzheimer's. In short I believe that there are symptoms that will reveal what the problem is long before Alzheimer's develops; i.e. loss of intelligence loss of the ability to do deductive reasoning, etc."" The point is that urine tests only reveal recent use of steroids. while steroid use is evident in the plasma of cells permanently. It's also evident in test scores, IQ tests, and any other activity that requires intelligence. I think that this is all a scheme to produce brainless athletes akin to Hulk Hogan.
Dake won the NCAAs his freshman year. What kind of body do you think he had then? Wrestlers are some of the hardest working toughest people there are. He was in top form then. I say that there was no way that he could gain weight and do that without steroids or some other such substance.
And steroid users cannot function academically because: "I have been saying that Alzheimer’s is caused by the proliferation of amyloids in the brain in the same way as steroids promote stupidity among steroid users by affecting the brain similarly, but I read today in Encyclopedia for Healthful Living that it may be scurvy related; i.e. Hitler’s plot to turn us all into a pack of scurvy dogs, for Vit. C helps oxygenate the tissues of the brain. "From Letters to My Doctor: "I figure that Alzheimer's is progressive deterioration of the brain due to a shortage of oxygen and that Vit. C helps oxygenate the brain better than any other substance. The symptoms that are necessary in order to diagnose Alzheimer's are not made manifest for a long time after the deterioration has begun. For example, the effects of hypercalcemia on the brain are probably a prelude to Alzheimer's. In short I believe that there are symptoms that will reveal what the problem is long before Alzheimer's develops; i.e. loss of intelligence loss of the ability to do deductive reasoning, etc."" The point is that urine tests only reveal recent use of steroids. while steroid use is evident in the plasma of cells permanently. It's also evident in test scores, IQ tests, and any other activity that requires intelligence. I think that this is all a scheme to produce brainless athletes akin to Hulk Hogan.
From Letter to My Doctor: 4/3 - "I looked up steroids in my nursing book and my medical dictionary, and I found that they produce an elevated level of a lot of elements and other substances in the body. I also found that some athletes were using them because they supposedly increase energy immediately. If that is so, I bet that it is due to the elevated level of the elements or other substances. That is apparently the only time that they can be detected in the urine; i.e. immediately after use. As I have written: "From Letters to My Doctor: "I figure that Alzheimer's is progressive deterioration of the brain due to a shortage of oxygen and that Vit. C helps oxygenate the brain better than any other substance. The symptoms that are necessary in order to diagnose Alzheimer's are not made manifest for a long time after the deterioration has begun. For example, the effects of hypercalcemia on the brain are probably a prelude to Alzheimer's. In short I believe that there are symptoms that will reveal what the problem is long before Alzheimer's develops; i.e. loss of intelligence loss of the ability to do deductive reasoning, etc."" The point is that urine tests only reveal recent use of steroids. while steroid use is evident in the plasma of cells permanently. It's also evident in test scores, IQ tests, and any other activity that requires intelligence. I think that this is all a scheme to produce brainless athletes akin to Hulk Hogan."
I have noticed in Hulk Hogan and other obvious steroid users that the steroids seem to affect their speech via the muscles of the jaw or the tongue so that they talk in an unusual way. It's similar to but not as drastic as the effect of PCP use putting a grimace on the face. I am saying this because it seems like steroid use can only be detected in the blood or urine immediately after use. I'm sure that you can devise an intelligence test that will reveal steroid use, but there must be a more direct way."
So what's the story with NCAA competitions? Don't schools have to provide proof of the academic eligibility of competitors? "Do you have a transcript for this guy?" "No, but we have a fingerpainting that he did last week!"
Brought to you by Gannet communication of the Gad D*mn Gar-Gan Tribe. That's why the links above were not activated!
I have noticed in Hulk Hogan and other obvious steroid users that the steroids seem to affect their speech via the muscles of the jaw or the tongue so that they talk in an unusual way. It's similar to but not as drastic as the effect of PCP use putting a grimace on the face. I am saying this because it seems like steroid use can only be detected in the blood or urine immediately after use. I'm sure that you can devise an intelligence test that will reveal steroid use, but there must be a more direct way."
So what's the story with NCAA competitions? Don't schools have to provide proof of the academic eligibility of competitors? "Do you have a transcript for this guy?" "No, but we have a fingerpainting that he did last week!"
Brought to you by Gannet communication of the Gad D*mn Gar-Gan Tribe. That's why the links above were not activated!
Can the Beefed-up Dumb-downed Steroid Users Be Saved?
As I wrote for the last Olympics, "Whatever the case, steroid users have permanently changed the physiological makeup of their bodies via the effects of steroids on enzymes, DNA, etc. There is no reversing those changes! Super athletes! Stupid athletes! Professional athletes! Pay professional athletes to ensure that the stupidest ones prevail; i.e. the ones that support the stupidity that rules. ...... Al Oerter – “Bah! Olympic professionals! Enough medals to hang themselves with!” I say nullify the records of steroid users, have them return their medals, and erase all traces of their pursuit of athletics. They were never genuine athletes." So what are these Beefed-up Dumb-downed Steroid Users going to do? I think that the best bet would be for them to help build the Temple of the Lord. A tricky yet rewarding affair that may or may not already be taking place. It may also be known as a HOUSE for the Queen, Jerry Garcia’s HOUSE,Sarah and Jennifer’s HOUSE, my Mom's HOUSE, Al Oerter's HOUSE, etc. One of the main reason for doing this is that God has promised; " I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh." (Ez. 36:26) I bet that might even undo the damage that steroids did to their brains; however they never would have done steroids if they had trusted in the body that God gave them. Thus we will probably find that "...they did not believe in God or trust in His deliverance."(Ps. 78:22).
4/10 - To select Ivy schools: "
GHW Bush claims that he is a benefactor of Kyle Dake. Says Kyle will graduate as soon as Bush gets a diploma printed up. No word of any educational pursuits by Kyle whatsoever. The favorite trick is to get you to wait until graduation where the bogus diploma will be proof that he graduated, and eliminate anyone who questions it. That is how Bushes got their Ivy League educations. What is wrong the Ivy League? Don't they understand how serious it is to impersonate a university student in a hazardous sport? "I can do anything I want to disable you cause Cornell supports me. They even think that I am a student there." As GHW Bush said, the only solution is to "throw him off the bridge and say, "I thought he could fly!""
An estimated 5.2 million Americans of all ages have Alzheimer's disease in 2013. This includes an estimated 5 million people age 65 and older and approximate..."I have been saying that Alzheimer's is caused by the proliferation of amyloids in the brain in the same way as steroids promote stupidity among steroid users, but I read today in Encyclopedia for Healthful Living that it may be scurvy related; i.e. Hitler's plot to turn us all into a pack of scurvy dogs, for Vit. C helps oxygenate the tissues of the brain." From Letters to My Doctor: "I guess that the amyloid problem and the oxygenation issue are really different approaches to the same problem; i.e. that oxygenation takes care of the amyloid buildup to some extent, doesn't it?"" From Letters to My Doctor: "I guess that the amyloid problem and the oxygenation issue are really different approaches to the same problem; i.e. that oxygenation takes care of the amyloid buildup to some extent, doesn't it?"
4/10 -
Morning After Pill - Dumkopf pharmacies are too stupid to mess with hormones. They've never researched their effects on the body. The systemic introduction of hormones into the body produces an effect on every organ of the body. When the body generates and distributes hormones, it is probably more or less site specific, and those hormones prob...ably have carrier molecules that get them to the site where they are used. They have to prove what effects that hormones have on the brain(intelligence). Women who use the pill are "thick as a brick"!Excerpts from Steroid Article: "I watched as steroids took over athletics throughout the earth, producing dunces who couldn’t make the grade. I have been blocked from determining why many champion Cornell swimmers never finished Cornell: why steroid users cannot function academically: “I have been saying that Alzheimer’s is caused by the proliferation of amyloids in the brain in the same way as steroids promote stupidity among steroid users by affecting the brain similarly.".......I have noticed in Hulk Hogan and other obvious steroid users that the steroids seem to affect their speech via the muscles of the jaw or the tongue so that they talk in an unusual way. It’s similar to but not as drastic as the effect of PCP use which puts a grimace on the face."". why steroid users cannot function academically: “I have been saying that Alzheimer’s is caused by the proliferation of amyloids in the brain in the same way as steroids promote stupidity among steroid users by affecting the brain similarly.".......I have noticed in Hulk Hogan and other obvious steroid users that the steroids seem to affect their speech via the muscles of the jaw or the tongue so that they talk in an unusual way. It’s similar to but not as drastic as the effect of PCP use which puts a grimace on the face."".
Is King Coal still around? Did he let the sissy wimpy fairies at the power companies convince him that coal was too dirty? Why doesn't King Coal convince everyone that coal power plants can operate at a level and efficiency that would astound the world? And I do believe that King Coal should be ready to build the villages described herein too.Sent this to pertinent Congressional Committees last week:
Putting Coal Power to Good UsePass this around: I am writing to you on the chance that you will see that the good in my ideas outweighs any of the negatives. Hundreds of thousands of people died as a result of the asbestos mining operations in Canada. Hundreds of thousands of more people are dying as a result of the intentional contamination of buildings in order to promote the removal of asbestos wherever it has been used.I am proposing that you promote the use of the asbestos that has been removed via the work of the asbestos abatement industry to superinsulate coal-fired power plants and establish villages that are heated by the excess heat from these plants via superinsulated pipes. I wrote about the dangers that arise from disturbing asbestoes more than ten years ago. The most critical information in that article was: "On May 4, 1971 it was publicized that Dr. I. J. Selikoff of Mt. Sinai Medical School revealed that once asbestos fibers are inhaled, they are not expelled, and they do not dissolve." "I SUPPOSE YOU DUMKOPFS ARE STILL DOING ASBESTOS REMOVAL. IT IS A NAZI BUSINESS PROBABLY DREAMED UP BY HITLER HIMSELF. WHY DO YOU THINK @ 95% OF ALL CARPETS ARE PRODUCED IN GEORGIA? (HINT: THE DEVIL WENT DOWN TO GEORGIA!) CARPETS ARE TOXIC RESERVOIRS OF THAT STUFF. YOU DON’T TOUCH THE STUFF UNTIL THE BUILDING IS TORN DOWN! ALL CONTAMINATION WAS PROBABLY INTENTIONAL. GO SEE WHAT HAPPENED TO EVERY SINGLE BUSINESS WHERE ASBESTOS REMOVAL WAS DONE. THE LABORATORIES AND READINGS OF THE ASBESTOS INDUSTRY ARE A MYTH." The second quote was a postscript added to this article in subsequent publications of it. You probably don't want to mention me because:”Here are excerpts from letters that I recently wrote regarding the promotion of this idea. In regard to dumping the asbestos in landfills: "Some of it doesn't go back to the earth. It's used to contaminate other buildings and businesses marked for destruction." "Upgrade the power plants. Build villages that are heated and cooled via the heat in the water used to cool the boilers. The new plants are producing a lot less pollution, and the old plants can be upgraded. Remember smelting at Milliken Station on Cayuga Lake. Remember the incredible amount of water that was coming out of that plant? Once they started using that heated water, the system would be closed; plus it could also be used for cooling in the summer with an alternate pipe route that cools the water geothermally before returning it to the plant. Once you showed the power companies an economical use for megatons of asbestos, they would spring for it, especially when you showed them how many millions of dollars would be saved per year. Those boilers have no insulation whatsoever now." "It's a use for that stuff that will secure it a lot better than leaving it at a dump. You could insulate those boilers with several feet thick layers of it. You could insulate the pipes to the housing the same way. (This would be a simple process via just trenching the asbestos around the pipes.) I bet a power plant could easily heat 700 homes. When the plant closes, it all gets buried. Do you realize how many people died extracting that stuff from the earth?" "The hazardous material is buried separate from other garbage, and the asbestos always seemed to be separate from that. (The discarded asbestos that could be easily retrieved would be loaded via front loaders.) The bags could be shredded and placed on a conveyer belt from which cartridges etc. could be removed. It could be used for high temperature insulation after that. What's going to happen if the bits of plastic, imbedded in the asbestos burns? (Nothing!) That's just for the high temperature use. The rest of it could be used in trenches to insulate pipes coming from the plants."That's what I've written about this so far. If these boilers were superinsulated they would last for hundreds of years probably. Any old boilers that have burnout could probably be repaired. What causes the breakdown of the metal in these boilers is the difference in temperatures inside and outside the boiler. If the boiler is superinsulated, the reduction in the difference in temperature will extend the life of the boiler to an extreme. Heat retrieval from the exhaust and scrubbing of the exhaust of the plants will also make these plants much cleaner, and people would enjoy living in housing where heat costs were not a big issue. If the plants are ultimately closed, the villages could probably exist for a while without them by installing a heater for the village that continued to heat the village via these superinsulated pipes. You do not want them to keep killing people with this asbestos; thus it is well-worth putting it to use temporarily in secure location. In the future there will most definitely arise a use for this asbestos, and the cost of retrieving it from the plants and the trenches would be minimal. So it's best to do the good that we can while it may be done. Don't let them mine anymore mountaintops too! You should also be aware that nanotech derbis is now being used to murder people in a myriad of ways. It seems to be a replacement for the hazards of asbestos. Thank you very much for your time. Respectfully yours, Robert Meade PS I think that you can go in and take a power plant with the brick smoke stack, use the bricks to build the village, and leave it like one of those shining new power plants in Europe.
Putting Coal Power to Good UsePass this around: I am writing to you on the chance that you will see that the good in my ideas outweighs any of the negatives. Hundreds of thousands of people died as a result of the asbestos mining operations in Canada. Hundreds of thousands of more people are dying as a result of the intentional contamination of buildings in order to promote the removal of asbestos wherever it has been used.I am proposing that you promote the use of the asbestos that has been removed via the work of the asbestos abatement industry to superinsulate coal-fired power plants and establish villages that are heated by the excess heat from these plants via superinsulated pipes. I wrote about the dangers that arise from disturbing asbestoes more than ten years ago. The most critical information in that article was: "On May 4, 1971 it was publicized that Dr. I. J. Selikoff of Mt. Sinai Medical School revealed that once asbestos fibers are inhaled, they are not expelled, and they do not dissolve." "I SUPPOSE YOU DUMKOPFS ARE STILL DOING ASBESTOS REMOVAL. IT IS A NAZI BUSINESS PROBABLY DREAMED UP BY HITLER HIMSELF. WHY DO YOU THINK @ 95% OF ALL CARPETS ARE PRODUCED IN GEORGIA? (HINT: THE DEVIL WENT DOWN TO GEORGIA!) CARPETS ARE TOXIC RESERVOIRS OF THAT STUFF. YOU DON’T TOUCH THE STUFF UNTIL THE BUILDING IS TORN DOWN! ALL CONTAMINATION WAS PROBABLY INTENTIONAL. GO SEE WHAT HAPPENED TO EVERY SINGLE BUSINESS WHERE ASBESTOS REMOVAL WAS DONE. THE LABORATORIES AND READINGS OF THE ASBESTOS INDUSTRY ARE A MYTH." The second quote was a postscript added to this article in subsequent publications of it. You probably don't want to mention me because:”Here are excerpts from letters that I recently wrote regarding the promotion of this idea. In regard to dumping the asbestos in landfills: "Some of it doesn't go back to the earth. It's used to contaminate other buildings and businesses marked for destruction." "Upgrade the power plants. Build villages that are heated and cooled via the heat in the water used to cool the boilers. The new plants are producing a lot less pollution, and the old plants can be upgraded. Remember smelting at Milliken Station on Cayuga Lake. Remember the incredible amount of water that was coming out of that plant? Once they started using that heated water, the system would be closed; plus it could also be used for cooling in the summer with an alternate pipe route that cools the water geothermally before returning it to the plant. Once you showed the power companies an economical use for megatons of asbestos, they would spring for it, especially when you showed them how many millions of dollars would be saved per year. Those boilers have no insulation whatsoever now." "It's a use for that stuff that will secure it a lot better than leaving it at a dump. You could insulate those boilers with several feet thick layers of it. You could insulate the pipes to the housing the same way. (This would be a simple process via just trenching the asbestos around the pipes.) I bet a power plant could easily heat 700 homes. When the plant closes, it all gets buried. Do you realize how many people died extracting that stuff from the earth?" "The hazardous material is buried separate from other garbage, and the asbestos always seemed to be separate from that. (The discarded asbestos that could be easily retrieved would be loaded via front loaders.) The bags could be shredded and placed on a conveyer belt from which cartridges etc. could be removed. It could be used for high temperature insulation after that. What's going to happen if the bits of plastic, imbedded in the asbestos burns? (Nothing!) That's just for the high temperature use. The rest of it could be used in trenches to insulate pipes coming from the plants."That's what I've written about this so far. If these boilers were superinsulated they would last for hundreds of years probably. Any old boilers that have burnout could probably be repaired. What causes the breakdown of the metal in these boilers is the difference in temperatures inside and outside the boiler. If the boiler is superinsulated, the reduction in the difference in temperature will extend the life of the boiler to an extreme. Heat retrieval from the exhaust and scrubbing of the exhaust of the plants will also make these plants much cleaner, and people would enjoy living in housing where heat costs were not a big issue. If the plants are ultimately closed, the villages could probably exist for a while without them by installing a heater for the village that continued to heat the village via these superinsulated pipes. You do not want them to keep killing people with this asbestos; thus it is well-worth putting it to use temporarily in secure location. In the future there will most definitely arise a use for this asbestos, and the cost of retrieving it from the plants and the trenches would be minimal. So it's best to do the good that we can while it may be done. Don't let them mine anymore mountaintops too! You should also be aware that nanotech derbis is now being used to murder people in a myriad of ways. It seems to be a replacement for the hazards of asbestos. Thank you very much for your time. Respectfully yours, Robert Meade PS I think that you can go in and take a power plant with the brick smoke stack, use the bricks to build the village, and leave it like one of those shining new power plants in Europe.
Operation Warm: 9-Year-Old Races Marathons for Underprivileged Children
Do these parents think that kid is still going to be running in high school? What does a Sports Medicine expert know about the physiological effects of running such distances on a nine year old body? If they think that there are any medical... experts worth anything in this country, see: "Orthopedic Knees for a Slightly Higher Fee" .
Went looking for some old articles of mine: Stud Gov Blooming Bush Dem. " ... " " Granada Messiah Tootsie Coprophagic Intell. Report Modus Lawlessness " " Asbestos Fall of Bush Dyn. Morons America Style Chemical Modus BD Dunces "" " Stolen Art. in Comments BD Pits and Snares BD Religion BD Spam BD Death Trip BD Flu FredTalk Stud Gov Blooming Bush Dem. " ... " " Granada Messiah Tootsie Coprophagic Intell. Report Modus Lawlessness " " Asbestos Fall of Bush Dyn. Morons America Style Chemical Modus BD Dunces "" " Stolen Art. in Comments BD Pits and Snares BD Religion BD Spam BD Death Trip BD Flu FredTalk
Korea at War Again?
Korea at War Again? Nah! That's the Media Playing Warmonger.
"When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come." (Mark 13:7).Haven't they heard? "Nation will not take up s...word against nation, nor will they train for war anymore." (Micah 4:3) Plus My Mom says, "Study War No More!":"So He will sprinkle many nations, and kings will shut their mouths because of Him. For what they were not told, they will see, and what they have not heard, they will understand." (Is. 52:15) So you leave a copy of that on the bodies or the graves of the warmongers. Believe it or not, My Baby says, "This is the way; walk in it."(Is. 30:21) Don't that beat all? Fox News said today that North Korea brings the threat of "all-out nuclear war"; plus an asteroid could hit the earth any moment.
"When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come." (Mark 13:7).Haven't they heard? "Nation will not take up s...word against nation, nor will they train for war anymore." (Micah 4:3) Plus My Mom says, "Study War No More!":"So He will sprinkle many nations, and kings will shut their mouths because of Him. For what they were not told, they will see, and what they have not heard, they will understand." (Is. 52:15) So you leave a copy of that on the bodies or the graves of the warmongers. Believe it or not, My Baby says, "This is the way; walk in it."(Is. 30:21) Don't that beat all? Fox News said today that North Korea brings the threat of "all-out nuclear war"; plus an asteroid could hit the earth any moment.
4/5 - Housing Update
Remember the madness of living in Nazi housing that I wrote about?
Well now they are at it again. I have had little if any hot water since October 2012. Here's an excerpt of what I wrote to them:
"Hot water has been sporadic for the past several weeks. It seems like there is only one heater working and the temperature has been turned down. I suspect that the pilot light on one of the heaters blows out when the door is opened, and this happens several times a week. It's probably not legal for the heater to be that close to the door. ..... Housing is supposed to be a 24/7 enterprise. Hope that you can address this matter soon, Sincerely yours, Bobby Meade", The water has been only lukewarm for the past several months, and I have to add 15-20 gallons of boiling water to the bath in order to bring it up to temperature. The building is full of Nazi supporters who will never mention any problems, and they invite alcoholic degenerates that practically live in the basement to shower and waste water on weekends. They bring in dogs that smell like river rats, and they leave p*ss buckets on the basement steps. Don't laugh, but this is the only way to address such matters without being abducted by lawless authorities.
Remember the madness of living in Nazi housing that I wrote about?
Well now they are at it again. I have had little if any hot water since October 2012. Here's an excerpt of what I wrote to them:
"Hot water has been sporadic for the past several weeks. It seems like there is only one heater working and the temperature has been turned down. I suspect that the pilot light on one of the heaters blows out when the door is opened, and this happens several times a week. It's probably not legal for the heater to be that close to the door. ..... Housing is supposed to be a 24/7 enterprise. Hope that you can address this matter soon, Sincerely yours, Bobby Meade", The water has been only lukewarm for the past several months, and I have to add 15-20 gallons of boiling water to the bath in order to bring it up to temperature. The building is full of Nazi supporters who will never mention any problems, and they invite alcoholic degenerates that practically live in the basement to shower and waste water on weekends. They bring in dogs that smell like river rats, and they leave p*ss buckets on the basement steps. Don't laugh, but this is the only way to address such matters without being abducted by lawless authorities.
4/11 - Update on the Update: Are they pretending to be too stupid to live in an apartment? "As I made clear, the bathtub in Apartment 5 needs to be caulked, probably all the way around it, for it seems like it has been moved. Also they have reinstalled the air conditioner that leaked gallons of water into my living room last Memorial Day Weekend. Please have maintenance caulk the tub and ascertain that the air conditioner is properly installed as soon as possible. Thank you very much for your time. Robert Meade
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